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  • Veröffentlichung
    Archetypes of a 100% Renewable Energies Power Supply
    (2014) Lehmann, Harry; Nowakowski, Mark
    On the way to a low carbon or even carbon neutral society there are a number of possible paths depending on political and social priorities. The German Federal Environment Agency has therefore been analyzing several "archetypesŁ of a future RE-based power generation. Three radically different scenarios were developed in order to study the technical and ecological feasibility of Germany switching to an electricity supply based entirely on renewable sources by 2050. Apart from different generation structures, the studies assume different degrees of connection and interchange between regions in Germany as well as between Germany and other countries within a Pan-European network.With the "Regions NetworkŁ scenario it has been shown that a 100% RE-based power generation is technically and ecologically feasible (English short version: Here, all German regions make extensive use of their RE potentials. Energy efficiency compensates for the rise in consumption caused by economic growth, e-mobility, and the use of heat-pumps. The introduction of large-scale electricity storage such as Power-to-Gas and the utilization of demand side management potentials plus a well-developed national electricity transmission grid make substantial contributions to the balancing of load and production. The system dynamics between supply and demand were minutely analyzed over 4 consecutive years.
    In the "Local Energy AutarkyŁ scenario, small-scale decentralized energy systems use locally available RE sources to satisfy their power demand without being connected with each other or outside suppliers, i.e. without electricity imports to Germany.
    The "International Large ScaleŁ scenario addresses the question whether and to which extent a wider network reaching across Germany's borders can be beneficial in terms of the optimal use of REs, the large-scale balancing between fluctuating RE feed-in and load, and using storage potentials.
  • Veröffentlichung
    Environmental Impact by Hydrogeothermal Energy Generation in Low-Enthalpy Regions
    (2018) Lohse, Christiane
    In view of the climate crisis, the development and the path of growth and expansion of renewable energy systems is an urgent task, but must carried out with great care on environmental compatibility and protection. Renewable energy supply systems that are suitable for grid-bound heat supply, particularly in urban areas in Europe, are geothermal binary plants that provide power as well as power and heat. This paper will present studies whose objective was the assessment of hydrogeothermal power and heat generation in low-enthalpy regions from the environmental standpoint. The German Environment Agency published results of a network of studies conducted between 2008 and 2016 on the analysis of detailed and comprehensive environmental impacts of the geothermal energy generation in Germany and has continuously evaluated these findings. In this article, the results of the Life Cycle Assessment are discussed, taking into account all effects and material flows within the entire life cycle. Based on these balances, differing geothermal systems are compared to each other and to other renewable and fossil energy generation systems in order to assess the ecological advantages and disadvantages of these systems. Taking into account local environmental impacts as well a comprehensive ecologic evaluation of potential environmental and human health impacts becomes possible. The paper presents the results of a) the mass and energy fluxes of the process chain along the life cycle, and b) the local environmental impacts along the life cycle with regard to the environmental indicators of these cases. The focus is on the impact of site and plant parameters. Concluding, it can be summarised that geothermal power and heat generation is a very low-carbon technology and can contribute to a sustainable energy supply. Hydrogeothermal plants show a significantly low surface consumption, and environmental impacts are only locally relevant and technically controllable. Through the development of optimised overall concepts, geothermal based power and heat generation can achieve minimal environmental impacts in all areas. The combined heat and power generation from geothermal resources is by far the most environmentally and climate-friendly energy supply compared to all other regenerative and fossil systems. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd.
  • Veröffentlichung
    "Wir müssen digitale und nachhaltige Transformation stärker zusammendenken"
    Mit dem Übereinkommen von Paris im Jahr 2015 sind die Klima- und Energieziele für 2050 gesteckt. Nun geht es darum, diese Ziele zu erreichen und notwendige Veränderungen in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft anzugehen. Damit einher gehen Anpassungen in allen Wirtschaftssektoren und im beruflichen Handeln. Was bislang erreicht und auch versäumt wurde und was auf dem Weg zur klimaneutralen Wirtschaft, auch mit Blick auf die Qualifizierung von Fachkräften, dringend zu tun bleibt, erörtert Prof. Dr. Dirk Messner in diesem Interview. Quelle: