The International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3)
The International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3)
Annual Report 1 May 2019 – 30 April 2020
Nachhaltigkeit, Chemie, Innovation, ISC3, transformation, Nachhaltige Chemie, Green Chemistry
Forschungskennzahl (FKZ)
Verbundene Publikation
The International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3), 2022. [online]. German Environment Agency. Verfügbar unter:
Zusammenfassung englisch
The International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3) promotes the transformation to a more sustainable chemistry worldwide. With a sustainable and circular approach, sectors that deal with chemistry can make significant contributions to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report describes ISC3's activities from May 2019 up to and including April 2020, during which time ISC3 conducted its first Innovation Challenge for sustainable chemistry startups, launched the world's first master's program in sustainable chemistry at Leuphana University, and established its Global Startup Service.