Regional and local optimisation of material flows and cycles
Regional and local optimisation of material flows and cycles
Areas of action, case studies and recommendations for municipalities
resource efficiency, material flow, resource protection, material cycle
standardisiertes Finanzierungskennzeichen
Verbundene Publikation
Regional and local optimisation of material flows and cycles, 2019. [online]. Umweltbundesamt. Verfügbar unter:
Zusammenfassung englisch
On the basis of five case studies, the brochure "Regional and local optimization of material flows and cycles" shows how municipalities can contribute to resource conservation by optimising regional material cycles, which challenges they face and which framework conditions are necessary for successful implementation. The brochure was developed as part of the "RegioRess" project, which shows that although resource efficiency is not yet a priority topic in most municipalities, municipal actors are already implementing various projects and measures for optimising material flows, above all on a sectoral basis.