Shaping environmental policy in a citizen- friendly manner
Shaping environmental policy in a citizen- friendly manner
How behavioural science findings can make environmental-policy instruments more effective How behavioural science findings can make environmental-policy instruments more effective
environment policy, environmental policy instrument, environmental behaviour, sustainable consumption, awareness of environmental issues
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Verbundene Publikation
Shaping environmental policy in a citizen- friendly manner, 2017. [online]. Umweltbundesamt. Verfügbar unter:
Zusammenfassung englisch
Which factors are relevant for environmental decisions? How can people be motivated to act in an environmentally responsible manner and how can environmentally harmful routines be broken down? This publication provides answers to these questions and uses the latest findings from psychology, cognitive science and behavioral economics. An essential part of the publication is a checklist for the development of behavior-oriented instruments. It contains concrete guidelines for a better design of environmental policy instruments, be it at federal, state or local level.