6 Ergebnisse
Veröffentlichung The importance of field margins and meadows for land snails(2013) Swarowsky, Klaus; Brühl, Carsten A.; Stahlschmidt, PeterField margins and meadows are valuable habitats for many species in agricultural landscapes but so far there are no comprehensive studies that address their value for land snails, which are an important part of terrestrial biodiversity.Even though the population trends of 74.6 % of the German land snail species that also should inhabit cultivatedland according to their ecological preferences are decreasing, it has never been investigated what value differentagricultural landscapeelements could have for this group. Therefore, we sampled and compared the land snail faunabetween field margins of different width and in-field areas of conventionally managed apple orchards, vineyards andcereal fields as well as between agricultural habitats and meadows to investigate their respective value for land snailbiodiversity in the agricultural landscape.In total we collected 20 different land snail species mostly typical of an open landscape representing ca. 16 % ofthe land snail fauna in Germany. In meadows species richness was higher than in all crop fields and margins exceptfor vineyard margins and wide cereal field margins and furthermore the typically occurring species differed considerablyfrom those in agricultural habitats. Our results did not indicate differences in land snail species richness,abundance or species composition between apple orchard in-field areas and field margins. In vineyardsand cerealfields, species richness was higher in margins than in-field and the red-list species Truncatellina cylindrica (Férussac,1807) was exclusively typical in wide margins of both crops. Land snail abundance and/or species richness increasedwith decreasing agricultural intensity.Quelle: Mainzer Naturwissenschaftliches Archiv : unter Foerderung des Minist. fuer Unterricht und Kultus u. der Stadt Mainz in Verb. mit dem Inst. fuer Bio- und Geowissenschaften der Univ. Mainz - (2013), H. 50, S. 291-300.Veröffentlichung Land-Use Change Modelling in the Upper Blue Nile Basin(2016) Yalew, Seleshi G.; Mul, Marloes L.; van Griensven, Ann; Schweitzer, Christian; Teferi, Ermias; Priess, Joerg; van Der Zaag, PieterLand-use and land-cover changes are driving unprecedented changes in ecosystems and environmental processes at different scales. This study was aimed at identifying the potential land-use drivers in the Jedeb catchment of the Abbay basin by combining statistical analysis, field investigation and remote sensing. To do so, a land-use change model was calibrated and evaluated using the SITE (SImulation of Terrestrial Environment) modelling framework. SITE is cellular automata based multi-criteria decision analysis framework for simulating land-use conversion based on socio-economic and environmental factors. Past land-use trajectories (1986Ń2009) were evaluated using a reference Landsat-derived map (agreement of 84%). Results show that major land-use change drivers in the study area were population, slope, livestock and distances from various infrastructures (roads, markets and water). It was also found that farmers seem to increasingly prefer plantations of trees such as Eucalyptus by replacing croplands perhaps mainly due to declining crop yield, soil fertility and climate variability. Potential future trajectory of land-use change was also predicted under a business-as-usual scenario (2009Ń2025). Results show that agricultural land will continue to expand from 69.5% in 2009 to 77.5% in 2025 in the catchment albeit at a declining rate when compared with the period from 1986 to 2009. Plantation forest will also increase at a much higher rate, mainly at the expense of natural vegetation, agricultural land and grasslands. This study provides critical information to land-use planners and policy makers for a more effective and proactive management in this highland catchment. Quelle: http://www.mdpi.comVeröffentlichung Contribution of organic toxicants to multiple stress in river ecosystems(2016) Schäfer, Ralf B.; Gergs, René; Kuehn, Bernhard; Malaj, Egina; Sahm, RenéRiver ecosystems are threatened by multiple stressors, including habitat degradation, pollution and invasive species. However, freshwater ecologists have largely disregarded the contribution of toxicants to stress in rivers, whereas ecotoxicologists have primarily examined toxicant effects in artificial systems. As a result, there is a paucity of information on the co-occurrence of organic toxicants with other stressors and on the relative importance of toxicants for overall ecological risk in rivers. We used monitoring data for German rivers to analyse the individual and joint occurrence of four stressors: habitat degradation, invasive species, nutrient pollution and organic toxicants. All stressors were examined for ecological risks in terms of whether they exceeded low- and high-risk thresholds derived from published studies and regulatory thresholds. Nutrients and habitat degradation exceeded low and high risk thresholds at c. 85% of the sites and invasive species and organic toxicants at c. 50% of the sites. At least one stressor exceeded thresholds at all sites for which data on all four stressors were available. Toxicity showed weak positive correlations with nutrients and habitat degradation (0.2 < Spearman's ? < 0.34, 0.009 < P < 0.08). The risks of ecological effects arising from habitat degradation and invasive species were higher in lowland rivers, particularly for invasive species. Our assessment shows that organic toxicants contribute notably to risks of ecological effects in rivers, to a similar extent as invasive species, although habitat degradation and nutrients are the dominant stressors. Exposure to multiple stressors is the typical situation prevailing in rivers. Consequently, mitigation measures focusing on individual stressors may not be effective at reducing ecological risks. This suggests that integrating concepts and data from freshwater ecology and ecotoxicology is essential to meet the challenge of managing multiple stressors in river ecosystems. Quelle:öffentlichung Soil and land use research in Europe: Lessons learned from INSPIRATION bottom-up strategic research agenda setting(2018) Bartke, Stephan; Boekhold, Alexandra E.; Brils, Jos M.; Ferber, Uwe; Grimski, DetlefWe introduce the INSPIRATION bottom-up approach for the development of a strategic research agenda for spatial planning, land use and soil-sediment-water-system management in Europe. Research and innovation needs were identified by more than 500 European funders, endusers, scientists, policy makers, public administrators and consultants. We report both on the concept and on the implementation of the bottom-up approach, provide a critique of the process and draw key lessons for the development of research agendas in the future. Based on identified strengths and weaknesses we identified as key opportunities and threats 1) a high ranking and attentiveness for the research topics on the political agenda, in press and media or in public awareness, 2) availability of funding for research, 3) the resources available for creating the agenda itself, 4) the role of the sponsor of the agenda development, and 5) the continuity of stakeholder engagement as bases for identification of windows of opportunity, creating ownership for the agenda and facilitating its implementation. Our derived key recommendations are 1) a clear definition of the area for which the agenda is to be developed and for the targeted user, 2) a conceptual model to structure the agenda, 3) making clear the expected roles, tasks, input formats regarding the involvement and communication with the stakeholders and project partners, 4) a sufficient number of iterations and checks of the agenda with stakeholders to insure completeness, relevance and creation of co-ownership for the agenda, and 5) from the beginning prepare the infrastructure for the network to implement the agenda. © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Veröffentlichung Landscapes, their exploration and utilisation(2019) Mueller, Lothar; Eulenstein, Frank; Mirschel, Wilfried; Glante, FrankA new geological epoch has begun - the Anthropocene. Huge anthropogenic transformations of terrestrial landscapes over the past five decades have forced its declaration. Exploring of interaction of humans with nature in general, and with landscapes in particular, can be characterised properly by the terms "landscape research" and "landscape science". Landscape science has been a traditional scientific discipline of geography. This is the case in Russia, whilst the terms geo-ecology and landscape ecology have become established in the English-speaking scientific community. As landscapes are multifunctional, highly complex systems, landscape research is a platform for disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research. Landscape research in the Anthropocene must aim to combine landscape sustainability with high quality and productivity. This mission is in accord with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and the provisions of the Landscape Convention of the European Council. It includes halting landscape degradation, developing cultural landscapes and maintaining semi-natural landscapes. Clean water and air, fertile and healthy soils for food and other ecosystem services and a green and biodiverse environment are attributes of landscapes for the survival and well-being of humans in coexistence with nature. Landscape research must generate knowledge, innovations and responsible decision rules for achieving these aims. Big data gathering and scenario modelling are important for knowledge generation in a globalised world. International long-term experiments, observatories and monitoring systems will deliver data for comprehensive ecosystem models and decision support systems. Technical innovations must be imbedded in cultural solutions for the evolvement of landscapes. Springer International's new book series "Innovations in Landscape Research" aims to support better understanding, monitoring and managing landscapes. It contains a multitude of approaches and data. Some focus is on technical innovations for agri-environmental monitoring, on land and water management and its implications for landscape sustainability. Authors present novel tools for ecosystem modelling and forecasting of landscape processes, and on creating knowledge, rules and approaches for handling the multifunctionality of landscapes. The coming book series may serve as a knowledge, data and communication basis for informed decisions regarding the development of landscapes. It will enlarge our horizon and field of action by building bridges between scientific communities, scientific disciplines, and researchers and citizens. Quelle:öffentlichung Flächenbelegungen und Flächennutzungsänderungen in der Ökobilanzierung: Eine Methode zur Wirkungsabschätzung(2020) Fehrenbach, Horst; Reißmann, DanielDie Ökobilanz hat unter den in Anwendung befindlichen Umweltbewertungsmethoden einen besonderen Stellenwert und ist zwischenzeitlich bereits in einigen Gesetzen in Deutschland verankert. Für die Bewertung der Flächennutzung in Ökobilanzen ist eine allgemein anerkannte methodische Lösung bislang allerdings noch nicht vorhanden. Zwar gibt es erste Ansätze, doch wird dabei der Bedarf an methodischer Erweiterung und insbesondere die Verbesserung der Datengrundlagen herausgestellt. Dieser Beitrag thematisiert eine Methodenentwicklung am Umweltbundesamt zur Bewertung von temporärer Flächenbelegung und direkter sowie indirekter Flächennutzungsänderung von Produkten und Dienstleistungen im Rahmen der Ökobilanzierung1. Zentraler Bestandteil ist die qualitative Bewertung der Flächennutzung und ihrer Änderung anhand von Charakterisierungsfaktoren auf Basis eines erweiterten Hemerobieansatzes. Die bisher erarbeitete Methode wurde u. a. zur Bewertung des Energiesystems in Deutschland angewendet. Weitere Erprobungen erfolgen. Dieser Beitrag stellt den bisherigen Arbeitsstand vor. In: Flächennutzungsmonitoring. - 12. Flächennutzungsmonitoring XII : mit Beiträgen zum Monitoring von Ökosystemleistungen und SDGs / Gotthard Meinel [und drei weitere] (Hrsg.). - Berlin - (2020), Seite 117