Documentation of IFAT 2016 Side Event Climate-friendly Waste Management through NAMAs in Emerging Economies and Developing Countries
Documentation of IFAT 2016 Side Event Climate-friendly Waste Management through NAMAs in Emerging Economies and Developing Countries
NAMA, IFAT 2016, climate protection, waste management
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Documentation of IFAT 2016 Side Event Climate-friendly Waste Management through NAMAs in Emerging Economies and Developing Countries, 2017. [online]. Umweltbundesamt. Verfügbar unter:
Zusammenfassung englisch
Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) allow emerging economies and developing countries to design waste management strategies and systems that lead to effective greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions. On a side event at IFAT / Munich in June 2016 international experts from climate policy and waste management exchanged their experiences on key features of Waste-NAMAs, such as funding and financing, participatory processes and informed decision-making across all levels and involvement the private sector. The example of monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of Peruvian Waste-NAMA demonstrated the workload involved and the demands for standardized methods.