12 Ergebnisse
Veröffentlichung Phylogeography of the invasive cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii(2003) Neilan, B. A.; Saker, Martin L.; Fastner, J.; Törökné, A.; Burns, P. B.Veröffentlichung Ecosystem services and ethics(2013)A major strength of the ecosystem services (ESS) concept is that it allows a succinct description of how humanwell-being depends on nature, showing that the neglect of such dependencies has negative consequences onhuman well-being and the economy. As ESS refer to human needs and interests, values are to be consideredwhen dealing with the concept in practice. As a result we argue that in using the concept there is a need to beclear about what different dimensions of value are involved, and be aware of ethical issues that might be associatedwith the concept. A systematic analysis of the ethical implications associated to the ESS concept is still lacking. Weaddress this deficiency by scrutinising value dimensions associated with the concept, and use this to explore themassociated ethical implications. We then highlight how improved transparency in the use of the ESS concept cancontribute to using its strengths without succumbing to possible drawbacks arising from ethical problems. Theseproblems concern the dangers that some uses of the concept have in obscuring certain types of value, and inmaskingunevenness in the distribution of costs and benefits that can arise in the management of ESS.© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Veröffentlichung The importance of field margins and meadows for land snails(2013) Swarowsky, Klaus; Brühl, Carsten A.; Stahlschmidt, PeterField margins and meadows are valuable habitats for many species in agricultural landscapes but so far there are no comprehensive studies that address their value for land snails, which are an important part of terrestrial biodiversity.Even though the population trends of 74.6 % of the German land snail species that also should inhabit cultivatedland according to their ecological preferences are decreasing, it has never been investigated what value differentagricultural landscapeelements could have for this group. Therefore, we sampled and compared the land snail faunabetween field margins of different width and in-field areas of conventionally managed apple orchards, vineyards andcereal fields as well as between agricultural habitats and meadows to investigate their respective value for land snailbiodiversity in the agricultural landscape.In total we collected 20 different land snail species mostly typical of an open landscape representing ca. 16 % ofthe land snail fauna in Germany. In meadows species richness was higher than in all crop fields and margins exceptfor vineyard margins and wide cereal field margins and furthermore the typically occurring species differed considerablyfrom those in agricultural habitats. Our results did not indicate differences in land snail species richness,abundance or species composition between apple orchard in-field areas and field margins. In vineyardsand cerealfields, species richness was higher in margins than in-field and the red-list species Truncatellina cylindrica (Férussac,1807) was exclusively typical in wide margins of both crops. Land snail abundance and/or species richness increasedwith decreasing agricultural intensity.Quelle: Mainzer Naturwissenschaftliches Archiv : unter Foerderung des Minist. fuer Unterricht und Kultus u. der Stadt Mainz in Verb. mit dem Inst. fuer Bio- und Geowissenschaften der Univ. Mainz - (2013), H. 50, S. 291-300.Veröffentlichung The molecular phylogeny of aquatic hyphomycetes with affinity to the Leotiomycetes(2013)Aquatic hyphomycetes play a key role in decomposition of submerged organic matter and stream ecosystem functioning. We examined the phylogenetic relationships among various genera of aquatic hyphomycetes belonging to the Leotiomycetes (Ascomycota) using sequences of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and large subunit (LSU) regions of rDNA generated from 42 pure cultures including 19 ex-types. These new sequence data were analyzed together with additional sequences from 36 aquatic hyphomycetes and 60 related fungi obtained from GenBank. Aquatic hyphomycetes, characterized by their tetraradiate or sigmoid conidia, were scattered in nine supported clades within the Helotiales (Leotiomycetes). Tricladium, Lemonniera, Articulospora, Anguillospora, Varicosporium, Filosporella, and Flagellosporaare not monophyletic, with species from the same genus distributed among several major clades. The Gyoerffyellaclade and the Hymenoscyphusclade accommodated species from eight and six different genera, respectively. Thirteen aquatic hyphomycete taxa were grouped in the Leotia-Bulgaria clade while twelve species clustered within the Hymenoscyphusclade along with several amphibious ascomycetes. Species of Filosporellaand some species from four other aquatic genera were placed in the Ascocoryne-Hydrocina clade. It is evident that many aquatic hyphomycetes have relatives of terrestrial origin. Adaptation to colonize the aquatic environment has evolved independently in multiple phylogenetic lineages within the Leotiomycetes.Quelle: http://www.sciencedirect.comVeröffentlichung EKLIPSE: engaging knowledge holders and networks for evidence-informed European policy on biodiversity and ecosystem services(2018) Watt, Allan; Ainsworth, Gill; Balian, Estelle; Neßhöver, CarstenThe aim of EKLIPSE is to develop a mechanism to inform European-scale policy on biodiversity and related environmental challenges. This paper considers two fundamental aspects of the decision-support mechanism being developed by EKLIPSE: 1) the engagement of relevant actors from science, policy and society to jointly identify evidence for decision making; and 2) the networking of scientists and other holders of knowledge on biodiversity and other relevant evidence. The mechanism being developed has the potential not only to build communities of knowledge holders but to build informal networks among those with similar interests in evidence, be they those that seek to use evidence or those who are building evidence, or both. EKLIPSE has been successful in linking these people and in contributing to building informal networks of requesters of evidence, and experts of evidence and its synthesis. We have yet to see, however, significant engagement of formal networks of knowledge holders. Future success, however, relies on the continued involvement with and engagement of networks, a high degree of transparency within the processes and a high flexibility of structures to adapt to different requirements that arise with the broad range of requests to and activities of EKLIPSE. Quelle: https://www.ingentaconnect.comVeröffentlichung Impacts of the EU's common agricultural policy on biodiversity and ecosystem services(2019) Lakner, Sebastian; Holst, Carsten; Dittrich, Andreas; Hoyer, ChristianOver the past decades, the EU's Common Agricultural Policy has been supporting farmers. At the same time, one could observe a sharp decline in farmland-biodiversity. © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019Veröffentlichung Constraints in multi-objective optimization of land use allocation - Repair or penalize?(2019) Strauch, Michael; Cord, Anna F.; Pätzold, Carola; Schweitzer, ChristianCombining simulation models and multi-objective optimization can help solving complex land use allocation problems by considering multiple, often competing demands on landscapes, such as agriculture, (drinking) water provision, or biodiversity conservation. The search for optimal land use allocations has to result in feasible solutions satisfying "real-world" constraints. We here introduce a generic and readily applicable tool to integrate user-specific spatial models (e.g. assessing different ecosystem services) for a Constrained Multi-objective Optimization of Land use Allocation (CoMOLA). The tool can handle basic land use conversion constraints by either a newly and specifically developed method to repair infeasible solutions or by penalizing constraint violation. CoMOLA was systematically tested for different levels of complexity using a virtual landscape and simple ecosystem service and biodiversity models. Our study shows that using repair mechanisms seems to be more effective in exploring the feasible solution space while penalizing constraint violation likely results in infeasible solutions. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Veröffentlichung Predator traits determine food-web architecture across ecosystems(2019) Brose, Ulrich; Archambault, Phillippe; Barnes, Andrew D.; Digel, Christoph; Deutschland. Umweltbundesamt. Fachgebiet IV.1.3.1 - Ökotoxikologie und Umweltrisiken PflanzenschutzmittelPredator-prey interactions in natural ecosystems generate complex food webs that have a simple universal body-size architecture where predators are systematically larger than their prey. Food-web theory shows that the highest predator-prey body-mass ratios found in natural food webs may be especially important because they create weak interactions with slow dynamics that stabilize communities against perturbations and maintain ecosystem functioning. Identifying these vital interactions in real communities typically requires arduous identification of interactions in complex food webs. Here, we overcome this obstacle by developing predator-trait models to predict average body-mass ratios based on a database comprising 290 food webs from freshwater, marine and terrestrial ecosystems across all continents. We analysed how species traits constrain body-size architecture by changing the slope of the predator-prey body-mass scaling. Across ecosystems, we found high body-mass ratios for predator groups with specific trait combinations including (1) small vertebrates and (2) large swimming or flying predators. Including the metabolic and movement types of predators increased the accuracy of predicting which species are engaged in high body-mass ratio interactions. We demonstrate that species traits explain striking patterns in the body-size architecture of natural food webs that underpin the stability and functioning of ecosystems, paving the way for community-level management of the most complex natural ecosystems.Veröffentlichung A call for urgent action to safeguard our planet and our health in line with the helsinki declaration(2021) Halonen, Jaana I.; Erhola, Marina; Furman, Eeva; Kolossa-Gehring, MarikeIn 2015, the Rockefeller Foundation-Lancet Commission launched a report introducing a novel approach called Planetary Health and proposed a concept, a strategy and a course of action. To discuss the concept of Planetary Health in the context of Europe, a conference entitled: "Europe That Protects: Safeguarding Our Planet, Safeguarding Our Health" was held in Helsinki in December 2019. The conference participants concluded with a need for action to support Planetary Health during the 2020s. The Helsinki Declaration emphasizes the urgency to act as scientific evidence shows that human activities are causing climate change, biodiversity loss, land degradation, overuse of natural resources and pollution. They threaten the health and safety of human kind. Global, regional, national, local and individual initiatives are called for and multidisciplinary and multisectorial actions and measures are needed. A framework for an action plan is suggested that can be modified for local needs. Accordingly, a shift from fragmented approaches to policy and practice towards systematic actions will promote human health and health of the planet. Systems thinking will feed into conserving nature and biodiversity, and into halting climate change. The Planetary Health paradigm - the health of human civilization and the state of natural systems on which it depends - must become the driver for all policies. Quelle: © Elsevier 2021Veröffentlichung Vernetzung von Bodenmonitoring-Aktivitäten in Deutschland(2022) Oellers, Johanna; Toschki, Andreas; Mathews, JeanetteFür die Begründung und Erfolgskontrolle von Bodenschutzmaßnahmen sind Daten zum Bodenzustand und dessen Veränderung erforderlich. Ergebnisse der vom Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMUV) (bis November 2021 BMU) und des Umweltbundesamts (UBA) beauftragten und finanzierten Forschungsaktivitäten zeigen, dass die Verknüpfung und Vernetzung der verschiedenen Aktivitäten und Programme unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen dazu beitragen können, zu bundesweit belastbaren Aussagen über den Boden und seine u. a. durch den Klimawandel bedingten Veränderungen zu gelangen. Am Beispiel des Themas Bodenbiologie wird verdeutlicht, wie dies im Einzelnen durch die Zusammenarbeit der Daten erhebenden Institutionen umgesetzt und realisiert werden kann und wo weiterhin Handlungsbedarf besteht. Den folgenden Ausführungen liegen die Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt "Konzeption und Umsetzung eines Klimafolgen-Bodenmonitoring-Verbunds für Bodenbiologie und organische Bodensubstanz" zu Grunde, die im Mai 2022 veröffentlicht wurden. Quelle: © 2022 Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co. KG