Veröffentlichung Alignment of the EU ETS 1 with the new EU climate target for 2030 and reform of the Market Stability Reserve (MSR 1)(Umweltbundesamt, 2023) Hermann, Hauke; Cludius, Johanna; Graichen, Jakob; Öko-Institut; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtWith the "Fit for 55" package, the EU's energy and climate policy instruments were aligned with the new climate target for 2030 (to reduce emissions by 55 % compared to 1990). One main feature of the Fit for 55 package is the strengthening of the European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). This factsheet outlines the key aspects for the existing European Emissions Trading System for stationary installations and aviation (EU ETS 1), which will be extended to include maritime transport from 2024. In addition, changes to the associated Market Stability Reserve (MSR 1) are presented. A separate factsheet has been prepared on the creation of a new emissions trading system, in particular for buildings and road transport (EU ETS 2). Quelle: umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Carbon border adjustment in the EU (CBAM): relevance of foreign trade and CO2 - costs(Umweltbundesamt, 2022) Graichen, Verena; Healy, Sean; Öko-Institut; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Gibis, Claudia; Gagelmann, FrankThis analysis is intended to contribute to classifying the effects of the introduction of the CBAM on the affected industrial sectors in Germany in relation to exports. It analyses the export intensity and the costs for the purchase of certificates compared to the average value of exports of the respective product group. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Corporate environmental reporting(German Environment Agency, 2024)The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) will require large companies to create transparency about their environmental and social impacts, including those in the supply chain. New laws on corporate supply chain due diligence, such as the German Supply Chain Act (LkSG) or the planned European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), oblige companies to address environmental damage and human rights violations in their supply chains and report on the outcome. In the context of the current debate on easing reporting burdens for companies, this factsheet examines the compatibility of the environmental reporting requirements from the CSRD with those of selected due diligence laws to identify synergies and gaps.Veröffentlichung Effective and socially acceptable design of CO2 pricing in the building and transport sectors(German Environment Agency, 2023)Ambitious CO2 pricing via emissions trading is a key lever for achieving the statutory climate targets in the building and transport sectors. This makes climate protection measures economical, ensures target achievement through a binding upper limit on emissions and helps to keep the economic costs of climate protection low. However, it must be ensured that no social hardship arises. This study by the German Environment Agency (UBA) shows how this is possible. In essence, the UBA proposes redistributing the income from national emissions trading to the citizens via a climate bonus and supplementary support programs for vulnerable households.Veröffentlichung EU 2050 strategic vision "A Clean Planet for All"(2018) Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtThe Paris Agreement invites parties to provide their low carbon development strategies by 2020 in order to disclose their plans to support the implementation of the Agreement. The European Commission (EC) published a set of documents presenting its analysis of options for long-term climate policy in the European Union. This factsheet has been worked out for the German Environment Agency within a research project on the Commission’s communication on the new EU long-term climate strategy.Veröffentlichung Extension of the EU ETS to maritime transport(Umweltbundesamt, 2023) Wissner, Nora; Cames, Martin; Öko-Institut; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtThis fact sheet gathers an overview of key aspects with regards to the extension of the EU ETS 1 to maritime transport and herewith related interactions with other EU, international and national policies concerning the shipping sector. An outlook with a view to evaluating and futher developing the system is also provided. The maritime EU ETS covers carbon dioxide emissions from 2024 onwards and from 2026 onwards also methane and nitrous oxide emissions. Methane and nitrous oxide emissions will already be included in the EU MRV from 2024 onwards in addition to carbon dioxide emissions. Quelle: umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Factsheet: Digitalisation and natural resources(German Environment Agency, 2024)The ‘DigitalRessourcen’ research project analysed the resource intensity and greenhouse gas emissions of the digital transformation in Germany at both micro and macro level. The resource intensity of digital applications was calculated in ten case studies (micro level) using LCA methodology. At the macro level, the raw material consumption (RMC), the raw material input (RMI) and the carbon footprint of digitalisation in Germany were calculated for the ICT sector for the years 2000-2020 and seven scenarios were modelled for the years 2020-2050.Veröffentlichung Factsheet: Digitalisierung und natürliche Ressourcen(Umweltbundesamt, 2024)Das Forschungsprojekt „DigitalRessourcen“ hat die Ressourcenintensität und die Treibhausgasemissionen der digitalen Transformation in Deutschland sowohl auf Mikro- als auch auf Makroebene analysiert. In zehn Fallstudien (Mikroebene) wurde die Ressourcenintensität digitaler Anwendungen nach der Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Methodik berechnet. Auf Makroebene wurden für die IKT-Branche der Rohstoffkonsum RMC (raw material consumption), der Rohstoffeinsatz RMI (raw material input) und der CO2-Fußabdruck der Digitalisierung in Deutschland für die Jahre 2000-2020 berechnet sowie sieben Szenarien für die Jahre 2020-2050 modelliert.Veröffentlichung Factsheet: Modellierungsmethoden zur Bewertung komplexer und sozialer Wirkungen von Politikinstrumenten(Umweltbundesamt, 2024)Das Factsheet stammt aus der Forschung im Rahmen des Vorhabens „Machbarkeitsstudie: Modellierung von Anpassungsmaßnahmen: Akteure, Entscheidungen und Wirksamkeit“, bietet einen Einstieg in das Thema Systemmodellierungen für die Politikberatung und fasst die wichtigsten Projektergebnisse zusammen (was sind komplexe soziale Systeme und wieso sind Systemmodellierungen hilfreich? Welche Ansätze sind für welche Fragestellungen geeignet? Wie erfolgt die Entstehung eines Systemmodells? Wie können Modellierungsmethoden Entscheidungsprozesse unterstützen?).Die Haupterkenntnisse und Informationen werden in Form eines Entscheidungsbaums zur Auswahl geeigneter Systemmodellierungsmethoden grafisch zusammengeführt.Veröffentlichung Factsheet: Modelling methods for assessing complex and social impacts of policies(German Environment Agency, 2024)The Factsheet results from the research project „Machbarkeitsstudie: Modellierung von Anpassungsmaßnahmen: Akteure, Entscheidungen und Wirksamkeit“, introduces the topic of system modelling approaches and their suitability to assess impacts of policies in the field of climate adaptation and summarizes the main findings of the project (what are complex social systems how are system models helpful? Which approaches are suitable for which questions? How are system modells developed? How can system models support policy-making?).The main insights and information are graphically brought together in form of a decision tree to select suitable modelling methods.Veröffentlichung Factsheet: The use of natural resources(German Environment Agency, 2024)Since 2016, the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has regularly published a report on the situation regarding the use of natural resources in Germany. The UBA Resource Report examines the diverse connections between raw material consumption, raw material extraction, global trade and economic development and also takes a look at flowing resources such as wind, sun and water as well as the environmental impact of resource use. This factsheet summarises selected findings from the Resource Report 2022. The next and fourth resource report for Germany will be published in autumn 2026.Veröffentlichung How to perform a robust climate risk and vulnerability assessment for EU taxonomy reporting?(Umweltbundesamt, 2022) Dorsch, Lukas; Kind, Christian; Loew, Thomas; Schauser, Inke; Fleischmann, DavidA robust climate risk and vulnerability assessment is required for companies wishing to achieve taxonomy compliance under the EU Taxonomy Regulation with respect to significant contributions to climate adaptation for certain economic activities. The relevant legal requirements are defined in Annex 1, Appendix A of Delegated Regulation 2021/2139. To facilitate the implementation of these requirements, the German Environmental Agency has developed the recommendation "How to perform a robust climate risk and vulnerability assessment for EU Taxonomy reporting?". Like a guidance, these recommendations describe how companies can practically proceed in order to meet the legal requirements of the taxonomy. Quelle: umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung In-depth analysis 1: Future Fuels(German Environment Agency, 2024)This paper presents various fuel options in maritime transport, examines their production processes, sustainability aspects, infrastructure requirements, production costs and looks at the energy required for production.Veröffentlichung In-depth analysis 2: Technical aspects of future fuels in existing fleet and newbuilds(German Environment Agency, 2024)This paper examines the technical challenges and safety aspects on board the ship when using alternative fuels in maritime transport and compares their use in fuel cells and combustion engines. It also looks at GHG and pollutant emissions as well as costs and possible necessary adaptations during operation.Veröffentlichung In-depth analysis 3: Lifecycle emissions of future fuels(German Environment Agency, 2024)This paper examines the life cycle emissions of alternative fuels in maritime transport.Veröffentlichung Introduction of a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) in the EU(Umweltbundesamt, 2023) Healy, Sean; Cludius, Johanna; Graichen, Verena; Öko-Institut. Büro Berlin; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtThe EU will introduce a carbon border adjustment mechanism (⥠CBAM⥠) on October 1, 2023. The main idea is to apply the same carbon price to imported emission-intensive goods as if they had been produced under EU carbon pricing rules (EU ETS). This is intended to prevent the relocation of domestic industry, which has to bear rising ⥠CO2⥠costs within the EU ETS, to countries without comparable carbon pricing. This would not protect the climate. The factsheet explains the objectives and functioning of the new climate protection instrument. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Introduction of an emissions trading system for buildings, road transport and additional sectors in the EU(Umweltbundesamt, 2023) Schrems, Isabel; Fiedler, Swantje; Zerzawy, Florian; Forum Ökologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtIn addition to the EU ETS 1, a separate emissions trading system (EU ETS 2) is to be created within the scope of the Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR) for the consumption of fossil fuels in buildings, road transport and additional sectors. This EU-ETS 2 is to start in 2027 and is designed as an upstream system analogous to the German national emissions trading system (nEHS). Quelle: umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Nitrous oxide - the underestimated greenhouse gas(German Environment Agency, 2024)This fact sheet summarizes the results and content of the status report from the project “Meta-analysis - Global nitrous oxide/N₂O-sources: Inventories, trends, consideration in IPCC scenarios”. The properties of nitrous oxide (N₂O) as a greenhouse gas with an impact on the climate and the different methods for accounting of nitrous oxide sources and sinks will be briefly described. Additionally, the quantitative development of various anthropogenic and natural sources on a global and regional level is illustrated. Ultimately, options for reducing anthropogenic nitrous oxide emissions are identified.Veröffentlichung Preise und Preistransparenz als Akzeptanzfaktor in der Fernwärme(Umweltbundesamt, 2023) Köhler, Benjamin; Bürger, Veit; Bieser, Jessica; Öko-Institut; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Weyland, MatthiasDie vorliegende Analyse gibt einen Überblick über mögliche Ansätze, um im Markt der leitungsgebundenen Wärme Preistransparenz zu gewährleisten und die Preise zu regulieren. Dabei werden die Ansätze in Deutschland mit denen in anderen europäischen Ländern verglichen. Darüber hinaus wird der Zusammenhang zwischen Akzeptanz und Preistransparenz aus Sicht der Verbrauchenden beleuchtet. Da neben den Preisen und deren Transparenz auch weitere Aspekte für die Akzeptanz von leitungsgebundener Wärme relevant sind, werden diese recherchiert und dargestellt. Ziel ist es herauszuarbeiten, wie die Akzeptanz insbesondere durch eine Verbesserung der (Preis-)Transparenz gesteigert werden kann. Insgesamt wird im Markt der leitungsgebundenen Wärmeversorgung die mangelnde Transparenz über die Preisbildung schon seit vielen Jahren immer wieder kritisiert. Dies führte auch dazu, dass sowohl das Bundeskartellamt als auch Kartellämter der Länder den Sektor in ihrem Zuständigkeitsbereich schon mehrfach intensiv untersucht haben. Die zentralen Ansatzpunkte zur Steigerung der Akzeptanz durch mehr Transparenz und Anpassungen an der Preisgestaltung sind in Abbildung 1 zusammengefasst dargestellt. Quelle: BerichtVeröffentlichung Reflecting the Global Stocktake mitigation efforts in NDCs(Umweltbundesamt, 2024)This discussion paper provides an overview how Parties could reflect explicitly in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) their contribution to the global efforts on mitigation that they agreed to during the Global Stocktake (GST) at UNFCCC COP28. A table provides an overview of measures that directly relate to the global efforts agreed in the Global Stocktake on mitigation and also lists indicators that could be used to track progress. It also highlights opportunities where Parties can be more ambitious to achieve the required deep, rapid and sustained reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions needed to limit global warming to 1.5 °C.