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  • Vorschaubild
    Proposal for environmental mixture risk assessment in the context of the biocidal product authorization in the EU
    The EU Council and Parliament recently agreed on a new regulation that will implement a new EU-wide, harmonized system for the authorization for biocidal products. Such products are in most cases multi-component mixtures of one or more active substances plus a range of co-formulants that serve different purposes, e.g. as stabilizers or preservatives. They are only allowed on the European market if their intended use does not lead to unacceptable risks for the environment. Consequently, the assessment of possible combination effects is a critically important step during the regulatory environmental risk assessment of biocidal products. However, no specific guidance is at hand on how combination effects should be accounted for during the regulatory environmental risk assessment of biocidal products.
    Results and Conclusions
    A tiered approach was developed that accommodates different data situations, optimizes resource usage, limits biotesting as far as possible and ensures adequate protection of the environment. It mainly builds on using Concentration Addition as a component-based approach for mixture toxicity prediction, complemented by whole product tests where appropriate. Concentration Addition is either approximated by summing up PEC/PNEC ratios or as sums of toxic units. The competing concept of Independent Action was assessed as not being suitable for incorporation into a tiered approach without explicit confirmatory studies, as it might otherwise lead to an underestimation of the actual environmental risk.
  • Veröffentlichung
    Impactmessung 2.0
    (2015) Bornschein, Mathias
    Wissenschaft und Karriere sind heute eng mit Evaluierungverbunden. Impact, Journal Impact Factor(JIF) oder Hirschfaktor (h-Index) sind dabei dieWährung, mit der in der heutigen Wissenschaftsweltgezahlt wird. Dabei erfordern wissenschaftlicherErfolg und Reputation seit jeher viel Beachtung.ůPublish or perish - veröffentliche oder geheunterś, eine im Wissenschaftsbetrieb gängige Redewendungzeigt, dass Wissenschaftlerinnen undWissenschaftler in der Vergangenheit und heute zunehmenddanach bewertet werden, wo und wie vielsie publiziert haben und publizieren. Artikel in denTop-Journals eines Wissenschaftsgebietes sind dabeidie heutigen Meilensteine, die es in der wissenschaftlichenCommunity zu erreichen gilt. Doch wiemisst man den wirklich wissenschaftlichen Impact einer einzelnen Veröffentlichung? Diese Frage beschäftigtWissenschaftler, Gelehrte und Stakeholderseit Beginn der modernen Wissenschaft. Diefolgende Zusammenfassung soll kurz den Standder Dinge und Entwicklungen in der Evaluation wissenschaftlicherArbeit in den vergangenen Jahrenbetrachten und zum Schluss eventuelle Alternativenzur bisherigen Impactmessung aufzeigen.
    Quelle:Impactmessung 2.0 : ein Essay über die Evolution der Bibliometrics zu Altmetrics [Elektronische Ressource]. - S. 546-549 : Ill., graph. Darst. In: BuB : Forum Bibliothek und Information. - 67 (2015), H. 08-09, S. 546
  • Veröffentlichung
    The Dessau workshop on bioaccumulation: state of the art, challenges and regulatory implications
    Bioaccumulation plays a vital role in understanding the fate of a substance in the environment and is key to the regulation of chemicals in several jurisdictions. The current assessment approaches commonly use the octanol-water partition coefficient (log K OW) as an indicator for bioaccumulation and the bioconcentration factor (BCF) as a standard criterion to identify bioaccumulative substances show limitations. The log K OW does not take into account active transport phenomena or special structural properties (e.g., amphiphilic substances or dissociating substances) and therefore additional screening criteria are required. Regulatory BCF studies are so far restricted to fish and uptake through the gills. Studies on (terrestrial) air-breathing organisms are missing. Though there are alternative tests such as the dietary exposure bioaccumulation fish test described in the recently revised OECD test guideline 305, it still remains unclear how to deal with results of alternative tests in regulatory decision-making processes. A substantial number of bioaccumulation fish tests are required in regulation. The development of improved test systems following the 3R principles, namely to replace, reduce and refine animal testing, is thus required. All these aspects stress the importance to further develop the assessment of bioaccumulation. The Dessau Workshop on Bioaccumulation which was held from June 26th to 27th 2014, in Dessau, Germany, provided a comprehensive overview of the state of the art of bioaccumulation assessment, provided insights into the problems and challenges addressed by the regulatory authorities and described new research concepts and their regulatory implications. The event was organised by UBA (Dessau, Germany) and Fraunhofer IME (Schmallenberg, Germany). About 50 participants from industry, regulatory bodies and academia listened to 14 lectures on selected topics and joined the plenary discussions.Quelle:
  • Veröffentlichung
    Test strategy for assessing the risks of nanomaterials in the environment considering general regulatory procedures
    Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) are marketed as a substance or mixtures and are additionally used due to their active agent properties in products such as pesticides or biocides, for which specific regulations apply. Currently, there are no specific testing strategies for environmental fate and effects of ENMs within the different regulations. An environmental test and risk assessment strategy for ENMs have been developed considering the general principles of chemical assessment.
