Veröffentlichung Empirical Critical Loads of nitrogen for Europe(German Environment Agency, 2024)This brochure summarizes the revised empirical critical loads for N compared to 2011. 40 % of ecosystems react more sensitively to N than previously assumed. The ecosystems studied have been visualized to make them easier to understand. Two maps show the distribution of natural and semi-natural ecosystems on the one hand and the distribution of forest ecosystems in Europe and the neighboring countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA) on the other. This brochure was developed as a low-threshold information tool for scientists, but also for politicians and the interested public in the EU and the EECCA countries.Veröffentlichung Guidance on the control on the trade and on in-spections of undertakings with regard to fluori-nated greenhouse gases (F-gases) and ozone-depleting substances (ODS)(2016)This guidance document summarises the regulatory framework for both ODS and F-gases in the European Union (EU) and puts them into the Bulgarian context. New measures introduced by Reg-ulation (EU) No. 517/2014, including the EU HFC phase-down and bans are highlighted. The doc-ument focuses on developing guidance and recommendations in regards to the implementation of both the EU ODS and F-gas Regulations. Experience in other EU member states is therefore referred to throughout the text. The goal of the document is to support Bulgaria in maximising its regulato-ry and enforcement capabilities with a focus on market surveillance and inspections of companies.Veröffentlichung Guideline on Air Quality Plans(Umweltbundesamt, 2016)Particulate matter (PM10) is one of the air pollutants, which pose a major risk to public health. This is why EU legislation has set limit values for PM10. In case of persistent and high exceedances of these limit values the “Directive 2008/50/EC on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe” proposes air quality plans as a complex, though effective, instrument to reduce air quality level exceedances. Developing and appropriately applying air quality plans requires particular expertise at the levels of affected municipal authorities, of data collecting authorities, of modelling engineering offices and of supervising regional authorities. The “Guideline on Air Quality Plans” has been developed during an advisory assistance project with Bulgaria. It presents the most important aspects, which have to be taken into account when developing and revising air quality plans. Complex topics are illustrated by easily understandable figures. References to the Bulgarian case provide the link between theory and practice. A comprehensive selection of potentially appropriate mitigation measures is listed at the end of the document.Veröffentlichung Heavy Freight. Big Challenge. One Goal.(German Environment Agency, 2024)Freight transport keeps the world running. In Germany freight transport has grown massively these past 30 years, by 75 %. Its climate-harming emissions are nowadays 25 % higher. Continuously high burdens of air pollution, noise and land consumption represent the downside of freight transport.The German Environment Agency (UBA) with this brochure attempts to present a vision for an environmentally sustainable freight transport by the year 2045 and recommends over 70 individual measures. Those measures addressing international, national and local types of transport would initialise necessary changes in order to achieve the above-mentioned vision and carry out important aspects of, fittingly, changing of points. This brochure addresses economics, politics and society.Veröffentlichung Methodological Convention 3.2 for the Assessment of Environmental Costs(German Environment Agency, 2024)The new version of the UBA Handbook on Environmental Value Factors – the „Methodological Convention 3.2” – contains a partial update of the monetized environmental impacts published in the “Methodological Convention 3.1”, based on new value factors for greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions. A comprehensive update of all value factors – including components such as emission factors and utilization rates – will be published in the Handbook on Environmental Value Factors 4.0, scheduled for 2025.Environmental value factors reflect the benefit of environmental protection for society – and the costs that society incurs if environmental protection is neglected. The value factors can be used in the public sector to assess, e.g., the impacts of regulation and infrastructure investments, and for the design of economic instruments. In the corporate sector, the value factors can be used, i.a., to inform management decisions, monetize the environmental impacts of financial investments, and in sustainability reporting.Veröffentlichung The use of natural resources(Umweltbundesamt, 2022) Lutter, Stephan; Kreimel, Julia; Giljum, Stefan; Manstein, ChristopherGermany made a commitment to the conservation of natural resources through the Resource Efficiency Programme (ProgRess). The German Environment Agency supports the implementation of ProgRess through a range of measures, including the production of this report on the use of natural resources in Germany, which is being published for the third time after 2016 and 2018. The report analyses new figures on the interrelationships of raw material extraction, raw material trade, the role of the economy and consumption. It also covers environmental impacts of raw material extraction and other natural resources. Finally, a "Special" looks at the use of raw materials in the future. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Urban Environmental Protection(2019) Reißmann, Daniel; Schlippenbach, Ulrike von; Schlippenbach, Ulrike von ; Schubert, Susanne; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt. Arbeitsgruppe Urbaner UmweltschutzWith this strategic research agenda, UBA identifies future research priorities for the development of urban areas which are based on environmental quality goals. Interfaces between disciplines and knowledge gaps in environmentally-oriented, socially responsible and health-promoting urban development are identified.Veröffentlichung Wegweiser Beste Verfügbare Techniken Made in Germany(2015) Kraus, Katja; Leuthold, Sandra; Reichart, Almut; Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtUmweltschutztechnik „Made in Germany“ genießt weltweit einen guten Ruf. Für Deutschland als Industrienation ist es wichtig, weiterhin seine Wettbewerbsvorteile zu nutzen, die sich aus der Entwicklung und Anwendung innovativer Techniken ergeben. Dies wirkt sich nicht nur positiv auf den internationalen Umweltschutz aus, sondern sichert gleichzeitig Arbeitsplätze in Deutschland und stärkt die Wirtschaft.Veröffentlichung What Matters 1-2019: Healthy Air(Umweltbundesamt, 2018)UBA's biannual "What Matters" magazine covers current topics in environmental protection. The first edition of 2019 “Healthy Air” takes an in-depth look at how clean the air surroundig us actually is, which pollutants can be found and how we measure them. We also look at health aspects and how public health helps policy makers by calculating and comparing relevant risk factors.Veröffentlichung What Matters 2-2019: Aviation(2019)Each issue of the Agency's "What Matters" magazine is devoted to relevant topics in the field of environmental protection. It is published every six months. In its 2-2019 issue, UBA takes a look at air traffic: What effects does flying have on the environment? How do noise and pollutant emissions affect human health? And what solutions has UBA developed to make flying more environmentally friendly in the future? The magazine also explains ways of compensating for air travel and introduces the Agency's noise laboratory.Veröffentlichung Ръководство: Програми за Качеството на Атмосферния Въздух(Umweltbundesamt, 2016)Particulate matter (PM10) is one of the air pollutants, which pose a major risk to public health. This is why EU legislation has set limit values for PM10. In case of persistent and high exceedances of these limit values the “Directive 2008/50/EC on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe” proposes air quality plans as a complex, though effective, instrument to reduce air quality level exceedances. Developing and appropriately applying air quality plans requires particular expertise at the levels of affected municipal authorities, of data collecting authorities, of modelling engineering offices and of supervising regional authorities. The “Guideline on Air Quality Plans” has been developed during an advisory assistance project with Bulgaria. It presents the most important aspects, which have to be taken into account when developing and revising air quality plans. Complex topics are illustrated by easily understandable figures. References to the Bulgarian case provide the link between theory and practice. A comprehensive selection of potentially appropriate mitigation measures is listed at the end of the document.