6 Ergebnisse
Veröffentlichung 德国环境管理体系概览(Umweltbundesamt, 2019)为向国际读者简明介绍德国的环境管理体系,德国联邦环境署编制了本概览手册。手册由五个章节组成。第一章为引言,第二章介绍了德国环保关注的多个领域,第三章介绍了德国环境管理部门为实现其环境保护目标而采用的一系列工具。第四章阐述了德意志联邦共和国的行政结构,重点阐明了联邦、各州和地方政府在环境保护领域的分工与合作。最后,第五章举例介绍了德国环境保护管理的重要流程和工具。Veröffentlichung Adapting to Climate Change(2019) Ebert, Sebastian; Lange, Andrej; Mach, Maria von; Mach, Maria von ; Vetter, Andreas; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt. Fachgebiet I.1.6 - Kompass - Klimafolgen und Anpassung in Deutschland; Lange, BeatriceThis brochure presents good examples of participation practice when adapting to climate change in the Alpine region. Above all, it is aimed at interested stakeholders from administrative and from civic organisations, particularly on a local and regional level. The examples should inspire the design and implementation of participation formats and give hints for their successful implementation. The publication is a result of the project “GoApply – Multidimensional Governance of Climate Change Adaptation in Policy Making and Practice”, which is funded by the EU Alpine Space Programme.Veröffentlichung Adaptation aux effets du changement climatique(2019) Ebert, Sebastian; Lange, Andrej; Mach, Maria von; Mach, Maria von ; Vetter, Andreas; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt. Fachgebiet I.1.6 - Kompass - Klimafolgen und Anpassung in Deutschland; Lange, BeatriceCette brochure présente des exemples de bonnes pratiques participatives visant l’adaptation aux effets du changement climatique dans les Alpes. Elle s’adresse notamment aux acteurs du secteur public et des organisations de la société civile, en particulier aux échelles locale et régionale. Les exemples sont des sources d’inspiration pour faciliter la mise en place de solutions participatives de manière efficace. La publication présente les résultats du projet « GoApply – Multidimensional Governance of Climate Change Adaptation in Policy Making and Practice » subventionné dans le cadre du programme Espace Alpin de l’Union européenne.Veröffentlichung Adattamento al cambiamento climatico(2019) Ebert, Sebastian; Lange, Andrej; Mach, Maria von; Mach, Maria von ; Vetter, Andreas; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt. Fachgebiet I.1.6 - Kompass - Klimafolgen und Anpassung in Deutschland; Lange, BeatriceQuesta brochure presenta buoni esempi di pratiche di partecipazione nell'adattamento al cambiamento climatico nello Spazio Alpino. Essa si rivolge soprattutto a portatori di interesse provenienti dall’amministrazione e da organizzazioni della società civile, in particolare a livello locale e regionale. Gli esempi possono essere fonte di ispirazione per il concepimento e l’attuazione di forme di partecipazione e suggerire indicazioni per la loro buona riuscita.La pubblicazione presenta i risultati del progetto “GoApply – Multidimensional Governance of Climate Change Adaptation in Policy Making and Practice” (GoApply – Governance multidimensionale dell'adattamento al cambiamento climatico nell’attività politica e nella pratica), promosso dal Programma europeo Spazio Alpino.Veröffentlichung Prilagajanje podnebnim spremembam: Dobre prakse s področja sodelovanja v Alpskem prostoru(2019) Ebert, Sebastian; Lange, Andrej; Mach, Maria von; Mach, Maria von ; Vetter, Andreas; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt. Fachgebiet I.1.6 - Kompass - Klimafolgen und Anpassung in Deutschland; Lange, BeatriceTa brošura predstavlja primere dobrih praks sodelovanja pri prilagajanju podnebnim spremembam v Alpskem prostoru. Namenjena je predvsem zainteresiranim akterjem iz javne uprave in organizacijam civilne družbe, zlasti na lokalni in regionalni ravni. Primeri naj bi navdihnili zasnovo in izvajanje različnih oblik sodelovanja in ponudili namige za uspešno izvajanje. V publikaciji so predstavljeni rezultati projekta „GoApply – Multidimensional Governance of Climate Change Adaptation in Policy Making and Practice“, ki ga podpira EU program Območje Alp.Veröffentlichung A guide to environmental administration in Germany(Umweltbundesamt, 2019) Salzborn, Nadja; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Grohs, Stefan; Ullrich, NicolasThe German Environment Agency has developed a guide in English to provide a concise introduction to the German environmental administration for an international readership. The guide is divided into five sections: After the introduction in Section 1, Section 2 introduces the wide range of subjects related to environmental protection in Germany. This is followed by Section 3, which describes the array of instruments the German environmental administration uses in pursuing its goals. The administrative structure in the Federal Republic of Germany, especially the division of tasks between the federal level, the level of the (Bundes-)Länder (federal states) and the local-level are explained in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 provides examples of important procedures and instruments in administrative environmental protection. Quelle: