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Experimental Design for Efficacy Testing of Baits Against Monomorium pharaonis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)



Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Pests
(2014), Seite 239-245



Forschungskennzahl (FKZ)

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KRÜGER, Anne, Jutta KLASEN und Erik SCHMOLZ, 2014. Experimental Design for Efficacy Testing of Baits Against Monomorium pharaonis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Pests [online]. Verfügbar unter: https://openumwelt.de/handle/123456789/8320
Zusammenfassung englisch
In the European Union, baits against pharaoh ants (Monomorium pharaonis) have to be authorized asbiocidal products. The dossier to be submitted for authorization of the product has to include a proof of productefficacy. No consistent test standards have been established by the European Commission. A test method forefficacy testing of baits against Pharaoh ants was published by the Federal Environment Agency Germany in1998 and is in use for efficacy tests according to the German Infectious Diseases Protection Act. The test systemis a test arena of interconnected test boxes (each 25 cm x 25 cm). In our study, this test system was comparedwith a dish (diameter 23 cm) as test arena. Test duration was 50 days for both arena types (boxes and dish) forchoice and 20 days for no-choice tests. The results for choice tests revealed that in the box system more colonieswere eradicated (boxes: 75%, dishes: 0%) within 50 d, and more queens died (average number of survivingqueens was 0.5 in boxes and 29.7 in dishes).
Quelle: Krüger, Anne; Klasen, Jutta Schmolz, Erik: Experimental Design for Efficacy Testing of Baits Against Monomorium pharaonis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) / Anne Krüger ; Jutta Klasen ; Erik Schmolz. - graph. Darst. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Pests / Gabi Mueller [Ed.] ; Reiner Pospischil [Ed.] ; William H. Robinson [Ed.]. - Zürich. - (2014), S. 239