Final Report of the Project "Using Standardized Baselines (CDM) for Achieving Climate Policy Goals in Developing Countries (Suppressed Demand)"
Final Report of the Project "Using Standardized Baselines (CDM) for Achieving Climate Policy Goals in Developing Countries (Suppressed Demand)"
Klimaschutz, Kyoto-Protokoll [Klimaschutzvertrag 1997], Regionale Verteilung, climate change, Kyoto Protocol, flexible mechanisms, CDM-Projekt, standardized baselines, supressed demand, regional distribution
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Verbundene Publikation
ARENS, Christof, Lukas HERMWILLE und Martin BURIAN, 2015. Final Report of the Project „Using Standardized Baselines (CDM) for Achieving Climate Policy Goals in Developing Countries (Suppressed Demand)“ [online]. Climate Change, 10/2015. Verfügbar unter:
Zusammenfassung englisch
Standardised Baselines (SBs) shall improve the opportunities for least developed countries and other underrepresented regions to participate in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). SBs allow for shifting the effort of developing baseline scenarios and additionality testing from the individual project to the sectoral level. This research project followed two separate approaches in order to gather experiences with the development of SBs and to contribute to the advancement of the SB regulatory framework. Under the first approach, an SB for rural electrification in Ethiopia was developed in cooperation with the Ethiopian Designated National Authority, which submitted the SB to the UNFCCC Secretariat. In the second part of the project, a scoping study assesses how SBs can be developed to cover complex integrated production processes. The Indonesian cement sector was chosen as case for this study.