Squaring the Circle of Mitigation Adequacy and Equity: Options and Perspectives
Squaring the Circle of Mitigation Adequacy and Equity: Options and Perspectives
Containing Item
Gerechtigkeit beim Klimaschutz, Effizienz Umweltökonomie, Emissionsminderungsverpflichtung, Klimaschutzabkommen
Funding Indicator (FKZ)
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Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt (Hrsg.), 2014. Squaring the Circle of Mitigation Adequacy and Equity: Options and Perspectives, 2014. [online]. Climate Change, 15/2014. Verfügbar unter: https://openumwelt.de/handle/123456789/8640
Abstract english
In this report we evaluate available options for a variety of aspects around the differentiation ofmitigationcommitments. We find that for the level of participation, the selection of commitment types, and choice of effort-sharing approaches there is no silver bullet. A portfolio approach that incorporates multiple options may be most suited to ensure environmental effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and political feasibility.
Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.de
Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.de