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  • Veröffentlichung
    Integration von Geschlecht in die Forschung zu umweltbezogener Gesundheit. Ergebnisse des interdisziplinären Forschungsnetzwerks Geschlecht - Umwelt - Gesundheit (GeUmGe-NET)
    (2018) Bolte, Gabriele; David, Madlen; Debiak, Malgorzata; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike
    Die umfassende Berücksichtigung von Geschlecht (biologische und soziale Dimensionen) in der Gesundheitsforschung ist essenziell, um Relevanz und Validität der Forschungsergebnisse zu erhöhen. Im Unterschied zu anderen Bereichen der Gesundheitsforschung fehlt bislang eine systematische Aufarbeitung des Forschungsstandes zur Bedeutung von Geschlecht bei umweltbezogener Gesundheit. In dem interdisziplinären Forschungsnetzwerk Geschlecht - Umwelt - Gesundheit (GeUmGe-NET) wurde in ausgewählten Themenfeldern der Forschungsbereiche Umwelttoxikologie, Umweltmedizin, Umweltepidemiologie und Public-Health-Forschung zu Umwelt und Gesundheit der aktuelle Stand zur Integration von Geschlechteraspekten bzw. Genderkonzepten systematisch erhoben. In allen Bereichen wurden Wissenslücken und Forschungsbedarfe identifiziert sowie Potenziale für methodische Weiterentwicklungen durch Nutzung von Genderkonzepten aufgezeigt. Mit dem Forschungsnetzwerk GeUmGe-NET wurde ein Dialog zwischen biomedizinisch bzw. Public-Health-orientierter Gesundheitsforschung und sozialwissenschaftlicher Genderforschung begonnen. Dieser Dialog ist weiterzuführen, insbesondere hinsichtlich der gemeinsamen Erprobung methodischer Innovationen bei Datenerhebung und Datenanalyse. Erkenntnisse aus dieser interdisziplinären Forschung sind relevant für die Praxisfelder umweltbezogener Gesundheitsschutz, Gesundheitsförderung, Umweltgerechtigkeit und umweltbezogene Gesundheitsberichterstattung. © Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2018
  • Veröffentlichung
    Epidemiologische Studien mit Umweltbezug in Deutschland
    (2018) Schneider, Alexandra; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Rückerl, Regina; Standl, Marie; Schulz, Christine
    Unsere Umwelt beeinflusst Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden des Menschen, von der Geburt bis ins hohe Alter. In diesem Überblick werden die wichtigsten epidemiologischen Studien und Gesundheitsmonitoringsysteme in Deutschland erläutert, die unter anderem auch Umwelteinflüsse in verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen untersuchen und Gesundheitseffekte abschätzen. Die darin jeweils untersuchten Umweltfaktoren werden beschrieben. Diese Studien an Kindern und Erwachsenen schaffen eine Basis für Vorhersagen und präventive Maßnahmen. Die hohe Anzahl der erfassten umweltbezogenen Faktoren und die Intensität ihrer Untersuchung unterscheiden sich in den Studien, ebenso wie die (phänotypische) Charakterisierung der Studienteilnehmenden. Dennoch bilden die gewonnenen Daten eine Grundlage für die zukünftige Forschungsarbeit. Hierzu ist allerdings eine flächendeckende dauerhafte Erfassung der Daten zu den verschiedenen Umweltfaktoren notwendig. Da der Anteil der in städtischen Gebieten lebenden Bevölkerung in Zukunft weiter steigen wird, werden Umweltfaktoren wie Luftverschmutzung, Lufttemperatur, Lärm, aber auch soziale Ungerechtigkeit zukünftig die Gesundheit und Lebensqualität der Bevölkerung maßgeblich beeinflussen. Die Herausforderung einer alternden Gesellschaft, aber auch die mögliche Adaptation der Bevölkerung an diverse Umweltstimuli machen einen multidisziplinären Ansatz erforderlich. Gerade aus umweltepidemiologischer Sicht sind hier die gesammelten Daten der in diesem Artikel aufgezeigten Kohortenstudien in Deutschland ein wertvoller Schatz, denn nur damit können Zusammenhänge zwischen Umwelteinflüssen und Gesundheit erforscht und public-health-relevante präventive Maßnahmen identifiziert werden. Die NAKO-Gesundheitsstudie, die in den kommenden Jahrzehnten die größte verfügbare Ressource für Gesundheitsdaten sein wird, sollte in zukünftige Aktivitäten zur Erforschung von Umwelteinflüssen eingebunden werden. © Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2018
  • Veröffentlichung
    Advancing human health risk assessment
    (2019) Lanzoni, Anna; Castoldi, Anna F.; Kass, George EN; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike
