Veröffentlichung Brochure: Digitalisation and natural resources(German Environment Agency, 2024)The ‘DigitalRessourcen’ research project analysed the resource intensity and greenhouse gas emissions of the digital transformation in Germany at both micro and macro level. The resource intensity of digital applications was calculated in ten case studies (micro level) using LCA methodology. At the macro level, raw material consumption (RMC), raw material input (RMI) and the carbon footprint of digitalisation in Germany were calculated for the ICT sector for the years 2000-2020 and seven scenarios were modelled for the years 2020-2050. Based on this, areas for shaping a more sustainable digitalisation and the need for further research were identified.Veröffentlichung The use of natural resources(Umweltbundesamt, 2022) Lutter, Stephan; Kreimel, Julia; Giljum, Stefan; Manstein, ChristopherGermany made a commitment to the conservation of natural resources through the Resource Efficiency Programme (ProgRess). The German Environment Agency supports the implementation of ProgRess through a range of measures, including the production of this report on the use of natural resources in Germany, which is being published for the third time after 2016 and 2018. The report analyses new figures on the interrelationships of raw material extraction, raw material trade, the role of the economy and consumption. It also covers environmental impacts of raw material extraction and other natural resources. Finally, a "Special" looks at the use of raw materials in the future. Quelle: