Veröffentlichung Normung soll Gesundheits- und Umweltschutz stärken(12) Brozowski, FrankVeröffentlichung Dioxine und PCB - Umweltprobleme von gestern?(2013) Rappolder, Marianne; Giese, Evelyn; Utermann, JensVeröffentlichung Eine gesunde Stadt für alle(2013) Bunge, ChristianeVeröffentlichung 5. Sachstandsbericht des IPCC zu Klimaänderungen(2013) Benndorf, Rosemarie; Kartschall, Karin; Mäder, Claudia; Voigt, ThomasVeröffentlichung Towards environmental justice(2013) Bunge, Christiane; Wehrspaun, Michael; Spreter, Robert; Wissel, SilkeVeröffentlichung TOP 9.1 Biozide in Baustoffen(2013) Fischer, JürgenVeröffentlichung EU legislation - challenges and future perspectives of Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA)(2013) Rönnefahrt, InesVeröffentlichung Linking Spatial Data in a Nut Shell(2013) Rüther, Maria; Schultz-Krutisch, Thomas; Bandholtz, ThomasSince the Semantic Web community has gained global attention with Linked Data , including geo-encoded data in RDF, OGC has opened towards this movement by adopting "Semantic annotations in OGC standards" as an OGC Best Practice and approving GeoSPARQL as an OGC Member standard. This makes a good start for a spatial data infrastructure based on an integration of OGC and Linked Data patterns, but it does not yet cover observation and metadata. The Federal Environment Agency (UBA), Germany, currently runs an R&D project about Linked Environment Data (LED) which will present one possible solution based on Linked Data standards such as the Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT), the Vocabulary of Interlinked Data (VoID), the Simple Knowledge Organisation System (SKOS), and the Data Cubes Vocabulary (QB). Looking at the INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rule through the eyes of Linked Data, we see a closed world which ignores the Web and generates redundancy. For example, the keyword value in DCAT metadata is just one HTTP URI referencing the original thesaurus concept. Instead of maintain redundancy and synchronisation Linked Data is based on connectivity and intelligent caching. Geo-referenced data can be provided with Linked Data technology and existing vocabularies which may need only few extensions. As the Linked Data cloud is spreading more and more, we recommend the development of additional INSPIRE implementing rules based on these patterns.Quelle: ©Thomas Schultz-Krutisch
Veröffentlichung Zulassung von Rodentiziden(2013) Koch, Claudia; Friesen, Anton; Klasen, JuttaVeröffentlichung Environmental Survey and Specimen Bank: German views on Human Biomonitoring in Europe(2013) Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Conrad, AndréVeröffentlichung Ist ein Leben ohne Plastik möglich oder sinnvoll?(2013) Kolossa-Gehring, MarikeVeröffentlichung Abwasserbewirtschaftung der Zukunft(2013) Brandt, Simone; Fricke, KlausVeröffentlichung Hantaviren-übertragende Nagetiere: Einfluss des Klimawandels auf die Populationsentwicklung und derzeitige Bekämpfungsstrategien(2013) Schmolz, Erik; Jacob, Jens; Reil, Daniela; Imholt, Christian; Ulrich, Rainer; Schmidt, SabrinaVeröffentlichung Ökologische Aspekte des Biozid-Einsatzes(2013) Wieck, StefanieVeröffentlichung Veröffentlichung Environmental versus Human Exposomics in German Specimen Banking(2013) Pandelova, M.; Knetsch, Gerlinde; Schramm, K.-W.Veröffentlichung Veröffentlichung Parabens and other phenols in urine samples of the German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESBHum) from 1995 to 2012(2013) Moos, Rebecca K.; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Apel, Petra; Angerer, Jürgen; Brüning, Thomas; Koch, Holger M.Because of the ubiquitous presence and the extensive use of parabensand other phenolic substances (like triclosan, triclocarban or benzophenones) in personal care and consumer products, food and beverage processing, pharmaceuticals and disinfectants humans are constantly exposed to these substances. Some of these substances are suspected to affect the endocrine system of humans. The German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESBHum) - supervised and scientifically coordinated by the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) - archives human specimens since 1985 and thus allows assessing trends of human exposure. We quantified the body burden to these substances (9 parabens and 6 other phenolic substances) by analyzing 660 urine samples of the ESBHum (24h-urines) from the years 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005-2009 and 2012; 60 samples per year, from 30 male and 30 female volunteers (age: 21-29 years). We applied a newly developed highly sensitive on-line HPLC-MS/MS method, for the determination of these substances in urine. Analytical limits of quantification were in the range from 0.5 to 2 Ţg/L. The total concentration of the analytes (free and conjugated species) was measured. All samples were blinded before analysis. In nearly all samples parabens could be quantified.Median concentrations over the different years were around 40 Ţg/L for methyl-, 2 Ţg/L for ethyl- and 5 Ţg/L for n-propyl paraben. For the parabens this mainly reflects their consumption volume being highest for methyl paraben, followed by ethyl-, propyl- and butyl paraben. Triclosan was detected in around 60% of all samples analyzed. Median benzophenone-3 levels fell from around 2.5 Ţg/L (1995-2003) to < LOQ (2005-2012). For all other analytes medians are below the LOQ. Over the years we observed rather constant levels of exposures, except for the decrease in benzophenone-3. This retrospective study provides first data on internal exposures to the above substances in Germany from 1995 till 2012. Quelle: