Proceedings of the Workshop "Decarbonisation - 100 % Renewable Energy and more" 9 November 2015 in Berlin
Proceedings of the Workshop "Decarbonisation - 100 % Renewable Energy and more" 9 November 2015 in Berlin
A report to document the presentations and discussions during the course of the event
Erneuerbare Energie, renewable energy, decarbonisation
Forschungskennzahl (FKZ)
Verbundene Publikation
DONAT, Lena, Matthias DUWE, Ennid ROBERTS und Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt (Hrsg.), 2016. Proceedings of the Workshop „Decarbonisation - 100 % Renewable Energy and more“ 9 November 2015 in Berlin, 2016. [online]. Dokumentationen, 06/2016. Verfügbar unter:
Zusammenfassung englisch
The workshop "Decarbonisation - 100% Renewable Energy and moreŁ, was held on 9 November 2015 in Berlin, hosted by the German Environment Agency and organised by Ecologic Institute. It offered a valuable opportunity for decision-makers, academia, business and civil society fromEUMember States, to exchange ideas and lessons learned on the design and implementation of longterm decarbonisation strategies and discuss how industrialised nations, regions and cities can mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in various economic sectors.Quelle: