2 Ergebnisse
Veröffentlichung Climate-relevant greenhouse gas emissions of inland waters in Germany and estimation of their mitigation potential by restoration measures(German Environment Agency, 2024)According to a UBA study, water bodies can be sources of greenhouse gases and thus contribute to climate change. In our surface waters carbon and nitrogen can be transformed into carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. The type of gas that is produced, results from various biological and chemical decomposition processes of organic material. In heavily anthropogenically modified surface water, conditions are created that favour the release of greenhouse gases. Waters that have been modified by humans therefore emit more greenhouse gases. River restoration and the reconnection of floodplains can help to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of our surface waters.Veröffentlichung Validation and quality assurance of methods for the substance flow analysis for large carbon dioxide loads from CO2 separation in CCS power stations(2015) Hoff, Bernhard; Schmidt, Hans; TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH (Filderstadt); Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Wagner, VanessaThis report describes the specification of a suitable measurement system for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of fluids with a high carbon dioxide content, as is typical for CCS systems. The use of continuous CO2 measurement equipment in industrial plant is possible. The measurement method used works reliably with the established quality assurance measures. Compliance with the highest tier in accordance with the Monitoring and Reporting Regulations is not possible. The uncertainty must be determined individually for the respective measurement equipment and optimised, if applicable. There are no test results for flow meters which can be used with compressed waste gas. By comparison with the measurement methods used for atmospheric measurements, a large error contribution is to be expected due to this. Further investigations and development by equipment manufacturers are required.