Klitzke, Sondra



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  • Veröffentlichung
    Changes in dissolved organic matter and oxygen consumption in different bank filtration simulations at different scales
    (2023) Klitzke, Sondra; Ruhl, Aki Sebastian; Zeeshan, Muhammad
    Both concentrations and compositions of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and the availability of oxygen affect transformation processes in close-to-nature drinking water treatments such as bank filtration and artificial groundwater infiltration. This study focused on quantitative and qualitative analyses of DOM in different saturated sand column systems of different dimensions, histories and operating conditions using fluorescence spectroscopy. The study revealed the presence of two fluorescent DOM (fDOM) fractions (humic-like compounds) through parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC). DOM, fDOM and specific UV absorbance (SUVA) at 254 nm were reduced and correlated in indoor systems. In outdoor columns, the removals of DOM and fDOM were comparably high, but the increased SUVA indicated an increase in aromaticity. Dissolved oxygen consumption corresponded to organic content in sand, independent of residence times. Overall, bank filtration is an effective option to remove biodegradable DOM under outdoor natural conditions. © Royal Society of Chemistry 2023
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    Chemikalieneintrag in Gewässer vermindern -Trifluoracetat (TFA) als persistente und mobile Substanz mit vielen Quellen
    (Umweltbundesamt, 2021) Adlunger, Kirsten; Anke, Julia Margaretha; Bachem, Gunnar; Banning, Helena; Biegel-Engler, Annegret; Blondzik, Katrin; Braun, Ulrike; Eckhardt, Alexander; Gildemeister, Daniela; Hilliges, Falk; Hoffmann, Gabriele; Schneider, Franziska; Jentzsch, Franziska; Klitzke, Sondra; Kuckelkorn, Jochen; Martens, Kerstin; Müller, Alexandra; Pickl, Christina; Rechenberg, Jörg; Sättler, Daniel; Schmidt, Uwe; Speichert, Gunther; Warnke, Ingo; Wehner, Jeannine; Wischer, Ronny; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt
    Trifluoracetat (TFA) ist ein mobiler und persistenter Stoff, der primär durch den Abbau verschiedener Fluorchemikalien in den Wasserkreislauf eingetragen wird und dort auf unabsehbare Zeit verbleibt. Bereits jetzt besteht eine hohe Grundbelastung vieler Gewässer mit TFA mit einigen regionalen Hotspots. Dieses Hintergrundpapier präsentiert aktuelle Daten und Abschätzungen zu Quellen, Eintragspfaden, Belastungen, Auswirkungen und Maßnahmen zu TFA. Es gibt einen Ausblick auf erste Aktivitäten und Optionen zur umfassenden Minimierung von TFA-Einträgen in die Umwelt. Trotz Wissenslücken wird deutlich, dass kurzfristig eine konsistente Regulation und eine übergreifende Minimierungsstrategie auf den Weg gebracht werden müssen. Quelle:
  • Veröffentlichung
    The fate of silver nanoparticles in riverbank filtration systems - The role of biological components and flow velocity
    (2020) Degenkolb, Laura; Leuther, Frederic; Klitzke, Sondra; Lüderwald, Simon
    Riverbank filtration is a natural process that may ensure the cleaning of surface water for producing drinking water. For silver nanoparticles (AgNP), physico-chemical interaction with sediment surfaces is one major retention mechanism. However, the effect of flow velocity and the importance of biological retention, such as AgNP attachment to biomass, are not well understood, yet. We investigated AgNP (c=0.6 mg L-1) transport at different spatial and temporal scales in pristine and previously pond water-aged sediment columns. Transport of AgNP under near-natural conditions was studied in a long-term riverbank filtration experiment over the course of one month with changing flow scenarios (i.e. transport at 0.7m d-1, stagnation, and remobilization at 1.7m d-1). To elucidate retention processes, we conducted small-scale lab column experiments at low (0.2m d-1) and high (0.7m d-1) flow rate using pristine and aged sediments. Overall, AgNP accumulated in the upper centimeters of the sediment both in lab and outdoor experiments. In the lab study, retention of AgNP by attachment to biological components was very effective under high and low flow rate with nearly complete NP accumulation in the upper 2mm. When organic material was absent, abiotic filtration mechanisms led to NP retention in the upper 5 to 7cm of the column. In the long-term study, AgNP were transported up to a depth of 25cm. For the pristine sediment in the lab study and the outdoor experiments only erratic particle breakthrough was detected in a depth of 15cm. We conclude that physico-chemical interactions of AgNP with sediment surfaces are efficient in retaining AgNP. The presence of organic material provides additional retention sites which increase the filtration capacity of the system. Nevertheless, erratic breakthrough events might transport NP into deeper sediment layers. © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
