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Financing of a sustainable freight transport: Requirements and conditions for a future development of freight transport – a systematic analysis based on a comparison of countries
Financing of a sustainable freight transport: Requirements and conditions for a future development of freight transport – a systematic analysis based on a comparison of countries
freight transport, financing, environmental sustainability, environmental impact
Forschungskennzahl (FKZ)
Verbundene Publikation
Financing of a sustainable freight transport: Requirements and conditions for a future development of freight transport – a systematic analysis based on a comparison of countries, 2017. [online]. Umweltbundesamt. Verfügbar unter: https://openumwelt.de/handle/123456789/10134
Zusammenfassung englisch
In light of current developments and challenges in the freight transport sector, the report mainly seeks to do the following:Develop a future-oriented road and rail freight transport financing model that is oriented toward sus-tainability, climate protection goals, and modal shift goals in Germany – for which a key element is the lessons that have been learned in other countries (i.e. cross-country comparison).Analyse and assess the economic impact of the elaborated financing models and instruments, in terms of the extent to which they meet German climate and modal shift goals. Both the overall economic im-pact (in terms of employment and added value) and the monetized environmental impact need to be addressed.To this end, the report builds on the groundwork concerning sustainability and climate protection goals: the German strategy for sustainable freight transport, current debates on financing, climate and mobility scenarios, and the lessons learned in other countries.