3 Ergebnisse
Veröffentlichung Potentiale und Kernergebnisse der Simulationen von Ressourcenschonung(spolitik)(2018) Hirschnitz-Garbers, Martin; Distelkamp, Martin; Koca, Deniz; Ecologic Institut; Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftliche Strukturforschung (Osnabrück); Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Golde, Michael; Lorenz, UllrichIm Projekt SimRess wurden die potentiellen Auswirkungen zukünftiger ressourcenpolitisch relevanter Entwicklungen und Strategien auf wichtige Umwelt- und Wirtschaftsindikatoren getestet. Mittels einer Trendanalyse wurden zunächst Entwicklungen identifiziert, die zukünftig positiv wie negativ Einfluss auf die Nutzung natürlich Ressourcen in Deutschland und global nehmen könnten. Diese Entwicklungen wurden dann in unterschiedliche Szenarien eingebettet, die als Rahmen für die Simulation potentieller Auswirkungen im ökonometrischen Modell GINFORS3 und im systemdynamischen Modell WORLD6 sowie in einem soft-link beider Modelle dienten.Veröffentlichung System analysis for environmental policy - System thinking through system dynamic modelling and policy mixing as used in the SimRess project(2018) Hirschnitz-Garbers, Martin; Koca, Deniz; Sverdrup, Harald Ulrik; Ecologic Institut; Lunds Universitet; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Lorenz, UllrichSystems analysis could be an essential approach to shape resource efficiency policy in a sustainable long term perspective. Various actors and stakeholders with partly opposing interests form part of a highly interconnected system. The integration of causal chains, feedback loops and delays within the system are therefore central to identify the right leverage point for resource efficiency policy. In the SimRess project a participatory approach helped designing the simulation model. The present report documents and summarizes the various results of the workshops and the systems analysis.Veröffentlichung The WORLD Model Development and The Integrated Assessment of the Global Natural Resources Supply(2018) Sverdrup, Harald Ulrik; Koca, Deniz; Icelandic System Dynamics Centre (Reykjavik); Centre for Environmental and Climate Research (Lund); Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Lorenz, UllrichThe report describes the WORLD6-Model which was adapted in the SimRess project. WORLD6 model is developed to simulate potential future supply and scarcity of a numberof natural resources. The main objective of this report is to outline the overall structure of the WORLD6 model and provide a detailed description of the “resources” module implemented in the model. In the WORLD6 model, resources are clustered under METALS, MATERIALS and ENERGY sub-modules. For each of the modelled resources, model simulation results were presented and an associated integrated assessment was provided under separate sections of this report. In general, the WORLD6 model simulation results suggests that most of the supply peaks for metals, materials and fossil fuels will occure around the middle of this century. This will lead to some of the most serious industrial, political and social challenges of our times and will require careful preparation and research in order not to disrupt the functioning of society. Substantially better degree of recycling offers a long term sustainable and secure supply of most resources.