    The test strategy has been developed based on the knowledge of national and international discussions. It also takes into account the conclusions made by the OECD WPMN which held an expert meeting in January 2013. For the test strategy development, both conventional and alternative endpoints were discussed and environmental fate and effects were addressed separately.
    A tiered scheme as commonly used in the context of precautionary environmental risk assessment was suggested including the use of mathematical models and trigger values to either stop the procedure or proceed to the next tier. There are still several gaps which have to be filled, especially with respect to fate, to develop the test strategy further. The test strategy features a general approach. It is not specified to fulfil the information requirements of certain legislation (e.g. plant protection act, biocide regulation, REACH). However, the adaption of single elements of the strategy to the specific needs of certain legislation will provide a valuable contribution in relation to the testing of nanomaterials.Quelle:
  • Vorschaubild
    Determination and assessment of noise from wind turbines in Germany
    (2016) Bauerdorff, Andrea; Myck, Thomas
    In 2014, 28.2 % of the total electrical energy has been generated from renewable energy sources within the European Union. In this context, wind turbines are of great importance. Especially in Germany, the number of these installations has continuously increased in the last years. Therefore, it is particularly important to have clear legal regulations for noise protection by wind turbines. Wind turbines with a height of more than 50 m are subject to licensing pursuant to the German Federal Immission Control Act. Assessment of noise immissions from wind turbines is carried out according to a General Administrative Provision to the Federal Immission Control Act, which is called ̮Technical Instructions on Noise Abatement - TA NoiseŁ. It describes the methods for the determination and the assessment of noise caused by industrial or commercial installations, including wind turbines. These regulations will be explained in detail. Moreover, the low-frequency noise immissions of wind turbines will be discussed and evaluated. Quelle: PROCEEDINGS of the 22nd International Congress on Acoustics
  • Veröffentlichung
    Regulations for the protection against noise from wind turbines in Germany
    (2019) Bauerdorff, Andrea
    The generation of energy by wind turbines is essential for the implementation of the energy transition. Especially in Germany, the number of wind turbine installations has continuously increased over the last years. In 2018, there were 29213 wind turbines with an installed wind power capacity of 52931 MW [1]. Within the framework of the importance of wind energy, the protection of the population from wind turbine noise has to be taken into consideration. The legal basis are the German Federal Immission Control Act and the "Technical Instructions on Noise Abatement, TI Noise". The TI Noise deals with the determination and the assessment of noise generated from industrial and commercial installations, including wind turbines. Especially, it contains ambitious binding immission values for immission points outside buildings. These regulations will be explained in detail. Moreover, the low-frequency noise immission of wind turbines will be discussed and evaluated. In: Saschita ot powyschennogo schuma i wibrazii / Sbornik dokladow Pod redakziej N.I. Iwanowa. - Sankt-Peterburg - (2019), Seite 15