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    The fate of nitrification and urease inhibitors in simulated bank filtration
    (2023) Förster, Christina; Scheurer, Marco; Klitzke, Sondra; Ruhl, Aki Sebastian; Zeeshan, Muhammad
    The application of nitrification and urease inhibitors (NUI) in conjunction with nitrogen (N) fertilizers improves the efficiency of N fertilizers. However, NUI are frequently found in surface waters through leaching or surface runoff. Bank filtration (BF) is considered as a low-cost water treatment system providing high quality water by efficiently removing large amounts of organic micropollutants from surface water. The fate of NUI in managed aquifer recharge systems such as BF is poorly known. The aim of this work was to investigate sorption and degradation of NUI in simulated BF under near-natural conditions. Besides, the effect of NUI on the microbial biomass of slowly growing microorganisms and the role of microbial biomass on NUI removal was investigated. Duplicate sand columns (length 1.7 m) fed with surface water were spiked with a pulse consisting of four nitrification (1,2,4-triazole, dicyanodiamide, 3,4-dimethylpyrazole and 3-methylpyrazole) and two urease inhibitors (n-butyl-thiophosphoric acid triamide and n-(2-nitrophenyl) phosphoric triamide). The average spiking concentration of each NUI was 5 ÎÌg/L. Experimental and modeled breakthrough curves of NUI indicated no retardation for any of the inhibitors. Therefore, biodegradation was identified as the main elimination pathway for all substances and was highest in zones of high microbial biomass. Removal of 1,2,4-triazole was 50% and n-butyl-thiophosphoric acid triamide proved to be highly degradable and was completely removed after a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 24 h. 50% of the mass recovery for nitrification inhibitors except for 3,4-dimethylpyrazole was observed at the effluent (4 days HRT). In addition, a mild effect of NUI on microbial biomass was noted. This study highlights that the degradation of NUI in BF depends on HRT and microbial biomass. © 2023 Elsevier
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    Distribution of engineered Ag nanoparticles in the aquatic-terrestrial transition zone: a long-term indoor floodplain mesocosm study
    (2021) Metreveli, George; Klitzke, Sondra; Kurtz, Sandra; Rosenfeldt, Ricki R.
    The fate of engineered nanoparticles in the aquatic-terrestrial transition zone is decisive for their effect in the environment. However, our knowledge on processes within this interface is rather low. Therefore, we used a floodplain stream mesocosm to enhance our understanding of the long-term distribution and biological effects of citrate-coated silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) in this ecosystem. Parallel to pulsed dosing of Ag-NPs, we observed fluctuating but successively increasing concentrations of aqueous Ag, 88-97% of which was categorized as particles. The remaining dissolved fraction was mainly complexed with natural organic matter (NOM). The major Ag fraction (50%) was associated with the uppermost sediment layer. The feeding activity of benthic amphipods was largely unaffected, which could be explained by the low Ag concentration and complexation of released Ag+ with NOM. According to our hypothesis, only a small nanoparticle fraction (6%) moved to the terrestrial area due to aquatic aging and enrichment of Ag-NPs in sediments and biota. Nanoparticle infiltration in deeper sediment and soil layers was also limited. We expect that a small fraction of nanoparticles remaining in the water for several weeks can be transported over large distances in rivers. The Ag-NPs accumulated in the top layer of sediment and soil may serve as a source of toxic Ag+ ions or may be remobilized due to changing physico-chemical conditions. Furthermore, the high enrichment of Ag-NPs on algae (up to 250 000-fold) and leaves (up to 11 000-fold) bears risk for organisms feeding on those resources and for the transfer of Ag within the food web. © Royal Society of Chemistry 2021
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    Attachment, re-mobilization, and inactivation of bacteriophage MS2 during bank filtration following simulation of a high virus load and an extreme rain event
    (2022) Wang, He; Kaletta, Judith; Kaschuba, Sigrid; Klitzke, Sondra
    Viruses, including human pathogenic viruses, can persist in water. For producing drinking water from surface water via bank filtration, natural attenuation capacities and the fate of viruses during the passage of aquatic sediments are of particular interest. Moreover, the increasing frequency of extreme hydrological events necessitate re-evaluation of the sustainability and efficacy of processes removing viruses. For this purpose, we performed bank sediment filtration experiments using a mesocosm in a technical-scale experimental facility that simulates a field situation under more tightly controlled conditions. We used the bacteriophage MS2 as a surrogate for enteric viruses to study the transport of different viral loads through the bank sediment. Additionally, we simulated a heavy rain event to investigate the re-mobilization of initially attached virus particles. We quantified the abundance of infectious MS2 phages by plaque assay and the total number of MS2 particles by qPCR. Also, we differentiated pore water concentrations by depths of the sediment column and investigated attachment to the sediment matrix at the end of the individual experimental phases. Bank filtration over a vertical distance of 80 cm through sandy sediment revealed a virus removal efficiency of 0.8 log10 for total MS2 particles and 1.7 log10 for infectious MS2 particles, with an initial phage concentration of 1.84 x 10*8 gene copies mL-1. A low load of infectious MS2 (1.9 * 106 plaque forming units mL-1) resulted in a greater removal efficiency (3.0 log10). The proportion of infectious MS2 phages of the total MS2 particle mass steadily decreased over time, i.e., in the course of individual breakthrough curves and with sediment depth. The simulated pulse of rainwater caused a front of low ionic strength water which resulted in pronounced phage remobilization. The high proportion of infectious MS2 among the detached phages indicated that attachment to the sediment matrix may substantially conserve virus infectivity. Therefore, the re-mobilization of previously attached viruses owing to hydrological extremes should be considered in water quality assessment and monitoring schemes. © 2022 The Authors
  • Veröffentlichung
    Reducing the input of chemicals into waters: trifluoroacetate (TFA) as a persistent and mobile substance with many sources
    (Umweltbundesamt, 2022) Adlunger, Kirsten; Anke, Julia Margaretha; Bachem, Gunnar; Banning, Helena; Biegel-Engler, Annegret; Blondzik, Katrin; Braun, Ulrike; Eckhardt, Alexander; Gildemeister, Daniela; Hilliges, Falk; Hoffmann, Gabriele; Schneider, Franziska; Jentzsch, Franziska; Klitzke, Sondra; Kuckelkorn, Jochen; Martens, Kerstin; Müller, Alexandra; Pickl, Christina; Rechenberg, Jörg; Sättler, Daniel; Schmidt, Uwe; Speichert, Gunther; Warnke, Ingo; Wehner, Jeannine; Wischer, Ronny; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt
    Trifluoroacetate (TFA) is a mobile and persistent substance that is primarily introduced into the water cycle through the degradation of various fluorochemicals and remains in the environment in the long term. TFA can be detected in many water bodies in relatively high concentrations with some regional hotspots. This background paper presents current data and estimates on sources, input pathways, contamination, impact and measures on TFA. It gives an outlook on first activities and options to comprehensively minimise TFA inputs to the environment. Despite gaps in knowledge, it becomes clear that consistent regulation and an overarching minimisation strategy must be initiated in the short term. Quelle:
  • Veröffentlichung
    Toxic Cyanobacteria in Water
    (IWA Publishing, 2021) Fastner, Jutta; Junek, Ralf; Klitzke, Sondra; Chorus, Ingrid; Welker, Martin; World Health Organization; Institut für Wasser-, Boden- und Lufthygiene (Berlin)
  • Veröffentlichung
    Nitrifikations- und Ureaseinhibitoren
    (2023) Beisecker, Richard; Seith, Theresa; Klitzke, Sondra; Kübeck, Christine