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    Integrated scenarios of sustainable food production and consumption in Germany
    (2013) Lorenz, Ullrich; Veenhoff, Sylvia
    Making food production and consumption more sustainable is a highly complex venture, requiring varied policy instruments. While finding an integrated and coherent approach is difficult, the use of strategic foresight might help to fill the gap. This article presents the results of an extensive scenario-building process in which we searched for sustainable solutions regarding food production and consumption in various possible future contexts in Germany. First, so-called context scenarios were formulated to describe different developments beyond the control of the relevant players, but that might have a significant impact on food production and consumption. Second, strategic food scenarios were developed to examine a wide range of sustainable solutions. Finally, the context and strategic food scenarios were merged and assessed to provide policy makers with a helpful ?reality check" on different strategy options and guidance in prioritization. We explain the underlying methodology and, after a brief discussion of the main advantages and limitations of our approach, we draw some conclusions for sustainable food-consumption policy, highlighting the important role of society.
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    Targeted selection of brownfields from portfolios for sustainable regeneration: User experiences from five cases testing the Timbre Brownfield Prioritization Tool
    (2016) Bartke, Stephan; Martinát, Stanislav; Klusácek, Petr; Pizzol, Lisa; Alexandrescu, Filip; Frantál, Bohumil; Critto, Andrea; Zabeo, Alex
    Prioritizing brownfields for redevelopment in real estate portfolios can contribute to more sustainable regeneration and land management. Owners of large real estate and brownfield portfolios are challenged to allocate their limited resources to the development of the most critical or promising sites, in terms of time and cost efficiency. Authorities worried about the negative impacts of brownfields - in particular in the case of potential contamination - on the environment and society also need to prioritize their resources to those brownfields that most urgently deserve attention and intervention. Yet, numerous factors have to be considered for prioritizing actions, in particular when adhering to sustainability principles. Several multiple-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) approaches and tools have been suggested in order to support these actors in managing their brownfield portfolios. Based on lessons learned from the literature on success factors, sustainability assessment and MCDA approaches, researchers from a recent EU project have developed the web-based Timbre Brownfield Prioritization Tool (TBPT). It facilitates assessment and prioritization of a portfolio of sites on the basis of the probability of successful and sustainable regeneration or according to individually specified objectives. This paper introduces the challenges of brownfield portfolio management in general and reports about the application of the TBPT in five cases: practical test-uses by two large institutional land owners from Germany, a local and a regional administrative body from the Czech Republic, and an expert from a national environmental authority from Romania. Based on literature requirements for sustainability assessment tools and on the end-users feedbacks from the practical tests, we discuss the TBPT's strengths and weaknesses in order to inform and give recommendations for future development of prioritization tools.© Elsevier 2016
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    Change Agents in gesellschaftlichen Veränderungsprozessen
    (2017) Kristof, Kora
    Große Veränderungen stehen an, um die ökologischen Belastungsgrenzen einzuhalten, aber auch, wenn das Wohlergehen aller Menschen und die globale sowie generationenübergreifende Gerechtigkeit ernst genommen werden. Wir wissen zwar viel darüber, was sich ändern soll (z. B. Energie-, Mobilitäts-, Ressourcenwende), scheitern aber oft an der breiten Umsetzung. Viel weniger wissen wir über die zentralen Erfolgsfaktoren für gesellschaftliche Veränderungen und die Wege zu einem erfolgreichen Wandel. Um in einer unübersichtlichen Welt wirken zu können, entwickeln die Wissenschaften und wir alle im Alltag Modelle. Trotz vieler Unterschiede ziehen sich durch die Modelle gemeinsame Erkenntnisse und zentrale Erfolgsfaktoren. Anknüpfend an die Transformations- und Models-of-Change-Forschung stellt der Artikel die zentralen Faktoren für den Erfolg gesellschaftlicher Veränderungen dar. Quelle:
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    Erfolgsbedingungen für gesellschaftliche Veränderungsprozesse
    (2019) Kristof, Kora
    Ressourcenleicht, immissionsneutral, gerecht - das sind die zentralen Ziele der anstehenden großen Veränderungen, wenn wir die Belastungsgrenzen des Systems Erde, das Wohlergehen aller Menschen und die Idee einer globalen, generationenübergreifenden Gerechtigkeit ernst nehmen. Dafür reicht es nicht, sich mit dem "Was soll sich ändern?" zu beschäftigen. Zu fragen ist auch: "Was sind die zentralen Erfolgsfaktoren für gesellschaftliche Veränderungen?" Quelle:
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    Einmal Transformation für alle, bitte!
    (2019) Krellenberg, Kerstin; Koch, Florian; Schubert, Susanne
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    Landscapes, their exploration and utilisation
    (2019) Mueller, Lothar; Eulenstein, Frank; Mirschel, Wilfried; Glante, Frank
    A new geological epoch has begun - the Anthropocene. Huge anthropogenic transformations of terrestrial landscapes over the past five decades have forced its declaration. Exploring of interaction of humans with nature in general, and with landscapes in particular, can be characterised properly by the terms "landscape research" and "landscape science". Landscape science has been a traditional scientific discipline of geography. This is the case in Russia, whilst the terms geo-ecology and landscape ecology have become established in the English-speaking scientific community. As landscapes are multifunctional, highly complex systems, landscape research is a platform for disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research. Landscape research in the Anthropocene must aim to combine landscape sustainability with high quality and productivity. This mission is in accord with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and the provisions of the Landscape Convention of the European Council. It includes halting landscape degradation, developing cultural landscapes and maintaining semi-natural landscapes. Clean water and air, fertile and healthy soils for food and other ecosystem services and a green and biodiverse environment are attributes of landscapes for the survival and well-being of humans in coexistence with nature. Landscape research must generate knowledge, innovations and responsible decision rules for achieving these aims. Big data gathering and scenario modelling are important for knowledge generation in a globalised world. International long-term experiments, observatories and monitoring systems will deliver data for comprehensive ecosystem models and decision support systems. Technical innovations must be imbedded in cultural solutions for the evolvement of landscapes. Springer International's new book series "Innovations in Landscape Research" aims to support better understanding, monitoring and managing landscapes. It contains a multitude of approaches and data. Some focus is on technical innovations for agri-environmental monitoring, on land and water management and its implications for landscape sustainability. Authors present novel tools for ecosystem modelling and forecasting of landscape processes, and on creating knowledge, rules and approaches for handling the multifunctionality of landscapes. The coming book series may serve as a knowledge, data and communication basis for informed decisions regarding the development of landscapes. It will enlarge our horizon and field of action by building bridges between scientific communities, scientific disciplines, and researchers and citizens. Quelle:
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    Implementation and coordination of an ethics framework in HBM4EU - Experiences and reflections
    (2023) Knudsen, Lisbeth E.; Tolonen, Hanna; Scheepers, Paul T. J.; Splanemann, Pia; Weise, Philipp; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike
    Human biomonitoring involves the use of human samples and data to investigate exposure to environmental chemicals and their impact on human health. HBM4EU developed a coordinated and harmonized approach involving 29 countries in Europe plus Israel. Addressing ethical issues has been an indispensable prerequisite, from the application phase, grant agreement, project performance to the closing of the project. HBM4EU has established a better understanding of the ethics in such projects and the need for a standardised way of reporting and handling of ethics and data exchange, securing compliance with ethics standards, transparency, transferability and sustainability. The main reflections were: Knowledge: Ethics awareness, norms and practices are dynamic and increased throughout the project, much learning and experience is achieved by practice and dialogue. Attitude: Rules and standards were very diversely known and needed to adhere to local practices. Assistance: Good results achieved from webinars, training, help desk, and individual consultations. Standardisation: Was achieved by templates and naming convention across documents. Management: The establishment of the SharePoint directory with uploading of all requested documents assisted collaboration and exchange. Also, a designated task for ethics within the management/coordination work package and the enthusiasm of the task leader were essential. Compliance: Some, but not all partners were very good at complying with deadlines and standards. Transferability and sustainability: All documents are archived in the SharePoint directory while a system assuring updating is recommended. Transparency: Assured by public access to annual ethics reports. The ethics reports bridged to the annual work plans (AWPs). Evaluation: The Ethics Check by the Commission was successful. © 2022 The Authors