Veröffentlichung 2019 monitoring report on the german strategy for adaptation to climate change(Umweltbundesamt, 2020) Bosch und Partner (München); Rüth, Petra van; Schönthaler, Konstanze; Andrian-Werburg, Stefan vonWithin the framework of the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (DAS), the Federal Government is now presenting the second monitoring report in 2019. It informs the public and decision-makers in all areas of social life about the observed consequences of climate change. Quelle:öffentlichung 2023 Monitoring Report on the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change(German Environment Agency, 2024)Within the framework of the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (DAS), the Federal government presents the 2023 (third) Monitoring Report on the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change. This report describes the impacts of climate change on the basis of solid scientific data, at the same time as providing the public as well as decision-makers in all sectors of society with information on tangible impacts of climate change. The risks associated with climatic changes affect all sectors of society and all ecosystems which make up the foundations of our life in all aspects of its diverse structures and services. Consequently, the organisation of risk provisioning and adaptation capacities is a task that concerns society as a whole.Veröffentlichung A resource efficient pathway towards a greenhouse gas neutral Germany(2019) Günther, Jens; Butz, Wolfgang; Lorenz, Ullrich; Fee, Eric; Herbener, Reinhard; Döring, Ulrike; Hermann, Tim; Hofmeier, Katja; Kessler, Kai; Knoche, Guido; Kosmol, Jan; Kristof, Kora; Koller, Matthias; Lange, Martin; Lehmann, Harry; Lambrecht, Martin; Leprich, Uwe; Mönch, Lars; Nuss, Philip; Obermaier, Nathan; Pfeiffer, David; Plickert, Sebastian; Purr, Katja; Rechenberg, Bettina; Schmied, Martin; Schuberth, Jens; Seven, Jan; Starke, Sue-Martina; Werlein, Max; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt. Fachgebiet I.2.1 - Internationaler Klimaschutz; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtThe study shows that it is possible to transform Germany to both greenhouse gas neutral and resource efficient. One side of the balance is greenhouse gas and raw material saving due to exit from fossil energy carriers and the other is the increased raw material use for the construction of the renewable energy system. In the “GreenEe” scenario it is possible to reduce the GHG emissions in 2050 by 95 % compared to 1990 and the raw material consumption (RMC) by almost 60 % compared to 2010. The study shows also that related ambitious climate and resource efficiency policies helps to achieve both goals. Considering both policy field in a systemic way, should be further discussed and implemented in future politics.Veröffentlichung Brochure: Digitalisation and natural resources(German Environment Agency, 2024)The ‘DigitalRessourcen’ research project analysed the resource intensity and greenhouse gas emissions of the digital transformation in Germany at both micro and macro level. The resource intensity of digital applications was calculated in ten case studies (micro level) using LCA methodology. At the macro level, raw material consumption (RMC), raw material input (RMI) and the carbon footprint of digitalisation in Germany were calculated for the ICT sector for the years 2000-2020 and seven scenarios were modelled for the years 2020-2050. Based on this, areas for shaping a more sustainable digitalisation and the need for further research were identified.Veröffentlichung Climate impact of aviation(Umweltbundesamt, 2023) Dahlmann, Katrin; Matthes, S.; Plohr, M.; Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Herbener, Reinhard; Wetzel, Frank; Köhler, KayAviation affects the climate. Combustion of kerosene fuel results in carbon dioxide (CO2), but also other climate-impacting substances whose effects are referred to as "non-CO2 climate effects". What are these substances and how strong are their effects? How strong would the climate impact of air traffic be in the future if flying continues to grow as hitherto? How can the impact of air traffic on the climate be reduced through technical, organizational and regulatory measures? This brochure presents the current state of knowledge on the climate impact of air traffic in a generally understandable way. It shows possibilities at technical and legal level for reducing the impact on the climate, but also what passengers can do. The information brochure was produced by the German Aerospace Center on behalf of the German Federal Environment Agency. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Climate risk assessments at the municipal level(Umweltbundesamt, 2022) Porst, Luise; Voß, Maike; Kahlenborn, Walter; Schauser, Inke; Adelphi Research gGmbH (Berlin); Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtIn view of the ever-increasing progress of climate change, the importance of climate risk assessments is growing. They play a major role at the municipal level in particular (cities, distriscts, municipalities), because it is here that precautionary action must take place in the face of the dangers of he climate crisis. The recommendations in this papier provide support for he preparation and implementation of climate risk assessments at the municipal level. They summarise the international standard: Adaptation to climate change-Guidelines on vulnerability, impacts and risk assessment (ISO 14091:2021-07) and supplement this general guideline with specific recommendations for municipalities. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Components for the Transformation into a Sustainable Food System(German Environment Agency, 2024)The publication summarizes three strategies for transforming the food system that have been outlined in the “STErn project”, namely the promotion of a more plant-based diet, the further development of the organic farming and food industry and the strengthening of regional value chains. Measures to implement these strategies are bundled into three overarching approaches and presented graphically in the form of profiles. An interactive graphic provides an overview of all 39 proposed measures at a glance.Veröffentlichung Energy management systems in practice(Umweltbundesamt, 2020) Barckhausen, Anton; Becker, Juliane; Malodobry, Peter; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtBy 2050, the European Union aims to become climate neutral. The achievement of this goal will require, among others, a massive boost in energy efficiency. Companies and other organizations can make a significant contribution to climate protection through systematic and long-term energy management. Since its publication in 2011, ISO 50001 became the most important international standard for energy management systems. The guide “energy management systems in practice” contains instructions, recommendation and practical examples that support organizations in implementing an energy management system according to ISO 50001:2018 based on an initial energy audit. For companies and organizations that initially want to assess if an energy management system is worthwhile, the guide contains a “test run“ which can be carried out with manageable effort. For those companies and organizations that want to go beyond energy management and address their environmental impacts comprehensively, the guide explains how to step up to EMAS, the eco management and audit scheme of the European Union.Veröffentlichung Energy management systems in practice(Umweltbundesamt, 2020) Barckhausen, Anton; Becker, Juliane; Malodobry, Peter; Deutschland. Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Töpfer, ChristophBy 2050, the European Union aims to become climate neutral. The achievement of this goal will require, among others, a massive boost in energy efficiency. Companies and other organizations can make a significant contribution to climate protection through systematic and long-term energy management. Since its publication in 2011, ISO 50001 became the most important international standard for energy management systems. The guide energy management systems in practice contains instructions, recommendation and practical examples that support organizations in implementing an energy management system according to ISO 50001:2018 based on an initial energy audit. For companies and organizations that initially want to assess if an energy management system is worthwhile, the guide contains a test run which can be carried out with manageable effort. For those companies and organizations that want to go beyond energy management and address their environmental impacts comprehensively, the guide explains how to step up to EMAS, the eco management and audit scheme of the European Union. Quelle:öffentlichung Guidance on the control on the trade and on inspections of undertakings with regard to fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) and ozone-depleting substances (ODS)(2016) Gschrey, Barbara; Zeiger, Bastian; Papst, Irene; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Elsner, Cornelia; Lenz, KatharinaThis guidance document has been developed in the project “Implementation and enforcement of EU regulations on fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) and ozone-depleting substances (ODS) in Bulgaria”. The objective of the document is to support Bulgaria in maximising its regulatory and enforcement capabilities with a focus on market surveillance and inspections of companies. It summarises the regulatory framework for F-gases and ODS in the EU, highlights new measures, including the F-gas phase-down and bans, and puts them into the Bulgarian context. Experiences, also in other EU member states, are referred to and recommendations for improving the enforcement of relevant EU F-gas and ODS regulations are given. To support effective inspection, checklists are provided to be used by inspectors during on-site inspections.Veröffentlichung Heavy Freight. Big Challenge. One Goal.(German Environment Agency, 2024)Freight transport keeps the world running. In Germany freight transport has grown massively these past 30 years, by 75 %. Its climate-harming emissions are nowadays 25 % higher. Continuously high burdens of air pollution, noise and land consumption represent the downside of freight transport.The German Environment Agency (UBA) with this brochure attempts to present a vision for an environmentally sustainable freight transport by the year 2045 and recommends over 70 individual measures. Those measures addressing international, national and local types of transport would initialise necessary changes in order to achieve the above-mentioned vision and carry out important aspects of, fittingly, changing of points. This brochure addresses economics, politics and society.Veröffentlichung Infraschall einfach erklärt(Umweltbundesamt, 2024)In der Öffentlichkeit wird Infraschall häufig als Gefahr für die menschliche Gesundheit diskutiert. Diese Broschüre basiert auf dem aktuellen Stand der Forschung und informiert anschaulich über die Entstehung und Beurteilung von Infraschall sowie die möglichen gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen. Darüber hinaus wird sowohl ein Faktencheck vorgenommen als auch Hinweise gegeben, wie mögliche Manipulationen wissenschaftlicher Fakten festgestellt werden können.Veröffentlichung Internal development in urban growth regions(Umweltbundesamt, 2023) Buchert, Matthias; Wagner, Tobias; Fischer, Heidrun; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Schlippenbach, Ulrike vonCities in growth regions face major urban development challenges in meeting the demand for housing within the city. At the same time, capacity limits of urban technical infrastructures may arise and counteract the guiding principle of compact and thus land-saving inner development. The project therefore investigated the potentials for inner-city development using model cities as examples to examine to what extent these can meet the provision of living space quantitatively and qualitatively, and which synergies but also burdens through inner-city development can be identified with regard to urban infrastructures. For this purpose, water supply and wastewater disposal, waste management, transport (especially public transport) as well as local and district heating/cooling were considered. Quelle: umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Klimafreundliche Gebäudeklimatisierung(2014) Safarik, Mathias; Heinrich, Carsten; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtKältetechnik schlägt in Deutschland mit etwa 14 Prozent des Stromverbrauchs und 5 Prozent der Treibhausgas-Emissionen zu Buche. Welche Kältesysteme unter anderem für Gebäude klimafreundlich sind, war Thema einer UBA-Studie. Die Ergebnisse sind in diesen Ratgeber für Architekten, Bauherren und Planer eingeflossen. Der Energiebedarf eines Gebäudes in der Nutzungsphase wird maßgeblich in der vorangehenden Planungsphase festgelegt. Eine nachträgliche Verbesserung der Bedarfswerte ist meist nur mit großem Aufwand möglich. Dies gilt auch für den Energiebedarf und die Klimafreundlichkeit der Klimaanlage, weshalb ein entsprechendes Anlagenkonzept in die Gebäudeplanung integriert sein sollte. Der Ratgeber führt in die Materie der Gebäudeklimatisierung ein, beschreibt verschiedene Kälteerzeugungsverfahren und skizziert Lösungsansätze für klimaschonende Gebäudeklimatisierungskonzepte.Veröffentlichung Methodological Convention 3.2 for the Assessment of Environmental Costs(German Environment Agency, 2024)The new version of the UBA Handbook on Environmental Value Factors – the „Methodological Convention 3.2” – contains a partial update of the monetized environmental impacts published in the “Methodological Convention 3.1”, based on new value factors for greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions. A comprehensive update of all value factors – including components such as emission factors and utilization rates – will be published in the Handbook on Environmental Value Factors 4.0, scheduled for 2025.Environmental value factors reflect the benefit of environmental protection for society – and the costs that society incurs if environmental protection is neglected. The value factors can be used in the public sector to assess, e.g., the impacts of regulation and infrastructure investments, and for the design of economic instruments. In the corporate sector, the value factors can be used, i.a., to inform management decisions, monetize the environmental impacts of financial investments, and in sustainability reporting.Veröffentlichung Monitoringbericht 2015(Umweltbundesamt, 2015)Dieser bislang umfassendste Bericht der Bundesregierung zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel zeigt: Steigende Temperaturen, feuchtere Winter und häufigere Wetterextreme wirken sich zunehmend auf die deutsche Gesellschaft aus. Betroffen sind unter anderem die Energieversorgung, die Landwirtschaft und die Gesundheitsvorsorge. Anhand von Daten aus 15 verschiedenen Gesellschaftsbereichen zeigt der Bericht auf, welche Veränderungen sich durch den Klimawandel heute schon feststellen lassen und welche Gegenmaßnahmen bereits greifen.Veröffentlichung Nasoki otnosno kontrola vrchu trgovijata i vrchu inspekciite na predprijatija vv vrzka s fluorsdrzastiteparanikovi gazove (F-gazove) i zonorazrusavastite vestestava (ODS)(2016) Gschrey, Barbara; Zeiger, Bastian; Papst, Irene; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Elsner, Cornelia; Lenz, KatharinaThis guidance document has been developed in the project “Implementation and enforcement of EU regulations on fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) and ozone-depleting substances (ODS) in Bulgaria”. The objective of the document is to support Bulgaria in maximising its regulatory and enforcement capabilities with a focus on market surveillance and inspections of companies. It summarises the regulatory framework for F-gases and ODS in the EU, highlights new measures, including the F-gas phase-down and bans, and puts them into the Bulgarian context. Experiences, also in other EU member states, are referred to and recommendations for improving the enforcement of relevant EU F-gas and ODS regulations are given. To support effective inspection, checklists are provided to be used by inspectors during on-site inspections.Veröffentlichung Potenzial der Windenergie an Land(Umweltbundesamt, 2013)In Deutschland bieten sich deutlich mehr Möglichkeiten für die Windenergie an Land als bisher angenommen und vor allem: als benötigt. Rund 13,8 Prozent der deutschen Landesfläche lassen sich nach einer neuen Studie des Umweltbundesamtes (UBA) für die Windenergie nutzen - ohne sensible Naturräume zu beeinträchtigen oder Abstriche beim gesetzlichen Lärmschutz zu machen. Möglich wäre demnach eine installierte Windenergieleistung von bis zu 1.200 Gigawatt (GW). Derzeit sind an Land rund 30 GW Windenergie installiert, die bereits acht Prozent des deutschen Stroms liefern. Das zeigt: „Grundsätzlich ist für den Ausbau der Windenergie an Land viel mehr Platz vorhanden, als wir praktisch brauchen, selbst dann wenn man innerhalb des Erneuerbaren-Energiemixes den Anteil der Windenergienutzung an Land vergrößert. Wir müssen das immense Potenzial nur zu einem kleinen Teil ausschöpfen, um unsere Klimaziele zu erreichen. Bundesweit betrachtet besteht damit ein großer Gestaltungsspielraum für den Ausbau der Windenergie an Land und für den künftigen erneuerbaren Energiemix insgesamt,“ sagte UBA-Präsident Jochen Flasbarth. In diesem Energiemix spiele die Windenergie auf See weiter eine wichtige Rolle.Veröffentlichung Preporki otnosno procedurite za septifikazija i obucenie za alterativni chladilni agenti sglasno Reglament (EU) No. 517/2014(2016) Papst, Irene; Gschrey, Barbara; Zeiger, Bastian; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Elsner, Cornelia; Lenz, KatharinaIn order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, cooling technologies based on natural refrigerants with negligible or insignificant effect on the environment and climate have experienced a renaissance in recent years. A variety of highly efficient applications has been developed and has now reached a technical level that makes their use economically viable. Because natural refrigerants require careful handling, particular attention has to be paid to adequate qualification of servicing personnel. This guidance document presents recommendations for the implementation of relevant EU legislation, which have been derived from experiences made in the training and certification system in Germany.Veröffentlichung Recommendations on certification and training procedures for alternative refrigerants regarding the Regulation (EU) No. 517/2014(2016) Papst, Irene; Gschrey, Barbara; Zeiger, Bastian; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Elsner, Cornelia; Lenz, KatharinaIn order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, cooling technologies based on natural refrigerants with negligible or insignificant effect on the environment and climate have experienced a renaissance in recent years. A variety of highly efficient applications has been developed and has now reached a technical level that makes their use economically viable. Because natural refrigerants require careful handling, particular attention has to be paid to adequate qualification of servicing personnel. This guidance document presents recommendations for the implementation of relevant EU legislation, which have been derived from experiences made in the training and certification system in Germany.