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  • Veröffentlichung
    (2018) Abeling, Thomas; Daschkeit, Achim; Mahrenholz, Petra; Schauser, Inke
  • Veröffentlichung
    Empfehlungen für die Erstellung von Hitzeaktionsplänen - Handeln für eine bessere Gesundheitsvorsorge
    (2020) Mücke, Hans-Guido; Straff, Wolfgang
    Als Effekt des Klimawandels stellen extreme Hitzeereignisse eine zunehmende Gesundheitsgefährdung dar. Hitzeaktionspläne dienen der Etablierung gezielter Interventionsmaßnahmen zum präventiven Gesundheitsschutz. Hierzu wurden 2017 Handlungsempfehlungen publiziert. Sie skizzieren kurz-, mittel- und langfristige Optionen für gesundheitliche Anpassungsmaßnahmen an den Klimawandel für eine zeitnahe Umsetzung regional bzw. lokal angepasster Hitzeaktionspläne. Quelle:
  • Veröffentlichung
    Adaptation requires participation: criteria and factors for successful stakeholder interactions in local climate change adaptation
    (2021) Lange, Andrej; Ebert, Sebastian; Vetter, Andreas
    The implementation of climate change adaptation strategies at the local and regional level presents considerable challenges. These are often tied to governance issues such as insufficient staffing or resources and a lack of knowledge with regard to appropriate formats for bringing together all relevant actors and establishing a firm basis for knowledge building, cooperation, and coordination of multi-stakeholder arrangements. In order to support local and regional adaptation facilitators, this chapter presents a set of criteria and factors for achieving a successful interaction process. Based on a literature analysis, the success factors cover the preparation, implementation, and follow-up phases of stakeholder participation. We provide easily accessible information regarding the crucial questions that facilitators should consider, as well as practical recommendations for each phase. The criteria were developed and applied in a two-pronged approach as part of the EU-Interreg project GoApply. Initially, an ex post appraisal of examples of good practices from six countries in the Alpine region was prepared and compiled into a brochure for use by local facilitators. Secondly, we used the criteria to prepare and conduct two stakeholder interaction workshops in cooperation with the city of Kempten in Germany. These experiences will be reflected in this chapter. © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG
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    Space-based earth observation in support of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement
    (2022) Hegglin, Michaela I.; Bastos, Ana; Bovensmann, Heinrich; Mielke, Christian
    Space-based Earth observation (EO), in the form of long-term climate data records, has been crucial in the monitoring and quantification of slow changes in the climate system - from accumulating greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere, increasing surface temperatures, and melting sea-ice, glaciers and ice sheets, to rising sea-level. In addition to documenting a changing climate, EO is needed for effective policy making, implementation and monitoring, and ultimately to measure progress and achievements towards the overarching goals of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Paris Agreement to combat climate change. The best approach for translating EO into actionable information for policymakers and other stakeholders is, however, far from clear. For example, climate change is now self-evident through increasingly intense and frequent extreme events - heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, and flooding - costing human lives and significant economic damage, even though single events do not constitute "climate". EO can capture and visualize the impacts of such events in single images, and thus help quantify and ultimately manage them within the framework of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement, both at the national level (via the Enhanced Transparency Framework) and global level (via the Global Stocktake). We present a transdisciplinary perspective, across policy and science, and also theory and practice, that sheds light on the potential of EO to inform mitigation, including sinks and reservoirs of greenhouse gases, and adaptation, including loss and damage. Yet to be successful with this new mandate, EO science must undergo a radical overhaul: it must become more user-oriented, collaborative, and transdisciplinary; span the range from fiducial to contextual data; and embrace new technologies for data analysis (e.g., artificial intelligence). Only this will allow the creation of the knowledge base and actionable climate information needed to guide the UNFCCC Paris Agreement to a just and equitable success.
  • Veröffentlichung
    Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf nicht-übertragbare Erkrankungen durch erhöhte Luftschadstoffbelastungen der Außenluft
    (2023) Breitner-Busch, Susanne; Mücke, Hans-Guido; Schneider, Alexandra
    Hintergrund: Die gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen von Luftschadstoffen reichen von kurzfristigen Gesundheitseinschränkungen über Krankenhauseinweisungen bis hin zu Todesfällen. Der Klimawandel führt zu einer Zunahme von Luftverschmutzung. Methode: Dieser Beitrag adressiert, auf der Basis ausgewählter Fachliteratur, den Zusammenhang zwischen Klimawandel und Luftschadstoffen, die gesundheitlichen Effekte von Luftschadstoffen sowie deren Modifikation durch die Lufttemperatur, mit einem Fokus auf Deutschland. Ergebnisse: Schlechte Luftqualität erhöht das Risiko für viele Erkrankungen. Durch den Klimawandel kommt es unter anderem zu einer Zunahme von Perioden extremer Hitze mit gleichzeitig erhöhten Konzentrationen von Luftschadstoffen. Die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Lufttemperaturen und Luftschadstoffen sowie ihre kombinierten Auswirkungen auf den Menschen sind noch nicht ausreichend erforscht. Zum Schutz der Gesundheit sind Grenz-, Ziel- und Richtwerte von besonderer Bedeutung. Schlussfolgerungen: Maßnahmen zur Minderung von Luftschadstoffen und klimawirksamen Gasen müssen verstärkt umgesetzt werden. Als ein wesentlicher Schritt zur Verbesserung der Luftqualität sollten in Europa strengere Grenzwerte zur Luftreinhaltung festgelegt werden. Notwendige Präventions- und Anpassungsmaßnahmen sollten in Deutschland zeitnah, auch in Hinblick auf klimaresiliente und nachhaltige Gesundheitssysteme, vorangetrieben werden. © Robert Koch Institut
  • Veröffentlichung
    Influence of low oxygen concentrations on biological transformations of trace organic chemicals in sand filter systems
    (2023) Filter, Josefine; Kopp, Marianne G. V.; Ruhl, Aki Sebastian
    Managed aquifer recharge systems for drinking water reclamation are challenged by trace organic chemicals (TOrCs) since some of them are poorly retained. Although a lot of research has been done to investigate biological transformation of TOrCs in sand filter systems, there are still uncertainties to predict the removal. A laboratory column system with two different filter sands was set up to test TOrC transformation, the influence of low oxygen concentrations as well as the adaptation and influence of spiked TOrC influent concentrations. Bioactivity was quantified with the fluorescence tracer resazurin. In the experiment, a low elimination performance in the first column segment, defined as lag zone, was observed, implying incomplete adaptation or inhibiting co-factors. To assess these lag zones and to determine the dissipation time DT50 for 50% removal, a modified Gompertz model was applied. For acesulfame, formylaminoantipyrine, gabapentin, sulfamethoxazole, and valsartan acid DT50 of less than 10 h were observed, even when influent oxygen concentrations decreased to 0.5 mg/L. In general, TOrC transformations in technical sand with lower bioactivity and especially valsartan acid transformation responded very sensitive to low influent oxygen concentrations of 0.5 mg/L. However, in well adapted sand originating from soil aquifer treatment (SAT) with sufficient bioactivity, TOrC removal was hardly affected by such suboxic conditions. Furthermore, increasing the influent concentrations of TOrCs to 10 ÎÌg/L was found to promote adaptation especially for acesulfame and sulfamethoxazole. Benzotriazole, carbamazepine, diclofenac and venlafaxine were recalcitrant under the applied experimental conditions. © 2023 Elsevier