24 Ergebnisse
Veröffentlichung Comparing the german enabling environment for nationwide water safety plan implementation with international experiences: Are we still thinking big or already scaling up?(2020) Schmiege, Dennis; Evers, Mariele; Rickert, Bettina; Zügner, VerenaEnsuring safe drinking-water is the target of the Water Safety Plan (WSP) approach, which has been successfully applied to a large number of water supply systems around the world. Effective country-wide scaling up of WSP implementation requires an enabling environment at the policy level. By utilizing a multi-step mixed methods approach, this study summarizes international experience with WSP implementation and scaling-up efforts following the 8 steps of the WSP road map published by WHO and IWA for an enabling environment, shows what steps Germany has in place, and compares this with published international experience to inspire further policy action. Contrasting the international experience to the German situation revealed several overlaps but also profound differences, which, in turn, offer opportunities for mutual learning. Most experience in Germany and internationally is documented for the earlier steps of the WSP road map. Information particularly on developing a national strategy, securing financial instruments, activities to support continual implementation of WSPs and on review of the overall WSP experiences and sharing lessons learned appears to be scarce, while the importance of training, collaboration and alliances, and the value of a regulatory push are often stressed. In Germany, stakeholder engagement, guidance documents and workshop materials have been of vital importance. Information that could particularly inform further action in Germany mostly relate to considering a national WSP strategy, and how to shape an approach for external quality assurance of WSPs.Veröffentlichung Nitrogen soil surface budgets for districts in Germany 1995 to 2017(2020) Häußermann, Uwe; Klement, Laura; Breuer, Lutz; Ullrich, Antje; Wechsung, GabrieleBackground Nitrogen (N) as a key input for crop production has adverse effects on the environment through emissions of reactive nitrogen. Less than 20% of the fertiliser nitrogen applied to agricultural land is actually consumed by humans in meat. Given this situation, nitrogen budgets have been introduced to quantify potential losses into the environment, to raise awareness in nutrient management, and to enforce and monitor nutrient mitigation measures. The surplus of the N soil surface budget has been used for many years for the assessment of potentially water pollution with nitrate from agriculture. Results For the 402 districts in Germany, nitrogen soil surface budgets were calculated for the time series 1995 to 2017. For the first time, biogas production in agriculture and the transfer of manure between districts were included in the budget. Averaged for all districts, the recent N supply to the utilised agricultural area (UAA) totals 227 kg N ha-1 UAA (mean 2015-2017), among them 104 kg N ha-1 UAA mineral fertiliser, 59 kg N ha-1 UAA manure, 33 kg N ha-1 UAA digestate, 14 kg N ha-1 UAA from gross atmospheric deposition, 13 kg N ha-1 UAA biological N fixation, and 1 kg N ha-1 UAA from seed and planting material. The withdrawal with harvested products accounts for 149 kg N ha-1 UAA, resulting in an N soil surface budget surplus of 77 kg N ha-1 UAA. The N surpluses per district (mean 2015-2017) vary considerably between 26 and 162 kg N ha-1 UAA and the nitrogen use efficiency of crop production ranges from 0.53 to 0.79 in the districts. The N surplus in Germany as a whole has remained nearly constant since 1995, but the regional distribution has changed significantly. The N surplus has decreased in the arable farming regions, but increased in the districts with high livestock density. Some of this surplus, however, is relocated to other districts through the transfer of manure. Conclusions The 23-year time series forms a reliable basis for further interpretation of N soil surface surplus in Germany. Agri-environmental programmes such as the limitation of the N surplus through the Fertiliser Ordinance and the promotion of biogas production have a clear effect on the N surplus in Germany as a whole and its regional distribution. © 2020 BioMed Central Ltd.Veröffentlichung Coal phase-out in Germany - implications and policies for affected regions(2020) Oei, Pao-Yu; Hermann, Hauke; Herpich, Philipp; Lünenbürger, BenjaminThe present study examines the consequences of the planned coal phase-out in Germany according to various phase-out pathways that differ in the ordering of power plant closures. Soft-linking an energy system model with an input-output model and a regional macroeconomic model simulates the socio-economic effects of the phase-out in the lignite regions, as well as in the rest of Germany. The combination of two economic models offers the advantage of considering the phase-out from different perspectives and thus assessing the robustness of the results. The model results show that the lignite coal regions will exhibit losses in output, income and population, but a faster phase-out would lead to a quicker recovery. Migration to other areas in Germany and demographic changes will partially compensate for increasing unemployment, but support from federal policy is also necessary to support structural change in these regions. © 2020 The AuthorsVeröffentlichung Comparison of respiratory and ischemic heart mortalities and their relationship to the thermal environment(2020) Schlegel, Irmela; Mücke, Hans-Guido; Muthers, StefanChronic respiratory and ischemic heart diseases are globally important parts of total mortality. This study focuses on the occurrence of mortality due to these disease groups in Germany and possible effects of the thermal environment. A retrospective analysis on the mortality rates of chronic lower respiratory diseases (CLRD) and ischemic heart diseases (IHD) at the regional level in Germany for the period 2001-2015 was done in combination with meteorological observations from the network of the German Meteorological Service. In order to control the mortality data for long-term and seasonal trends, a 365-day Gaussian low-pass filter with a filter response function was applied. The thermal environment was analysed using 2 m air temperature (Ta) and the human biometeorological index Perceived Temperature (PT). The relationship of the Relative Risk (RR) of mortality to the thermal environment is displayed as an exposureâ€Ìresponse curve, with threshold values at which RR increases significantly towards higher and lower temperature values. CLRD mortality increases above 17.6 ˚C, at approximately 4.4%/˚C (CI: +/- 0.3). The increase of IHD mortality above the threshold of 18.8 ˚C is less steep, at 3.5%/˚C (CI: +/- 0.2). During hot periods, CLRD mortality increases by 19.9%, which is twice as much as IHD mortality, with an increase of 9.8%. However, cold days and cold periods affect IHD slightly more than CLRD. The results highlight the concerns of CLRD patients during hot days as well as heat waves. This could lead to better precautions being taken for respiratory patients, which are already established for cardiac patients in Germany. © 2020 by the authorsVeröffentlichung Heat extremes, public health impacts, and adaptation policy in Germany(2020) Litvinovitch, Jutta Maria; Mücke, Hans-GuidoGlobal warming with increasing weather extremes, like heat events, is enhancing impacts to public health. This essay focuses on unusual extreme summer heat extremes occurring in Germany at higher frequency, longer duration, and with new temperature records. Large areas of the country are affected, particularly urban settlements, where about 77% of the population lives, which are exposed to multiple inner-city threats, such as urban heat islands. Because harm to public health is directly released by high ambient air temperatures, local and national studies on heat-related morbidity and mortality indicate that vulnerable groups such as the elderly population are predominantly threatened with heat-related health problems. After the severe mortality impacts of the extreme summer heat 2003 in Europe, in 2008, Germany took up the National Adaptation Strategy on Climate Change to tackle and manage the impacts of weather extremes, for example to protect peopleâ€Ìs health against heat. Public health systems and services need to be better prepared to improve resilience to the effects of extreme heat events, e.g., by implementing heat health action plans. Both climate protection as well as adaptation are necessary in order to be able to respond as adequate as possible to the challenges posed by climate change. © 2020 by the authors.Veröffentlichung Detection of target-site and metabolic resistance to pyrethroids in the bed bug Cimex lectularius in Berlin, Germany(2020) Kuhn, Carola; Schmolz, Eric; Vander Pan, ArletteKnockdown-resistance (kdr) against pyrethroids in bed bugs (Cimex lectularis) is associated with the presence of several point mutations in the voltage-sensitive sodium channel ÎÌ-subunit gene and/or an increased metabolic detoxification by cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (CYPs). In the present study, pyrosequencing assays were developed to quantify the presence of the kdr substitutions (V419L or L925I substitution) in bed bugs in Berlin, Germany. In 14 of 17 bed bug field strains, pyrosequencing revealed the presence of the substitution L925I with allele frequencies between 30% and 100%. One field strain additionally carried the substitution V419L with allele frequencies of 40% in males and 96% in females. In seven of the 17 field strains, mRNA levels of four CYP genes were examined using RT-qPCR. Relative to a susceptible laboratory reference strain, five field strains showed significantly higher mRNA levels of cyp397a1 with 7.1 to 56-fold increases. One of these strains additionally showed a 4.9-fold higher mRNA level of cyp398a1 compared to the reference strain, while cyp4cm1 and cyp6dn1 showed no significant differences. Our findings indicate that multiple resistance mechanisms are present in German C. lectularius populations simultaneously. © 2020 The AuthorsVeröffentlichung Comparison of methods for the estimation of total inorganic nitrogen deposition to forests in Germany(2020) Ahrends, Bernd; Schmitz, Andreas; Geupel, Markus; Prescher, Anne-KatrinA reliable quantification of total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) deposition to forests is required for the evaluation of ecological effects of TIN inputs to forests and to monitor the success of clean-air policy. As direct measurements are scarce, different modeling approaches have been developed to estimate TIN deposition to forests. Three common methods are the (i) "canopy budget model," (ii) "inferential method," and (iii) "emission based estimates" using a chemical transport model. Previous studies have reported considerable and site-specific differences between these methods, complicating the interpretation of results. We use data from more than 100 German intensive forest monitoring sites over a period of 16 years for a cross-comparison of these approaches. Non-linear mixed-effect models were applied to evaluate how factors like meteorology, terrain and stand characteristics affect discrepancies between the model approaches. Taking into account the uncertainties in deposition estimates, there is a good agreement between the canopy budget and the inferential method when using semi-empirical correction factors for deposition velocity. Wet deposition estimates of the emission based approach were in good agreement with wet-only corrected bulk open field deposition measurements used by the other two approaches. High precipitation amounts partly explained remaining differences in wet deposition. Larger discrepancies were observed when dry deposition estimates are compared between the emissions based approach and the other two approaches, which appear to be related to a combination of meteorological conditions and tree species effects. © 2020 Ahrends, Schmitz, Prescher, Wehberg, Geupel, Andreae and MeesenburgVeröffentlichung Exploring unknown per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the German environment - The total oxidizable precursor assay as helpful tool in research and regulation(2021) Göckener, Bernd; Fettig, Ina; Fliedner, Annette; Rüdel, Heinz; Koschorreck, JanLimnetic, marine and soil samples of the German environmental specimen bank (ESB) were analyzed for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) using target analysis and a modified total oxidizable precursor (TOP) assay (direct TOP assay (dTOP)) that works without prior extraction. Target analysis determined (Sigma)PFAS concentrations in bream livers of 8.7-282 (my)g kg-1 wet weight (ww) in 2019, with highest contaminations in the Rhine and lower Elbe. In bream fillet, concentrations were lower (<0.5-10.6 (my)g kg-1 (Sigma)PFAS). Contamination of suspended particulate matter (SPM) was highest in the upper Elbe downstream the Czech border (5.5 (my)g kg-1 dry weight (dw) in 2018). Herring gull eggs from the North and Baltic Seas showed (Sigma)PFAS levels around 53.0-69.6 (my)g kg-1 ww in 2019. In soil, concentrations ranged between <0.5 and 4.6 (my)g kg-1 dw with highest levels in the Dueben Heath near Leipzig and the low mountain range Solling. PFOS dominated in most samples. Of the targeted precursors, only FOSA, EtFOSAA, MeFOSAA, 6:2-FtS and 6:2 diPAP were found. Replacement chemicals (ADONA, HFPO-DA, F-53B) were not detected. The dTOP assay revealed that considerable amounts of precursors were present at most riverine sampling sites. Particularly high precursor concentrations were observed in samples from the Upper Elbe at the Czech border and the Upper and Middle Rhine. In herring gull eggs and most soil samples, though, concentrations of precursors were low. Time trend analysis showed decreasing trends for most detected PFAS since 2005. In SPM, however, C4-C6 perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids seem to increase indicating growing use of precursors based on shorter fluorinated chains. The results demonstrate that target analysis detects only a minor fraction of the PFAS burdens in environmental samples. The dTOP assay can support risk assessment and chemical monitoring with more comprehensive exposure data of the actual contamination. © 2021 The Author(s).Veröffentlichung Long-term trends of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in suspended particular matter from German rivers using the direct Total Oxidizable Precursor (dTOP) assay(2022) Göckener, Bernd; Badry, Alexander; Fliedner, Annette; Rüdel, Heinz; Koschorreck, JanSuspended particulate matter (SPM) from 13 riverine sampling sites of the German Environmental Specimen Bank collected between 2005 and 2019 was retrospectively investigated for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The samples were analyzed both by target analysis for 41 PFAS and by a modified total oxidizable precursor (dTOP) assay to capture also unknown precursors. Temporal trends and spatial differences were investigated by generalized linear modeling (GLM). Time trend analysis across all rivers showed decreasing trends for (Sigma)PFCA and (Sigma)PFSA concentrations in SPM. Trends based on target analysis ((Sigma)PFCAtarget: -10.0%, (Sigma)PFSAtarget: -8.2%) were more pronounced than in the dTOP analysis ((Sigma)PFCAdTOP: -4.2%; (Sigma)PFSAdTOP: -5.3%), suggesting that conventional target analysis overestimated actual decreases as precursors are not considered. (Sigma)PFAS concentrations determined by dTOP assay were 1.3-145 times higher as compared to target analysis, indicating substantial amounts of unknown precursors in the samples. The (Sigma)PFASdTOP/(Sigma)PFAStarget ratio increased at all sites between 2005 and 2019. Contamination was highest in SPM from the Elbe tributary Mulde downstream of a large industrial park. The results underscore the need to go beyond conventional target analysis and include precursors when assessing PFAS contamination in the environment. The dTOP assay is a suitable tool for this purpose. © 2022, American Chemical SocietyVeröffentlichung Burden of disease due to ambient particulate matter in Germany - explaining the differences in the available estimates(2022) Kienzler, Sarah; Plaß, Dietrich; Schuster, Christian; Tobollik, Myriam; Wintermeyer, DirkAmbient particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution is an important threat to human health. The aim of this study is to estimate the environmental burden of disease (EBD) for the German population associated with PM2.5 exposure in Germany for the years 2010 until 2018. The EBD method was used to quantify relevant indicators, e.g., disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), and the life table approach was used to estimate the reduction in life expectancy caused by long-term PM2.5 exposure. The impact of varying assumptions and input data was assessed. From 2010 to 2018 in Germany, the annual population-weighted PM2.5 concentration declined from 13.7 to 10.8 (micro)g/m3. The estimates of annual PM2.5-attributable DALYs for all disease outcomes showed a downward trend. In 2018, the highest EBD was estimated for ischemic heart disease (101.776; 95% uncertainty interval (UI) 62,713-145,644), followed by lung cancer (60,843; 95% UI 43,380-79,379). The estimates for Germany differ from those provided by other institutions. This is mainly related to considerable differences in the input data, the use of a specific German national life expectancy and the selected relative risks. A transparent description of input data, computational steps, and assumptions is essential to explain differing results of EBD studies to improve methodological credibility and trust in the results. Furthermore, the different calculated indicators should be explained and interpreted with caution. 2022 by the authors
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