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  • Veröffentlichung
    New Test Strategy for Dung Beetles During the Authorization Process of Parasiticides
    (2013) Adler, Nicole; Bachmann, Jean; Römbke, Jörg
    According to European legislation, an environmental risk assessment (ERA) of veterinary medicinal products (VMPs) for dung fauna is required in the authorization process, if the substance acts as a parasiticide for the treatment of pasture animals. In the past, however, the demonstration of the environmental safety of those VMPs for dung fauna was strongly hampered by the fact that no standardized tests were available. Therefore, starting with recommendations from the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) advisory group, dung organism toxicity test standardization (DOTTS) test systems for phase II Tier A standardized tests on the mortality of dung fly and dung beetle larvae were developed and published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 2008 and 2010. If a risk is identified for dung organisms in phase II Tier A of the ERA process, further tests are required for Tier B. So far, however, no advice is given for such studies in the existing guidelines. Therefore, 4 workshops took place between 2007 and 2009 with international dung fauna experts (Aveiro-Group) to find an appropriate test strategy for dung fauna organisms beyond Tier A mortality testing. For the first time, 2 different Tier B extended laboratory test approaches for dung beetles and test strategies for scenarios beyond Tier B are described in more detail. In case the risk assessment is still not clear, further options for Tier C (i.e., field studies) or Tier D (modeling) are briefly presented. Finally, the role of uncertainty and variability of test results is discussed, including recommendations for assessment factors for the different tiers to be used when assessing the risk of VMPs on dung organisms. The approach, especially the test strategy, will help industry, consultants, and assessors appropriately assess the environmental risk assessments during the authorization procedure of parasiticides. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2013;9:524-530. © 2013 SETAC
  • Veröffentlichung
    Antibiotika-Rückstände im oberflächennahen Grundwasser in Nordwestdeutschland
    Antibiotika werden sowohl in der Human- als auch in der Tiermedizin in großen Mengen eingesetzt. Es ist zu vermuten, dass sie aus der Tierhaltung mit der Ausbringung von Wirtschaftsdüngern über den Boden und die ungesättigte Zone in das Grundwasser gelangen können. In verschiedenen Untersuchungen wurde in den vergangenen Jahren in Nordwestdeutschland das oberflächennahe Grundwasser an Risikostandorten auf Rückstände von Tierarzneimitteln untersucht. Dabei wurden wiederholt Wirkstoffe aus der Gruppe der Sulfonamide im Grundwasser nachgewiesen, zum Teil auch deutlich oberhalb der Nachweisgrenze. Ob die Tierarzneimittel mit dem Wirtschaftsdünger ins Grundwasser eingetragen worden sind, konnte bislang noch nicht eindeutig geklärt werden. Die Untersuchungen werden deswegen 2015 und 2016 unter freiwilliger Mitarbeit der betroffenen Landwirte fortgesetzt. Quelle:
  • Veröffentlichung
    Development of a test method for transformation of veterinary pharmaceuticals and biocides in anaerobic liquid manure
    (2020) Junker, Thomas; Atorf, Cornelia; Berkner, Silvia; Konradi, Sabine
    Background Spreading of manure on agricultural soils represents an important pathway by which veterinary medicinal and biocidal products enter the environment. To assess their environmental impact in the context of authorization processes, experimental testing of transformation of these compounds in manure is considered in regulatory guidance documents. However, there is no standardized experimental test method available so far. To fill this gap, an experimental test method was developed to examine transformation in liquid cattle and pig manure. Results To account for manure specifics and for a possible influence of manure parameters on transformation rates, a comprehensive data acquisition and statistical analysis were performed. To address the variability of liquid manure of different type and origin, 30 manures were sampled and characterized. Thereof, three cattle and three pig manures were selected to perform anaerobic transformation studies with two radiolabeled veterinary medicinal active substances (14C-salicylic acid and 14C-paracetamol) and a confidential radiolabeled "14C-biocide B" serving as test compounds. Spatial and seasonal variability of manure parameters was quantified, and a sampling technique to obtain homogenous manure samples was developed. Transformation studies with six replicates per sampling point were conducted to examine the influence of test setup, of manure storage conditions, and of parameter variations between manure of the same species and of different species on half-lives, formation of extractable and non-extractable residues and mineralization rates. Finally, a test design was established that yields reproducible results for transformation studies in liquid cattle and pig manure under anaerobic conditions. Conclusions Results give a reliable basis for an experimental test method to perform anaerobic transformation studies in liquid cattle and pig manure. The developed test method comprises detailed guidance on selection of sampling date and site, collection from manure tank, storage duration and temperature in the laboratory, duration of manure acclimation period, and the incubation system design. It proved to give reproducible results in a validation ring test performed in a follow-up project and is planned to be submitted as draft test guideline for approval by the OECD. © The Author(s) 2020.