19 Ergebnisse
Veröffentlichung Development of combustion installations under the EU ETS(German Environment Agency, 2024) Loreck, Charlotte; Hermann, Hauke; Graichen, Verena; Mendelevitch, Roman; Zirkel, Alexandra; Gibis, ClaudiaThe generation of electricity and heat is the largest single activity covered by the EU Emissions Trad-ing System (EU ETS). This report provides an in-depth analysis of the electricity sector since the EU ETS was introduced in 2005. It allows key drivers behind the development in capacities, generation levels and emissions to be identified. It thereby provides key information from past developments which form the basis for future projections and the design of tailored policy instruments. The re-port provides information on the European level as well as for 10 selected European countries: the Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain and the United Kingdom.Veröffentlichung Development of the iron and steelmaking sector under the EU ETS(German Environment Agency, 2024) Mendelevitch, Roman; Hermann, Hauke; Graichen, Verena; Bibu, Teodora; Lettow, Frederik; Nissen, Christian; Zirkel, AlexandraThis report aims to describe key developments of the iron and steelmaking sector in the period from 2005 to 2019. It identifies key drivers behind the trends in emissions, production levels, investments, and the market environment on the country and installation level by giving an overview of the EU-28 level as well as detailed information for eight selected European countries: Germany, Italy, France, Poland, Austria, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic.By providing key information from past developments, this report sets a solid basis for future projections and the design of climate policy.Veröffentlichung Supply and demand in the ETS 2(German Environment Agency, 2024)The study looks at the functioning of the new emission trading system for road transport, buildings, and small installations (ETS 2) in the EU. It explains the rules governing the supply of allowances including the functioning of the market stability reserve (MSR) and the price containment mechanisms. Furthermore, it assesses the balance of supply and demand as well as auctioning revenues under different assumptions for the development of CO2 emissions and CO2 price. Finally, the interaction between the ETS 2 and national targets under the Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR) and the relationship with the German national ETS is assessed and an outlook for the period until 2040 is provided.Veröffentlichung Third-country carbon pricing under the EU CBAM(German Environment Agency, 2024)In October 2023, the EU introduced a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) imposing a carbon price on imports of selected goods to the EU market. This way, the CBAM complements the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). One question that arises for the implementation of the new instrument is how third-country carbon prices can be recognised and deducted from CBAM payments. The discussion paper presents two possible approaches: One that recognises carbon costs that are actually incurred, and another that uses carbon price averages of the country of origin.The discussion paper raises conceptual considerations and open questions regarding the technicalities of recognising third-country carbon prices, such as the treatment of multi-product installations or upstream carbon pricing instruments. It discusses challenges that are specific to the processes of cap-and-trade systems, tradable performance standards, and carbon taxes.Veröffentlichung The EU Emission Trading Schemes' effects on the competitive situation within national and international aviation(2016) Deutschland. UmweltbundesamtThis report analyses the impacts of theEU ETS on the competitiveness of various types of aircraft operators by means of micro-economic analysis and by extensive short-term and long-term modelling. Because of political negotiation processes on the geographical scope of the EU ETS we analyse the impacts for two scenarios: 1. A scenario in which all emissions from flights between airports in the European Free Trade Association are covered (Stopping the Clock scenario). 2. A scenario in which all emissions from flights in the European airspace are covered (European airspace scenario). The second scope is larger, as it also includes emissions from flights between airports in Europe and airports on other continents are partly included in the EU ETS. The study shows that the EU ETS has only a small impact on competitiveness.Quelle: https://www.umweltbundesamt.deVeröffentlichung Potentials and Limitations of Different Requirements (Offsetting) in Bilateral and Global Carbon Pricing Systems(2017) Wang-Helmreich, Hanna; Kreibich, Nico; Kurdziel, Marie-Jeanne; Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie; NewClimate - Institute for Climate Policy and Global Sustainability gGmbH; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Kruse, MarcelThis report explores the introduction of carbon taxes with a national offset component and their interactions with other policy areas, and makes recommendations on this topic. In this task, the study focuses on the approaches Chile, Mexico and South Africa have chosen for elaborating their carbon taxes. The study identifies the objectives the three countries pursue by introducing these new systems as well as the requirements they establish for the use of offsets. Furthermore, it analyses the interaction between the use of offsets and other policy areas, in particular on co-benefits, co-costs and long-term emissions mitigation trajectories. Quelle:öffentlichung The innovation fund(2018) Duwe, Matthias; Ostwald, Robert; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Gagelmann, Frank; Zirkel, AlexanderThis report analyses a range of options for designing the EU Innovation Fund (IF), a financing instrument created under the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) to support technological breakthrough for low-carbon innovations in the power sector and industry. The report combines a look at lessons learned from the IF’s predecessor mechanism “NER 300” with insights from the respective emission reduction technology options in three key industry sectors (steel, cement, pulp & paper) based on a literature review and interviews: on this basis, the paper concludes with recommendations for the IF’s design.Veröffentlichung Analysis of risks and opportunities of linking emissions trading systems(2018) Tänzler, Dennis; Santikarn, Marissa; Stelmakh, Kateryna; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Gibis, ClaudiaWithin the frame of this project, a structured system for evaluating the risks and opportunities of linking emissions trading schemes was developed. To this end, economic, ecological and political objectives for linking were identified, relations and interdependencies were investigated and assessment criteria and indicators were defined. The report also includes an overview on economic models that can be used for analyzing linking effects. Another focus is the relevance of differences in the design of emission trading schemes and critical design features that would need to be potentially adjusted to ensure the proper functioning of a linked carbon market. Quelle:öffentlichung Economic models for assessing the economic effects of linking emissions trading schemes(2019) Bingler, Julia; Hauptstock, Dorothea; Thema, Johannes; Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Gibis, ClaudiaZiel dieses Beitrags ist die Untersuchung von Ansätzen für eine quantitative Analyse ökonomischer Effekte aus der bilateralen Verknüpfung von Emissionshandelssystemen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden verschiedene ökonomische Modelle, die für die Analyse dieser wirtschaftlichen Effekte grundsätzlich als geeignet erachtet wurden, untersucht. Die Überprüfung basiert auf einer Reihe spezifischer Kriterien: dem Modelltyp, dem Zeithorizont des Modells und der Akteure, der Abdeckung von Regionen, wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten, Sektoren und Treibhausgasen sowie der Möglichkeit einer sektoralen Disaggregation. Die Bewertung zeigt, dass die fünf am besten geeigneten Modelle E3ME, GEM-E3, PACE, POLES und TIMES sind. Die Ergebnisse für diese Modelle werden in einem Abschnitt ausführlich diskutiert. Quelle: VerlagsinformationVeröffentlichung Essential elements of robust MRV-systems and analysis of their relevance for linking emissions trading schemes(Umweltbundesamt, 2020) Hoffmann, Marcus; Mühlpointer, Thomas; Nickel, Felix; FutureCamp GmbH (München); TÜV Nord Cert GmbH; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt; Tharan, DorisDas UFOPLAN-Forschungsvorhaben "Internationaler Vergleich oder Bestandsaufnahme der Methoden und Verfahren für Monitoring, Berichterstattung und Verifizierung in Emissionshandelssystemen" (FKZ: 371241505) untersucht und vergleicht die Vorgaben zu Überwachung, Berichterstattung und Verifizierung (MRV) von Treibhausgasemissionen in ausgewählten Emissionshandels- und Monitoingssystemen. Im Zentrum der Analysen stehen dabei die organisatorisch-operative Ausgestaltung des Berichtszyklus sowie die methodisch-technischen Vorgaben zur Herleitung der jährlich zu berichtenden Emissionsmengen. Auf Basis der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse werden zentrale technische und systemische Risiken bei der regelmäßigen Überwachung von Treibhausgasemissionen identifiziert und Minimumkriterien für die Ausgestaltung von MRV-Systemen definiert, die zur Risikominimierung beitragen und eine Vergleichbarkeit der Systeme hinsichtlich Transparenz, Genauigkeit und Vollständigkeit der Überwachung ermöglichen. Insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund potentiell in der Zukunft angestrebter Verknüpfungen von Einzelsystemen zu einem gemeinsamen Markt (Linking), ist die spezifische Ausprägung dieser Kriterien entscheidend für systemübergreifende Akzeptanz der individuell etablierten Überwachungsstandards. Das Forschungsvorhaben liefert dabei fundierte Rückschlüsse, ob im Kontext von MRV qualitative und/oder quantitative Barrieren für ein erfolgreiches Linking von Emissionshandelssystemen existieren würden. Diese Publikation enthält die Studie, die in diesem Forschungsschwerpunkt entstanden ist. Das Forschungsvorhaben trägt vor diesem Hintergrund zu den umfangreichen Studien mit Blick auf Linking von Einzelmärkten bei, fokussiert sich dabei jedoch spezifisch auf das Thema MRV. Quelle: Forschungsbericht