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  • Veröffentlichung
    The concept of sustainable chemistry: Key drivers for the transition towards sustainable development
    (2017) Blum, Christopher; Bunke, Dirk; Hungsburg, Maximilian; Stolzenberg, Hans-Christian
    To achieve and safeguard the chemicals management ̮2020 goalŁ of least possible adverse effects, we need broad and global transformation to a sustainable chemistry, which can provide the most adequate solutions contributing to sustainable development as set out in the Agenda 2030. As a basis for effective progress, a common understanding is required of sustainable chemistry, of its scope, characteristic elements, and specific objectives, as well are guidelines requisite for influencing the speed and direction of this complex and encompassing transformation. This article aims at stimulating this transition process towards a sustainable chemical sector by proposing ̮100 words for sustainable chemistryŁ, objectives and guiding principles as well as actions steps towards the further implementation of sustainable chemistry. Quelle:
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    Success factors for water safety plan implementation in small drinking water supplies in low- and middle-income countries
    (2020) Herschan, Jo; Mkandawire, Theresa; Rickert, Bettina
    The proper operation of a water supply system (WSS) requires constant investment. The priority is to provide residents with high quality potable water, in the required quantity and pressure, in accordance with the applicable regulations. The paper presents an assessment of the potential inherent operational risk of a WSS in support of the risk-based investment management process. It is of high importance to invest in the operational safety as it concerns both producers and consumers. The investment engenders additional costs that should partially be supported by the consumers. Thus, the paper presents a methodology to analyse consumers' readiness to accept water supply services' additional costs. The proposed methods may underpin a comprehensive program for risk-based investment management and operational decision-making. The case study and the approach in this article concern one particular regional WSS, based on information collected from water consumers. The assessment suggests a willingness to tolerate additional costs in view of enhancing the performance of the water supply services. © 2020 by the authors.
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    Defining a Sustainable Development Target Space for 2030 and 2050
    (2022) Vuuren, Detlef P. van; Zimm, Caroline; Messner, Dirk; Busch, Sebastian
    With the establishment of the sustainable development goals (SDGs), countries worldwide agreed to a prosperous, socially inclusive, and environmentally sustainable future for all. This ambition, however, exposes a critical gap in science-based insights, namely on how to achieve the 17 SDGs simultaneously. Quantitative goal-seeking scenario studies could help explore the needed systems' transformations. This requires a clear definition of the "target space." The 169 targets and 232 indicators used for monitoring SDG implementation cannot be used for this; they are too many, too broad, unstructured, and sometimes not formulated quantitatively. Here, we propose a streamlined set of science-based indicators and associated target values that are quantifiable and actionable to make scenario analysis meaningful, relevant, and simple enough to be transparent and communicable. The 36 targets are based on the SDGs, existing multilateral agreements, literature, and expert assessment. They include 2050 as a longer-term reference point. This target space can guide researchers in developing new sustainable development pathways. © 2022 The Authors
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    Focus on reactive nitrogen and the UN sustainable development goals
    (2022) Winiwarter, Wilfried; Amon, Barbara; Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon; Geupel, Markus
    The scientific evidence assembled in this Focus Collection on 'Reactive nitrogen and the UN sustainable development goals' emphasizes the relevance of agriculture as a key sector for nitrogen application as well as its release to the environment and the observed impacts. Published work proves the multiple connections and their causality, and presents pathways to mitigate negative effects while maintaining the benefits, foremost the production of food to sustain humanity. Providing intersections from field to laboratory studies and to modelling approaches, across multiple scales and for all continents, the Collection displays an overview of the state of nitrogen science in the early 21st century. Extending science to allow for policy-relevant messages renders the evidence provided a valuable basis for a global assessment of reactive nitrogen. © Authors
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    "Wir müssen digitale und nachhaltige Transformation stärker zusammendenken"
    Mit dem Übereinkommen von Paris im Jahr 2015 sind die Klima- und Energieziele für 2050 gesteckt. Nun geht es darum, diese Ziele zu erreichen und notwendige Veränderungen in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft anzugehen. Damit einher gehen Anpassungen in allen Wirtschaftssektoren und im beruflichen Handeln. Was bislang erreicht und auch versäumt wurde und was auf dem Weg zur klimaneutralen Wirtschaft, auch mit Blick auf die Qualifizierung von Fachkräften, dringend zu tun bleibt, erörtert Prof. Dr. Dirk Messner in diesem Interview. Quelle: