Setting Incentives for Emission Reductions in Developing Countries: The Case of Social Housing in Colombia

dc.contributor.authorKachi, Aki
dc.contributor.authorWarnecke, Carsten
dc.contributor.authorTewari, Ritika
dc.contributor.organisationOtherNewClimate - Institute for Climate Policy and Global Sustainability gGmbH
dc.contributor.organisationalEditorDeutschland. Umweltbundesamt
dc.contributor.otherKruse, Marcel
dc.description.abstractKolumbien steht vor einer Reihe von Herausforderungen, darunter der wachsende Strombedarf, die zunehmende Unzuverlässigkeit der Stromerzeugung aus Wasserkraft infolge von Veränderungen durch das El Niño-Wetterphänomen, und ein rasch wachsender Bedarf an Sozialwohnungen in Metropolregionen, der durch die beschleunigte Urbanisierung verursacht wird. Gleichzeitig bemüht sich Kolumbien um die Umsetzung seines national festgelegten Beitrags (NDC) im Rahmen des Pariser Abkommens, welcher auch Maßnahmen zur Steigerung der Energieeffizienz im Gebäudebereich insgesamt umfasst. Einige davon werden sich auch positiv auf die Energieeffizienz im sozialen Wohnungsbau auswirken. Bei diesen Bemühungen spielen vor allem Richtlinien für erneuerbare Energien, Bauvorschriften und Energieeffizienzstandards für Geräte eine Rolle. Dennoch führt diese Politik Kolumbien derzeit noch nicht auf einen Pfad, der zur Dekarbonisierung des Gebäudesektors erforderlich ist, um die Temperaturziele des Pariser Abkommens zu erreichen. Länder können aber durch Artikel 6 des Pariser Abkommens bei der Umsetzung ihrer NDCs zusammenarbeiten, um ein höheres Ambitionsniveau im Klimaschutz zu erreichen. Aufgrund der Dynamik des Sektors und der Anzahl von Akteuren dürfte die Gewährleistung der Umweltintegrität bei einen sektoralen Ansatz für Transfers basierend auf Artikel 6 eine Herausforderung darstellen, insbesondere hinsichtlich Zusätzlichkeit, Baseline-Bestimmung und Überwachungs-, Berichterstattungs- und Prüfssystemen. Dennoch könnte ein Pilotprojekt zum Bau von Netto-Nullenergiegebäuden im sozialen Wohnungsbausektor eine Gelegenheit zur Zusam-menarbeit durch Artikel 6 bieten. Netto-Nullenergiegebäude würden den Energieverbrauch reduzieren, Emissionen mindern, die Energiearmut reduzieren, die öffentlichen Haushalte durch den Abbau von Subventionen für den Energieverbrauch entlasten, und die öffentliche Gesundheit sowie die Energiesicherheit verbessern. Ein solches Pilotprojekt könnte zusammen mit einem umfassenderen politischen Fahrplan für immer strengere Energieeffizienznormen dazu beitragen, den kolumbianischen Gebäudesektor auf einen Weg der Dekarbonisierung im Einklang mit den Zielen des Pariser Abkommens zu bringen. Quelle: Forschungsberichtde
dc.description.abstractColombia faces a number of challenges including growing electricity demand, increasing hydroelectric uncertainty as a result of changes in the el Niño weather phenomenon, and a growing need for social housing in metropolitan areas driven by accelerating urbanisation. At the same time, Colombia actively implementing its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. These include measures to improve energy efficiency in the residential sector overall. Some of which will also have a positive effect on energy efficiency in social housing. Policies for renewable electricity, building codes, and appliance energy performance standards all play a role in these efforts. However, these policies are not currently putting Colombia on a path towards the decarbonisation of the building sector that is needed to reach the temperature goals of the Paris Agreement. Through Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, countries can cooperate in NDC implementation to allow for higher climate ambition. This can offer opportunities for inter-ventions in the building sector. Given the dynamic nature of the sector and number of actors, ensuring environmental integrity through an overall sectoral approach to Article 6 transfers is likely to be challenging especially in terms of additionality, baseline setting, and monitoring re-porting and verification. However, there may be an opportunity to construct Net Zero Energy Buildings though an Article 6 pilot in the social housing sector, which would reduce energy consumption, reduce emissions, reduce energy poverty, reduce energy consumption subsidy payments, and improve public health and energy security. Such a pilot could, together with a larger policy roadmap towards increasingly stringent energy efficiency standards, help put the Colombian building sector on a path towards decarbonisation and alignment with the Paris Agreement. Quelle: Forschungsberichten
dc.description.abstractColombia faces a number of challenges including growing need for social housing in metropolitan areas driven by accelerating urbanisation associated with a growing electricity demand as well as increasing hydroelectric uncertainty as a result of changes in the el Niño weather phenomenon. At the same time, Colombia actively implementing its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. These include measures to improve energy efficiency in the residential sector overall. Policies for renewable electricity, building codes, and appliance energy performance standards all play a role in these efforts. However, these policies are not currently putting Colombia on a path towards the decarbonisation of the building sector. Through Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, countries can cooperate in NDC implementation to allow for higher climate ambition. There may be an opportunity to construct Net Zero Energy Buildings though an Article 6 pilot in the social housing sector, which would reduce energy consumption, reduce emissions, reduce energy poverty, reduce energy consumption subsidy payments, and improve public health and energy security. Such a pilot could, together with a larger policy roadmap towards increasingly stringent energy efficiency standards, help put the Colombian building sector on a path towards decarbonisation and alignment with the Paris Agreement. en
dc.description.abstractColombia faces a number of challenges including growing need for social housing in metropolitan areas driven by accelerating urbanisation associated with a growing electricity demand as well as increasing hydroelectric uncertainty as a result of changes in the el Niño weather phenomenon. At the same time, Colombia actively implementing its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. These include measures to improve energy efficiency in the residential sector overall. Policies for renewable electricity, building codes, and appliance energy performance standards all play a role in these efforts. However, these policies are not currently putting Colombia on a path towards the decarbonisation of the building sector. Through Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, countries can cooperate in NDC implementation to allow for higher climate ambition. There may be an opportunity to construct Net Zero Energy Buildings though an Article 6 pilot in the social housing sector, which would reduce energy consumption, reduce emissions, reduce energy poverty, reduce energy consumption subsidy payments, and improve public health and energy security. Such a pilot could, together with a larger policy roadmap towards increasingly stringent energy efficiency standards, help put the Colombian building sector on a path towards decarbonisation and alignment with the Paris Agreement.en
dc.format.mediumonline resource
dc.relation.ispartofseriesClimate Change
dc.subjectemission reduction
dc.subjectsocial housing sector
dc.subjectArticle 6 of the Paris Agreement
dc.subjectdeveloping country
dc.subject.ubaThemeClimate | Energy
dc.titleSetting Incentives for Emission Reductions in Developing Countries: The Case of Social Housing in Colombiaen
dc.title.alternativeSetting incentives for emission reductions in developing countries
local.audiencePublic authorities
local.collectionClimate Change / Umweltbundesamt
local.subtitlethe case of social housing in colombia : final report



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