4 Ergebnisse
Veröffentlichung Sustainable resource use and the projected development of PV(2013) Günther, Jens; Lehmann, HarryClimate protection, the transformation of the energy system, the sustainable use of natural resources and increasing resource efficiency are main strategic policy fields in the EU and the member countries. Whereas the expansion of PV electricity supply is clearly fostering the first two strategic fields, negative effects on the latter may occur. The expected expansion requires significant amounts of raw materials and other resources. This raises questions on raw material supply, but also hampers the target achievement on resource efficiency and trade-offs to different environmental policies may occur. Whereas the topic of raw material supply is already under intensive investigation, the questions on synergies and trade-offs coming along with the PV expansion are rarely explored. Several research projects on behalf of the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) were analyzing different aspects in the context of environmental feasible expansion of PV in Germany. Based on selected results, we highlighted the interlinkages of PV expansion and resource use, evaluate the possible trade-offs and synergies to sustainable use of natural resources and conclude with implication for environmental policies, resource efficiency and suggestion for a resource efficient expansion of PV.Quelle:
Veröffentlichung An international comparative study of end-of-life vehicle (ELV) recycling systems(2013)End-of-life vehicles (ELV) have become aglobal concern as automobiles have become popularworldwide. An international workshop was held to gatherdata and to discuss 3R policies and ELV recycling systems,their background and present situation, outcomes of relatedpolicies and programs, the framework of recycling andwaste management, and case studies on related topics inseveral countries and regions, as well as the essential pointsof the comparison. Legislative ELV recycling systems areestablished in the EU, Japan, Korea, and China, while inthe US, ELV recycling is managed under existing laws onenvironmental protection. Since automobile shreddingresidue (ASR) has a high calorific value and ash content,and includes heavy metals as well as a mass of unclassifiedfine particles, recycling ASR is considered highly difficult.Countries with a legislative ELV system commonly set atarget for recovery rates, with many aiming for more than95 % recovery. In order to reach this target, higher efficiencyin ASR recovery is needed, in addition to materialrecycling of collectable components and metals. Environmentallyfriendly design was considered necessary at theplanning and manufacturing stages, and the development ofrecycling systems and techniques in line with these changesare required for sound ELV management.Quelle:
Veröffentlichung Abfall - globales Problem oder globales Potenzial?(2021) Rechenberg, BettinaSeit Mitte 2019 nahmen Schlagzeilen über einen zunehmenden Export von Kunststoffabfällen aus Europa in asiatische Länder wie Indonesien und Malaysia zu, nachdem China im Februar 2018 einen Importstopp verhängt hatte. Bilder von riesigen Halden von aus Europa importierten Elektrogeräten in Agbogbloshie am Rand der Hauptstadt Accra machten schon vorher die mediale Runde. Abfall scheint ein zunehmendes globales Problem zu sein. Doch im Abfall steckt ein riesiges Rohstoffpotenzial, das genutzt werden muss. Quelle: https://www.westermann.deVeröffentlichung A terminology for downcycling(2022) Helbig, Christoph; Huether, Jonas; Joachimsthaler, Charlotte; Lehmann, ChristianThe term downcycling is often used anecdotally to describe imperfections in recycling. However, it is rarely defined. Here, we identify six meanings of the term downcycling as used in scientific articles and reports. These encompass the material quality of reprocessed materials, target applications, product value, alloying element losses, material systems, and additional primary production. In a proposal for harmonized and more specific terminology, we define downcycling as the phenomenon of quality reduction of materials reprocessed from waste relative to their original quality. We further identify that the reduced quality can express itself thermodynamically, functionally, and economically, covering all perspectives on downcycling. Dilution, contamination, reduced demand for recycled materials, and design-related issues can cause those downcycling effects. We anticipate that this more precise terminology can help quantify downcycling, keep materials in the loop longer, use materials more often and at higher quality, and therefore assist in reducing material-related environmental impacts. © 2022 The Authors