7 Ergebnisse
Veröffentlichung Not only biocidal products: Washing and cleaning agents and personal care(2018) Olsson, Oliver; Kümmerer, Klaus; Wieck, StefanieThe emission sources of biocidal active substances in households have been under discussion since these substances have been detected frequently in municipal wastewater and receiving surface water bodies. Therefore, the goal of this study was to investigate the products responsible for the emission of these substances to wastewater. We analysed the wastewater of two streets for a set of biocidal active substances. Time-proportional sampling was conducted for one week of each season during one year in each street. The 14 substances analysed with liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry were 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one (BIT), C12-benzalkonium chloride, carbendazim, 5-chloro-2-methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one (CMIT), dichlorooctylisothiazolinone (DCOIT), N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET), diuron, icaridine, 2-octyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one (OIT), piperonyl butoxide (PBO), triclosan, tebuconazole, terbutryn and tetramethrin. Using data available from household product inventories of the two streets, we searched the lists of ingredients for the products possibly being responsible for the emissions. Except for four substances, all substances have been detected in at least 10% of the samples. Highest concentrations were measured for C12-benzalkonium chloride with an average concentration in the daily samples of 7.7ng/L in one of the streets. Next to C12-benzalkonium chloride, BIT, DEET and icaridine were detected in all samples in average concentrations above 1ng/L in at least one street. The results show that washing and cleaning agents were important sources for preservatives such as BIT and OIT, while triclosan was apparently mainly emitted through personal care products. The mosquito repelling substances DEET and icaridine were found throughout the year, with highest emissions in summer and autumn. In conclusion, the results demonstrate that the sources of biocidal active substances in municipal wastewater are complex and that measures for the prevention of the emission of biocidal active substances into the aquatic environment have to be carried out under different legislations. This has to be taken into account discussing emission reduction at the source.Veröffentlichung Development of a test method for transformation of veterinary pharmaceuticals and biocides in anaerobic liquid manure(2020) Junker, Thomas; Atorf, Cornelia; Berkner, Silvia; Konradi, SabineBackground Spreading of manure on agricultural soils represents an important pathway by which veterinary medicinal and biocidal products enter the environment. To assess their environmental impact in the context of authorization processes, experimental testing of transformation of these compounds in manure is considered in regulatory guidance documents. However, there is no standardized experimental test method available so far. To fill this gap, an experimental test method was developed to examine transformation in liquid cattle and pig manure. Results To account for manure specifics and for a possible influence of manure parameters on transformation rates, a comprehensive data acquisition and statistical analysis were performed. To address the variability of liquid manure of different type and origin, 30 manures were sampled and characterized. Thereof, three cattle and three pig manures were selected to perform anaerobic transformation studies with two radiolabeled veterinary medicinal active substances (14C-salicylic acid and 14C-paracetamol) and a confidential radiolabeled "14C-biocide B" serving as test compounds. Spatial and seasonal variability of manure parameters was quantified, and a sampling technique to obtain homogenous manure samples was developed. Transformation studies with six replicates per sampling point were conducted to examine the influence of test setup, of manure storage conditions, and of parameter variations between manure of the same species and of different species on half-lives, formation of extractable and non-extractable residues and mineralization rates. Finally, a test design was established that yields reproducible results for transformation studies in liquid cattle and pig manure under anaerobic conditions. Conclusions Results give a reliable basis for an experimental test method to perform anaerobic transformation studies in liquid cattle and pig manure. The developed test method comprises detailed guidance on selection of sampling date and site, collection from manure tank, storage duration and temperature in the laboratory, duration of manure acclimation period, and the incubation system design. It proved to give reproducible results in a validation ring test performed in a follow-up project and is planned to be submitted as draft test guideline for approval by the OECD. © The Author(s) 2020.Veröffentlichung Rattenbekämpfung im Kanal(2020) Regnery, Julia; Friesen, Anton; Krüger, GabrieleFast 80 % der 322 Kommunen, die an einer bundesweiten Umfrage teilgenommen haben, führten im Jahr 2017 eine Rattenbekämpfung in der Kanalisation durch. Dazu wurden überwiegend Formköder mit Antikoagulanzien der zweiten Generation am Draht in den Kanalschacht gehängt. Die Bekämpfung erfolgte häufig nach Meldung eines Rattenbefalls aus der Bevölkerung, aufgrund von Eigenüberwachung oder präventiv in (halb)jährlichem Turnus. Lediglich 31,4 % der Ratten bekämpfenden Kommunen führten eine vorherige Befallserhebung durch. Insgesamt wurden bei den teilnehmenden Kommunen 44 t Köder bzw. 5,4 kg Wirkstoff im Jahr 2017 zur Kanalbeköderung eingesetzt. Hochgerechnet auf das gesamte Bundesgebiet ergibt das somit rund 225 t Köder bzw. 32 kg Wirkstoff. Verglichen mit Daten aus einer Umfrage von 2008 reduzierten sich die Einsatzmengen deutlich. Dies wird auf die im Jahr 2012 erstmals rechtsverbindlich festgelegten Anwendungsbestimmungen und Risikominderungsmaßnahmen für antikoagulante Rodentizide zurückgeführt. Quelle: Regnery, Julia et al.: Rattenbekämpfung im Kanal : Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Umfrage zur kommunalen Rattenbekämpfung in der Kanalisation im Jahr 2017 / Julia Regnery [und zwei weitere]. - Seiten 358-366. In: Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall : KA ; Organ der DWA. - 67 (2020), Heft 5, S. 358Veröffentlichung Pentachlorophenol and nine other chlorophenols in urine of children and adolescents in Germany - Human biomonitoring results of the German Environmental Survey 2014-2017 (GerES V)(2021) Apel, Petra; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Schmidt, Lukas; Murawski, Aline; Rucic, Enrico; Schmied-Tobies, Maria Irene Hilde; Schwedler, GerdaChlorophenols comprise of a large group of chemicals used inter alia for the production of biocides, pharmaceuticals, other industrial products and are used e.g. as antiseptics or wood preservatives due to their biocidal properties. Several of them are classified as toxic to aquatic life and harmful to humans by ingestion, inhalation, or dermal contact, causing skin and eye irritation. Moreover, chlorophenols are possibly carcinogenic to humans. The most prominent chlorophenol - pentachlorophenol - is carcinogenic to humans, was banned in Germany in 1989 and further regulated by the European Commission in 2006 and included in the Stockholm Convention in 2017. Some chlorophenols are persistent in the environment and are also biodegradation products of precursor substances. To evaluate the health-relevance of recent exposure and monitor the effectiveness of regulatory measures, chlorophenols were analysed in the population-representative German Environmental Survey on Children and Adolescents 2014-2017 (GerES V). First-morning void urine samples of 485 3-17-year-old children and adolescents were analysed for ten chlorophenols. Pentachlorophenol was still quantified in 87% of the children and adolescents with a geometric mean (GM) concentration of 0.19 (my)g/L (0.16 (my)g/gcrea) and a maximum concentration of 6.7 (my)g/L (5.4 (my)g/gcrea). The maximum concentration was well below the health-based guidance value HBM-I of 25 (my)g/L (20 (my)g/gcrea). 4-Monochlorophenol was quantified in all samples with a GM concentration of 1.38 (my)g/L (1.14 (my)g/gcrea). 2-Monochlorophenol, 2,4-dichlorophenol, and 2,5-dichlorophenol were quantified in 97%, 98%, and 95% of the samples, with GMs of 0.26 (my)g/L (0.21 (my)g/gcrea), 0.24 (my)g/L (0.20 (my)g/gcrea), and 0.26 (my)g/L (0.21 (my)g/gcrea). 2,6-dichlorophenol, 2,3,4-trichlorophenol, and 2,4,5-trichlorophenol were quantified in 17-25% of the samples with GMs below the limit of quantification (LOQ) of 0.1 (my)g/L 2,4,6-trichlorophenol was quantified in 72% of the samples (GM: 0.13 (my)g/L, 0.11 (my)g/gcrea), 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol in 44% of the samples (GM < LOQ). Comparison to previous cycles of GerES revealed substantially lower exposure to most of the chlorophenols in GerES V. Exposure levels found in Germany were comparatively low in contrast to North American results. © 2021 Published by Elsevier Inc.Veröffentlichung Schadstoffe aus kommunalen Kläranlagen(2021) Fuchs, Stephan; Toshovski, Snezhina; Meier, Christiane; Sacher, Frank; Pohl, Korinna; Ullrich, AntjeÜber das kommunale Abwassersystem wird eine Vielzahl von Stoffen in die Gewässer eingetragen. In einem von den Bundesländern und dem Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit finanzierten und koordiniert durchgeführten Untersuchungsprogramm wurden 49 Kläranlagen und ausgewählte Regenwasserbehandlungsanlagen auf prioritäre Stoffe und Biozid-Wirkstoffe untersucht. Ziel war die Schaffung einer validen Datenbasis zur Beurteilung der Relevanz urbaner Abwasserflüsse als Eintragspfade für Schadstoffe in die Gewässer. Die insgesamt 77 Stoffe waren unterschiedlich häufig im Ablauf der Kläranlagen und Regenwasserbehandlungsanlagen zu finden. Für 30 Stoffe konnten mittlere Ablaufkonzentrationen bestimmt und deutschlandweit anwendbare Emissionsfaktoren zur Quantifizierung der Stoffeinträge aus kommunalen Kläranlagen in die Gewässer abgeleitet werden. Quelle: In: Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall : KA ; Organ der DWA. - 68 (2021), Heft 5, Seite 357Veröffentlichung Das Erfurter Modell: giftfreies Rattenmanagement in der Kanalisation(2022) Behrendt, Hans-Jörg; Friesen, Anton; Sackmann, KathrinDie Rattenbekämpfung in der Kanalisation ist für viele öffentliche und private Kanalnetzbetriebe zu einem Dilemma geworden. Einerseits sorgen die Betriebe bei der Abwasserreinigung dafür, dass Schadstoffe aus dem Wasserkreislauf entfernt werden. Andererseits sind sie in der Regel dazu verpflichtet, Ratten als Gesundheitsschädlinge in der Kanalisation zu kontrollieren. Dazu werden dann für die Umwelt hochproblematische Wirkstoffe in Form von Rattengift in die Kanalisation vom betriebseigenen Personal oder von beauftragten Schädlingsbekämpfungsunternehmen eingebracht. Spätestens seit dem Bekanntwerden der damit verbundenen Umweltrisiken und der Festlegung verbindlicher Vorgaben für die sichere Ausbringung von Ködern hat vielerorts eine rege Diskussion eingesetzt, wie man Ratten wirksam und rechtskonform in der Kanalisation bekämpft, ohne dabei die Gewässer zu belasten. Dass das Rattenmanagement auch ohne den Einsatz von Rodentiziden in der Kanalisation nachhaltig gelingen kann, zeigt das Vorgehen der Stadtentwässerung Erfurt. Im Zentrum steht dabei der Verschluss ungenutzter Anschlussstellen mithilfe von Robotertechnik sowie die Erkenntnis, dass die Kanalbeköderung ohne die Kanalsanierung einen größeren negativen Effekt auf die Umwelt als auf die bestehende Wanderrattenpopulation hat. Quelle: AufsatzVeröffentlichung Evaluation of the DBP formation potential of biocides and identification of knowledge gaps in environmental risk assessment(2023) Usman, Muhammad; Hüben, Michael; Hahn, Stefan; Kehrer-Berger, Anja; Wieck, StefanieDisinfectants and preservatives used as biocides may contain or release active substances (a.s.) that can form by-products with the surrounding matrices during their application which may be released into the environment. Over the past 40 years, several hundred of these so-called disinfection by-products (DBPs) have been detected after applications of biocides used for disinfection. Due to intensive research and further development of analytical capabilities, many new DBP classes, such as iodinated DBPs (I-DBPs), halonitromethanes (HNMs), haloacetamides (HaAms), or halomethanesulfonic acids were detected worldwide in various matrices and applications. Due to the possible hazards and risks for humans and the environment, frequently occurring DBP classes, such as trihalomethanes (THM), haloacetic acids (HAA) and nitrosamines (NDMA), have already been included in many legislations and given limit values. In the European Union, biocides are assessed under the Biocidal Products Regulation 528/2012 (BPR) regarding their efficacy, potential hazards, and risks to human health and the environment. However, the available guidance for the environmental risk assessment (ERA) of DBPs remains vague. To identify knowledge gaps and to further develop the assessment scheme for the ERA of DBPs, a literature search on the multiple uses of biocides and their formation potential of DBPs was performed and the existing process for ERA was evaluated. The results show knowledge gaps on the formation of DBP in non-aqueous systems and DBP formation by non-halogen-based biocidal active substances. Based on the literature research on biocides, a possible proposal of grouping a.s. to consider their DBP formation potential is presented to simplify future ERAs. However, this also requires further research. Until then, a pragmatic approach considering the DBPs formation potential of the active substances and the identified knowledge gaps need to be established for the environmental risk assessment of DBPs in the EU. © The Author(s) 2023