Veröffentlichung Phylogeography of the invasive cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii(2003) Neilan, B. A.; Saker, Martin L.; Fastner, J.; Törökné, A.; Burns, P. B.Veröffentlichung Umweltbelastungen von Kindern in Deutschland(2007) UmweltbundesamtVeröffentlichung Veröffentlichung Veröffentlichung Use of sex ratio of bream (Abramis brama L.) as an indicator of endocrine effects: Results from the German Environmental Specimen Bank(2011)In field monitoring, sex ratio as an endpoint of possible endocrine effects at population level can only be recorded as the deviation from the natural sex ratio. Unfortunately, data on natural sex ratios of many species cannot be used to control for such effects. This also applies to bream (Abramis bramaL.), an important fish species in passive biomonitoring. Here we show that in natural bream populations the sex ratio decreases with increasing age. Age class specific correction coefficients were derived to eliminate age-dependency of the sex ratio.
Quelle:öffentlichung Richtwerte für Naphthalin und Naphthalin-ähnliche Verbindungen in der Innenraumluft(2013) Ad-hoc-Arbeitsgruppe Innenraumrichtwerte der Kommission InnenraumlufthygieneVeröffentlichung Veränderungsfähigkeit lernen: Initiative für eine Schule zur Kunst des Wandels(2013) Heinecke, Hans Jürgen; Kristof, Kora; Pfriem, ReinhardRessourcenleicht, immissionsneutral und gerecht - das sind die Ziele der anstehenden großen Veränderungen,wenn wir die Belastungsgrenzen des Systems Erde, das Wohlergehen aller Menschen und die Idee einer globalen undgenerationenübergreifen den Gerechtigkeit ernst nehmen.
Wir wissen viel darüber, was sich ändern soll.Allein, die Veränderun gen in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit
kommen nicht schnell genug voran. Deswegen müssenwir uns intensiver mit den Wegen für einen
erfolgreichen Wandel beschäftigen. Quelle: GAIA 22/1 (2013): 34-38Veröffentlichung Exposure-response curves of the association between transportation noise and cardiovascular diseases(2013) Babisch, WolfgangVeröffentlichung Crustacean biodiversity as an important factor for mosquito larval control(2013) Kroeger, Iris; Duquesne, Sabine; Liess, MatthiasNewly established ponds, which are highly dynamic systems with changing levels of biological interactions among species, are common larval mosquito habitats. We investigated the impact of crustacean abundance and taxa diversity on mosquito oviposition and larval development. The effects of the biological larvicide Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) on mosquito larvae were monitored according to fluctuations in crustacean communities. Populations of the mosquito Culex pipiens colonized artificial ponds that contained crustacean communities at different time points of colonization by crustaceans: 1) ´no colonization (no crustaceans), 2) ´simultaneous colonization by crustaceans and mosquitoes, and 3) ´head-start colonization by crustaceans (preceding colonization by mosquitoes). All types of ponds were treated with three concentrations of Bti (10, 100, or 1,000 Ţg/liter). Colonization of all ponds by Cx. pipiens (in terms of oviposition, larval abundance, and larval development) decreased significantly with increasing diversity of crustacean taxa. The total abundance of crustaceans had a minor effect on colonization by Cx. pipiens. The presence of crustaceans increased the sensitivity of Cx. pipiens larvae to Bti treatment by a factor of 10 and delayed the time of recolonization. This effect of Bti was relevant in the short term. In the long term, the presence of Cx. pipiens was determined by crustacean biodiversity.Quelle: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.comVeröffentlichung Richtwerte für Acetaldehyd in der Innenraumluft(2013) Ad-hoc-Arbeitsgruppe Innenraumrichtwerte der Kommission InnenraumlufthygieneZum Schutz der Gesundheit der Bevölkerung setzt die Ad-hoc-Arbeitsgruppe Innenraumrichtwerte der Kommission Innenraumlufthygiene und der Obersten Landesgesundheitsbehörden Richtwerte für die Innenraumluft fest. Für eine gesundheitliche Bewertung von Acetaldehyd in der Luft liegen keine hinreichend aussagekräftigen Humanstudien vor. In einer gut dokumentierten und als zuverlässig eingestuften subchronischen Inhalationsstudie an Ratten wurden lokale Reizeffekte in den nasalen Epithelien beobachtet, insbesondere im olfaktorischen Epithel mit einem Verlust olfaktorischer Neurone. Aus dieser Studie ergibt sich eine LOAEC für kontinuierliche Exposition von 48 mg Acetaldehyd/m3 für den Endpunkt nasale Epithelschädigung. Mit einem Extrapolationsfaktor von 1 für Interspeziesunterschiede, von 10 für interindividuelle Variabilität sowie einem Faktor von 2 zur Berücksichtigung der im Vergleich mit Erwachsenen höheren Atemrate von Kindern ergibt sich ein Richtwert II (Gefahrenrichtwert) von 1 mg/m3 Acetaldehyd/m3 und ein Richtwert I (Vorsorgerichtwert) von 0,1 mg Acetaldehyd/m3 Raumluft.
Quelle:öffentlichung Treibhausgasneutraler Verkehr im Jahr 2050(2013) Adlunger, Kirsten; Lange, Martin; Schmied, MartinVeröffentlichung Den großen Dampfern voraus(2013) Eick, MartinaVeröffentlichung Exposure to road traffic noise and children's behavioural problems and sleep disturbance: Results from the GINIplus and LISAplus studies(2013) Tiesler, Carla M. T.; Birk, Matthias; Thiering, Elisabeth; Kohlböck, Gabriele; Koletzko, Sibylle; Bauer, Carl-Peter; Berdel, Dietrich; Berg, Andrea von; Babisch, Wolfgang; Heinrich, JoachimBackground
Exposure to transportation noise showed negative health effects in children and adults. Studies in children mainly focussed on aircraft noise at school.Objectives
We aimed to investigate road traffic noise exposure at home and children's behavioural problems and sleeping problems.Methods
872 10-year-old children from Munich from two German population-based, birth-cohort studies with data on modelled façade noise levels at home and behavioural problems were included. Noise was assessed by the day-evening-night noise indicator Lden and the night noise indicator Lnight. Behavioural problems were assessed by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). A subgroup (N=287) had information on sleeping problems. Continuation ratio models (logistic regression models) adjusted for various covariates were applied to investigate the association between interquartile range increases in noise and SDQ scales (sleeping problems).
Noise measured by Lden at the most exposed façade of the building was related to more hyperactivity/inattention (continuation odds ratio (cOR)=1.28(95%-confidence interval(CI):1.03-1.58). Noise at the least exposed façade increased the relative odds for having borderline or abnormal values on the emotional symptoms scale, especially the relative odds to have abnormal values for a subject with at least borderline values (Lden:cOR=2.19(95% CI:1.32-3.64). Results for Lnight were similar. Nocturnal noise at the least exposed façade was associated with any sleeping problems (odds ratio (OR)=1.79(95% CI=1.10-2.92)).Conclusions
Road traffic noise exposure at home may be related to increased hyperactivity and more emotional symptoms in children. Future longitudinal studies are required to explore noise exposure and behavioural problems in more detail, especially the role of sleep disturbances.
Quelle:öffentlichung Microcystin production revisited: conjugate formation makes a major contribution(2013) Meissner, Sven; Fastner, Jutta; Dittmann, ElkeThe impact of environmental stimuli on the productionof the widespread cyanobacterial hepatotoxinmicrocystin (MC) is under debate. Whereas transcriptionalstudies of the biosynthetic genes suggest aclear influence of light conditions on toxin productionthe data for the metabolite itself are inconsistent andhighly strain-specific. Here, we have reassessed theMC content by using two immunological detectiontechniques that allow a parallel quantification of MCin the methanolic extracts and the residual pellet fractionthat contains high molecular weight proteins. Ourresults show a significant proportion of MC in theprotein bound fraction in strains of Microcystis andPlanktothrix and of the related toxin nodularin (NOD)in Nodularia. Moreover, we could show a very strongincrease of MC after high light illumination in theprotein fraction contributing to a significant overallincrease in MC production under these conditionsthat is not seen in extracts analysed by LC-MS andELISA. The fact that a considerable portion of MC isneglected with current analysis techniques was alsoconfirmed for selected field samples. Immunofluorescencestudies suggest strain-specific differences inthe amount of MC conjugate formation.Quelle: Environmental Microbiology (2013) 15(6), 1810-1820Veröffentlichung Urban noise protection(2013) Jäcker-Cüppers, MichaelNoise belongs to the severest environmental impairments in towns, with road traffic being the most annoying noise source. The reduction of these impairments and the precaution against new noise impacts is an important task of the communities. However, many of the potential abatement measures are not in the responsibility of the communities. In most European countries, noise emission regulations for road and rail vehicles and outdoor machinery are nowadays enforced by the European Union. Noise reception limits are generally enforced by national laws. Therefore, efficient noise abatement in towns has to be coordinated with the regional, national and supranational, i.e. European noise policy. The most important fields of action for the urban noise abatement are the roads, railways and airports with heavy traffic. For the avoidance of health risks due to noise here short-term reductions are needed, which can generally be achieved only by a combination of measures for which different stakeholders are responsible. This underlines the importance of integrated and coordinated noise abatement concepts. Quelle: