Germany 2050 - A Greenhouse Gas-Neutral Country
Germany 2050 - A Greenhouse Gas-Neutral Country
climate neutral, energy scenario, climate protection scenario, climate projection, renewable energies, energy efficiency, Power to Gas
Forschungskennzahl (FKZ)
Verbundene Publikation
Germany 2050 - A Greenhouse Gas-Neutral Country, 2013. [online]. Hintergrundpapier. Verfügbar unter:
Zusammenfassung deutsch
The background paper is a summary of a study which shows that future greenhouse gas neutrality in Germany is technically achievable. The scenariolooks at the issue merely from a national perspective and does not include interaction with other countries. The study focuses on the national GHG reduction target of 95 %. Taking into account the mentioned assumptions, this should be achievable in Germany by technical means. Quelle:
Zusammenfassung englisch
The background paper is a summary of a study which shows that future greenhouse gas neutrality in Germany is technically achievable. The scenariolooks at the issue merely from a national perspective and does not include interaction with other countries. The study focuses on the national GHG reduction target of 95 % in comparison with 1990. Taking into account the mentioned assumptions, this should be achievable in Germany by technical means.