    The current/traditional human health risk assessment paradigm is challenged by recent scientific and technical advances, and ethical demands. The current approach is considered too resource intensive, is not always reliable, can raise issues of reproducibility, is mostly animal based and does not necessarily provide an understanding of the underlying mechanisms of toxicity. From an ethical and scientific viewpoint, a paradigm shift is required to deliver testing strategies that enable reliable, animal-free hazard and risk assessments, which are based on a mechanistic understanding of chemical toxicity and make use of exposure science and epidemiological data. This shift will require a new philosophy, new data, multidisciplinary expertise and more flexible regulations. Re-engineering of available data is also deemed necessary as data should be accessible, readable, interpretable and usable. Dedicated training to build the capacity in terms of expertise is necessary, together with practical resources allocated to education. The dialogue between risk assessors, risk managers, academia and stakeholders should be promoted further to understand scientific and societal needs. Genuine interest in taking risk assessment forward should drive the change and should be supported by flexible funding. This publication builds upon presentations made and discussions held during the break-out session 'Advancing risk assessment science - Human health' at EFSA's third Scientific Conference 'Science, Food and Society' (Parma, Italy, 18ââą Ì21 September 2018). © 2019 European Food Safety Authority
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    Saliva cortisol in relation to aircraft noise exposure: pooled-analysis results from seven European countries
    (2019) Baudin, Clémence; Lefèvre, Marie; Selander, Jenny; Babisch, Wolfgang
    Background Many studies have demonstrated adverse effects of exposure to aircraft noise on health. Possible biological pathways for these effects include hormonal disturbances. Few studies deal with aircraft noise effects on saliva cortisol in adults, and results are inconsistent. Objective We aimed to assess the effects of aircraft noise exposure on saliva cortisol levels and its variation in people living near airports. Methods This study focused on the 1300 residents included in the HYENA and DEBATS cross-sectional studies, with complete information on cortisol sampling. All the participants followed a similar procedure aiming to collect both a morning and an evening saliva cortisol samples. Socioeconomic and lifestyle information were obtained during a face-to-face interview. Outdoor aircraft noise exposure was estimated for each participantââą Ìs home address. Associations between aircraft noise exposure and cortisol outcomes were investigated a priori for male and female separately, using linear regression models adjusted for relevant confounders. Different approaches were used to characterize cortisol levels, such as morning and evening cortisol concentrations and the absolute and relative variations between morning and evening levels. Results Statistically significant increases of evening cortisol levels were shown in women with a 10-dB(A) increase in aircraft noise exposure in terms of LAeq, 16h (exp(ß) = 1.08; CI95% = 1.00-1.16), Lden (exp(ß) = 1.09; CI95% = 1.01-1.18), Lnight (exp(ß) = 1.11; CI95% = 1.02-1.20). A statistically significant association was also found in women between a 10-dB(A) increase in terms of Lnight and the absolute variation per hour (exp(ß) = 0.90; CI95% = 0.80-1.00). Statistically significant decreases in relative variation per hour were also evidenced in women, with stronger effects with the Lnight (exp(ß) = 0.89; CI95% = 0.83-0.96) than with other noise indicators. The morning cortisol levels were unchanged whatever noise exposure indicator considered. There was no statistically significant association between aircraft noise exposure and cortisol outcomes in men. Conclusions The results of the present study show statistically significant associations between aircraft noise exposure and evening cortisol levels and related flattening in the (absolute and relative) variations per hour in women. Further biological research is needed to deepen knowledge of the pathway between noise exposure and disturbed hormonal regulation, and specially the difference in effects between genders. © 2020 BioMed Central Ltd.
  • Veröffentlichung
    Chemical prioritisation strategy in the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) - Development and results
    (2021) Ougier, Eva; David, Madlen; Ganzleben, Catherine; Lecoq, Pierre; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Lange, Rosa
    The European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU1) has established a European Union-wide human biomonitoring (HBM) programme to generate knowledge on human internal exposure to chemical pollutants and their potential health impacts in Europe, in order to support policy makers' efforts to ensure chemical safety and improve health in Europe. A prioritisation strategy was necessary to determine and meet the most important needs of both policy makers and risk assessors, as well as common national needs of participating countries and a broad range of stakeholders. This strategy consisted of three mains steps: 1) mapping of knowledge gaps identified by policy makers, 2) prioritisation of substances using a scoring system, and 3) generation of a list of priority substances reflective of the scoring, as well as of public policy priorities and available resources. For the first step, relevant ministries and agencies at EU and national levels, as well as members of the Stakeholder Forum each nominated up to 5 substances/substance groups of concern for policy-makers. These nominations were collated into a preliminary list of 48 substances/substance groups, which was subsequently shortened to a list of 23 after considering the total number of nominations each substance/substance group received and the nature of the nominating entities. For the second step, a panel of 11 experts in epidemiology, toxicology, exposure sciences, and occupational and environmental health scored each of the substances/substance groups using prioritisation criteria including hazardous properties, exposure characteristics, and societal concern. The scores were used to rank the 23 substances/substance groups. In addition, substances were categorised according to the level of current knowledge about their hazards, extent of human exposure (through the availability of HBM data), regulatory status and availability of analytical methods for biomarker measurement. Finally, in addition to the ranking and categorisation of the substances, the resources available for the project and the alignment with the policy priorities at European level were considered to produce a final priority list of 9 substances/substance groups for research activities and surveys within the framework of the HBM4EU project. Quelle: © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier GmbH
  • Veröffentlichung
    The European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU): Human biomonitoring guidance values (HBM-GVs) for the aprotic solvents N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) and N-ethyl-2-pyrrolidone (NEP)
    (2021) Apel, Petra; Gerofke, Antje; David, Madlen; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Lange, Rosa
    Toxicologically and/or epidemiologically derived guidance values referring to the internal exposure of humans are a prerequisite for an easy to use health-based interpretation of human biomonitoring (HBM) results. The European Joint Programme HBM4EU derives such values, named human biomonitoring guidance values (HBM-GVs), for priority substances which could be of regulatory relevance for policy makers and have been identified by experts of the participating countries, ministries, agencies and stakeholders at EU and national level. NMP and NEP are such substances for which unresolved policy relevant issues should be clarified by targeted research. Since widespread exposure of the general population in Germany to NMP and NEP was shown for the age groups 3-17 years and 20-29 years, further investigations on exposure to NMP and NEP in other European countries are warranted. The HBM-GVs derived for both solvents focus on developmental toxicity as decisive endpoint. They amount for the sum of the two specific urinary NMP metabolites 5-HNMP and 2-HMSI and likewise of the two specific urinary NEP metabolites 5-HNEP and 2-HESI to 10 mg/L for children and 15 mg/L for adolescents/adults. The values were determined following a consultation process on the value proposals within HBM4EU. A health-based risk assessment was performed using the newly derived HBM-GVGenPop and exposure data from two recent studies from Germany. The risk assessment revealed that even when considering the combined exposure to both substances by applying the Hazard Index approach, the measured concentrations are below the HBM-GVGenPop in all cases investigated (i.e., children, adolescents and young adults). © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier GmbH.
  • Veröffentlichung
    Experiences shared by the (future) Public Health Workforce during the COVD-19 pandemic in Germany: results of a survey on workload, work content, and related challenges among students and young professionals
    (2022) Fischer, Florian; Wicherski, Julia; Tobollik, Myriam
    Although previous studies have focused on the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on various professional groups (particularly in the health and nursing care sector), this study aims to close a research gap by assessing perspectives of students and young professionals in epidemiology and public health in Germany in terms of shifts in workload, work content, and related challenges caused by the pandemic. We conducted a cross-sectional survey between mid-February and mid-March 2022. Quantitative data were analyzed via standardized mean differences. Qualitative data based on answers to open-ended questions were analyzed via a qualitative content analysis. Overall, 172 individuals participated in this survey. Results indicate that students felt burdened the most by lack of exchange with other students and lecturers. Study participants employed in public health experienced changes in their employment because they had changes in their work content- and administration, which was accompanied by a high burden due to the workload. Multiple demands that can have an impact on both acquired skills and mental health during the professional qualification phase were mentioned by the participants. Therefore, more in-depth analyses are needed to investigate the impact the pandemic will have on the (future) public health workforce in the long run. © 2022 by the authors
  • Veröffentlichung
    Indikatoren zur bevölkerungsbezogenen Krankheitslast und ihre Bedeutung für die ärztliche Praxis
    (2023) Plaß, Dietrich; Straff, Wolfgang
    Zur Quantifizierung der Auswirkungen von Erkrankungen und Risikofaktoren auf die Bevölkerungsgesundheit wird national sowie international zunehmend das Konzept der Krankheitslast eingesetzt. Hierbei werden Indikatoren wie attributable Todesfälle oder verlorene Lebensjahre verwendet, um standardisierte Vergleiche beispielsweise zwischen Risikofaktoren, Ländern oder über die Zeit zu ermöglichen. In den Medien werden häufig gezielt und isoliert die Schätzungen der Krankheitslast von einzelnen Risikofaktoren berichtet, um die Aufmerksamkeit auf den jeweiligen Faktor zu lenken. Ohne Vergleichswerte für andere Risiken sind solche Angaben jedoch kaum aussagekräftig. Die Berechnung von attributablen Krankheitslasten folgt in der Regel einem standardisierten Prozess. Ohne Informationen zu den genutzten Ausgangsdaten und zu den notwendigen Annahmen für die Modelle ist eine Interpretation der Ergebnisse nur sehr eingeschränkt möglich. Nichtsdestotrotz ermöglicht das Konzept der Krankheitslast bei adäquater Nutzung den Vergleich unterschiedlicher Risikofaktoren. So kann beispielsweise die Krankheitslast, die auf Feinstaub zurückgeführt werden kann, der gegenübergestellt werden, die auf das Rauchen oder schlechte Ernährung zurückgeführt werden kann. Solche Informationen sind für die Politikberatung von Bedeutung und können bei Entscheidungsfindungsprozessen unterstützten. Der praktisch tätige Arzt sollte über ein Grundverständnis der Methoden zur Berechnung von Krankheitslasten verfügen, um auf gezielte Nachfragen von Patientinnen und Patienten kompetent reagieren und um mögliche Bedenken oder Ängste besser einordnen zu können. Die zentrale Botschaft sollte dabei sein, dass Ergebnisse von bevölkerungsbasierten Studien keinesfalls auf das Individuum mit seinem ganz speziellen Risikoprofil übertragen werden können. © The Author(s)
  • Veröffentlichung
    Large Multicountry Outbreak of Invasive Listeriosis by a Listeria monocytogenes ST394 Clone Linked to Smoked Rainbow Trout, 2020 to 2021
    (2023) Halbedel, Sven; Sperle, Ida; Lachmann, Raskit; Al Dahouk, Sascha
    Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) has revolutionized surveillance of infectious diseases. Disease outbreaks can now be detected with high precision, and correct attribution of infection sources has been improved. Listeriosis, caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, is a foodborne disease with a high case fatality rate and a large proportion of outbreak-related cases. Timely recognition of listeriosis outbreaks and precise allocation of food sources are important to prevent further infections and to promote public health. We report the WGS-based identification of a large multinational listeriosis outbreak with 55 cases that affected Germany, Austria, Denmark, and Switzerland during 2020 and 2021. Clinical isolates formed a highly clonal cluster (called Ny9) based on core genome multilocus sequence typing (cgMLST). Routine and ad hoc investigations of food samples identified L. monocytogenes isolates from smoked rainbow trout filets from a Danish producer grouping with the Ny9 cluster. Patient interviews confirmed consumption of rainbow trout as the most likely infection source. The Ny9 cluster was caused by a MLST sequence type (ST) ST394 clone belonging to molecular serogroup IIa, forming a distinct clade within molecular serogroup IIa strains. Analysis of the Ny9 genome revealed clpY, dgcB, and recQ inactivating mutations, but phenotypic characterization of several virulence-associated traits of a representative Ny9 isolate showed that the outbreak strain had the same pathogenic potential as other serogroup IIa strains. Our report demonstrates that international food trade can cause multicountry outbreaks that necessitate cross-border outbreak collaboration. It also corroborates the relevance of ready-to-eat smoked fish products as causes for listeriosis. IMPORTANCE Listeriosis is a severe infectious disease in humans and characterized by an exceptionally high case fatality rate. The disease is transmitted through consumption of food contaminated by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes. Outbreaks of listeriosis often occur but can be recognized and stopped through implementation of whole-genome sequencing-based pathogen surveillance systems. We here describe the detection and management of a large listeriosis outbreak in Germany and three neighboring countries. This outbreak was caused by rainbow trout filet, which was contaminated by a L. monocytogenes clone belonging to sequence type ST394. This work further expands our knowledge on the genetic diversity and transmission routes of an important foodborne pathogen. Quelle:
  • Veröffentlichung
    Spore dispersal patterns of the ascomycete fungus Ramularia collo-cygni and their influence on disease epidemics
    (2023) Havis, N. D.; Kaczmarek, J.; Jedryczka, M.; Heß, Michael; Fang, Zhaolun
    Ramularia leaf spot is a major economic disease of barley caused by the dothidiomycete fungus Ramularia collo-cygni. The fungus has a complex life cycle which includes extensive late season spore release events and a seed-borne phase. Predicting disease epidemics during the growing season remains a difficult challenge. To better understand the interaction between spore movement and disease epidemics, spore samplers were set up in Germany (two sites over 4 years), Poland (seven sites over 2 years) and the UK (two sites over 9 years), where the disease has been observed. Spore concentrations were determined using a real time PCR assay, and meteorological data were obtained from co-located automatic stations. Spore release events were seen to peak in June on mainland Europe and July in the UK. The pattern of spore release was broadly similar across countries with earlier peaks in mainland Europe. A relationship was observed in the UK between July spore levels and disease in following winter barley crops. Rainfall and temperature were proposed as significant drivers of spore release in these months. The major environmental parameter associated with spore release across the two UK sites was crop surface wetness, although some site-specific interactions were noted for rainfall and wind movement. Regression analysis of spore patterns and disease epidemics indicates a relationship between spore levels 75â€Ì105 days pre harvest and final disease levels in UK winter barley crops. This relationship was not observed in spring barley. The implications on risk forecasts are discussed.