




Widening the European Green Deal's perspective towards a sustainable Europe

aiming higher - with the right levers of change



Nachhaltigkeit, Grüne Wirtschaft, Umweltpolitik, European Green Deal, sustainability, SDGs, Green Economy, environmental policy

Forschungskennzahl (FKZ)

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NESSHÖVER, Carsten, Claus Gerhard BANNICK, Barbara BECKERT, Ulrich CLAUSSEN, Ulrike DOYLE, Frauke ECKERMANN, Tobias FRISCHE, Clemens HASSE, Jens GÜNTHER, Beate HOLLWEG, Burkhard HUCKESTEIN, Timmo JANITZEK, Claudia KABEL, Almut JERING, Hermann KESSLER, Anne KLATT, Guido KNOCHE, Lea KÖDER, Matthias KOLLER, Bernd KRAUSE, Margarethe KREUSER, Alexandra LINDENTHAL, Christian LÖWE, Christopher MANSTEIN, Astrid MATTHEY, Doris MEURER, Volker MOHAUPT, Tina MUTERT, Nathan OBERMAIER, Silvia PIEPER, Sebastian PLICKERT, Jörg RECHENBERG, Almut REICHART, Ines RÖNNEFAHRT, Christoph SCHULTE, Christian SCHWEITZER, Laura SPENGLER, Hans-Christian STOLZENBERG, Michael SUHR, Christoph TÖPFER und Herwig UNNERSTALL, 2021. Widening the European Green Deal’s perspective towards a sustainable Europe [online]. Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt. Texte, 20/2021. Verfügbar unter: https://openumwelt.de/handle/123456789/3707
Zusammenfassung englisch
The European Green Deal, published by the European Commission in 2019, represents a new and ambitious approach to put environment and sustainability at the heart of European policy. Its ambitions are high, yet the planned measures might not be sufficient to actually meet them. The report analyzes the European Green Deal from the perspective of the German Environment Agency and places it in the context of the global challenge of achieving the United Nations' sustainable development goals. In addition to necessary measures in the thematic fields of the European Green Deal, the report also addresses the structural adjustments needed as key levers to achieve the desired goals. The report concludes that the European Green Deal is an important step forward, but that further efforts beyond those described there are still needed in order to achieve a sustainable Europe. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.de