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  • Vorschaubild
    Economic benefits of methylmercury exposure control in Europe: Monetary value of neurotoxicity prevention
    BACKGROUND: Due to global mercury pollution and the adverse health effects of prenatal exposure to methylmercury (MeHg), an assessment of the economic benefits of prevented developmental neurotoxicity is necessary for any cost-benefit analysis.

    Distributions of hair-Hg concentrations among women of reproductive age were obtained from the DEMOCOPHES project (1,875 subjects in 17 countries) and literature data (6,820 subjects from 8 countries). The exposures were assumed to comply with log-normal distributions. Neurotoxicity effects were estimated from a linear dose-response function with a slope of 0.465 Intelligence Quotient (IQ) point reduction per mug/g increase in the maternal hair-Hg concentration during pregnancy, assuming no deficits below a hair-Hg limit of 0.58 mug/g thought to be safe. A logarithmic IQ response was used in sensitivity analyses. The estimated IQ benefit cost was based on lifetime income, adjusted for purchasing power parity.

    The hair-mercury concentrations were the highest in Southern Europe and lowest in Eastern Europe. The results suggest that, within the EU, more than 1.8 million children are born every year with MeHg exposures above the limit of 0.58 mug/g, and about 200,000 births exceed a higher limit of 2.5 mug/g proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO). The total annual benefits of exposure prevention within the EU were estimated at more than 600,000 IQ points per year, corresponding to a total economic benefit between [euro sign]8,000 million and [euro sign]9,000 million per year. About four-fold higher values were obtained when using the logarithmic response function, while adjustment for productivity resulted in slightly lower total benefits. These calculations do not include the less tangible advantages of protecting brain development against neurotoxicity or any other adverse effects.

    These estimates document that efforts to combat mercury pollution and to reduce MeHg exposures will have very substantial economic benefits in Europe, mainly in southern countries. Some data may not be entirely representative, some countries were not covered, and anticipated changes in mercury pollution all suggest a need for extended biomonitoring of human MeHg exposure.

  • Veröffentlichung
    Bisphenol A: contested science, divergent safety evaluations
    (2013) Gies, Andreas; Soto, Ana M.
    Bisphenol A (BPA) is currently one of the world's best-selling chemicals and primarily used
    to make polycarbonate plastics. It is widely used in common products such as baby bottles,
    household electronics, medical devices and coatings on food containers. BPA is known to mimic
    the female hormone oestrogen and has been found to leach from the materials where it is used.
    Studies have suggested that even exposure to low doses of BPA may cause endocrine
    disrupting effects. As with other hormones, it appears that an organism is most sensitive during
    development but that effects are often not observed until much later in the lifecycle. This means
    that at the time when the effects become detectable, the chemical exposure has vanished. This
    makes it extremely difficult to link exposure to effects in humans.
    This chapter maps some of the findings in studies of rodents and humans. It also discusses
    the challenges of evaluating scientific findings in a field where industry-sponsored studies and
    independent scientific research seem to deviate strongly. The authors offer suggestions for ways
    to uncouple financial interests from scientific research and testing.
    A widely used and dispersed industrial chemical like Bisphenol A is a controversial example of
    an endocrine disrupting substance that has implications for policymakers. Different approaches
    to risk assessment for BPA by US and European authorities are presented. It throws light on the
    ways in which similar evidence is evaluated differently in different risk assessments and presents
    challenges for applying the precautionary principle.
    The intense discussion and scientific work on BPA have slowly contributed to a process of
    improving test strategies. While traditional toxicology has relied on a monotonic increasing doseresponse
    relationship as evidence that the effect is caused by the test agent, studies on BPA and
    other endocrine disruptor chemicals (EDCs) have demonstrated the limitations of this approach
    and adjustments have been made in some cases.
    It has also been widely accepted that effects cannot be predicted by simply thinking of BPA
    as a weak oestrogen and extrapolating from what is observed for more potent endogenous
    oestrogens. This lesson is particularly evident in the intense pharmaceutical interest in selective
    oestrogen response modifiers (SERMs).
    The chapter is followed by a panel analysing the value of animal testing for identifyingcarcinogens
    Quelle: Late lessons from early warnings: science, precaution, innovation / Part A - Lessons
    from health hazards/ Chapter 10
  • Vorschaubild
    Europäische Human-Biomonitoring Pilotstudie DEMOCOPHES
    Human-Biomonitoring (HBM) hilft zu klären, ob und in welchem Ausmaß Stoffe im menschlichen Körperaufgenommen werden und wie hoch die interne Belastung isl. Zur europaweiten Harmonisierungvon HBM-Studien entwickelte das europäische Konsortium CQPHES einheitliche Richtlinien, die in derPilotstudie DEMOCQPHES parallel in 17 europäischenLänderngetestet wurden. Dabei wurden dieSchadstoffe Quecksilber, Cadmium, Cotinin und Phthalate in Haar- und Urinproben von 6- bis 11-iährigenKindern und ihren Mütternbestimmt sowie belastungsrelevante Daten erhoben.Damit lieferte DEMOCOPHES die ersten direkt vergleichbaren europäischen HBM-Daten, erhoben aninsgesamt 1.844 Mutter-Kind-Paaren. In Europa gibt es große Unterschiede in der Belastung mit Quecksilber und Cotinin, geringere in der Belastung mit Phthalaten. In Europa wie auch in Deutschland fandensich immer noch Mütter und Kinder, deren Belastung mit zumindest einem Stoff so hoch war, dass siegesundheitlich bedenklich sein könnte.
  • Vorschaubild
    Biodegradability and transformation of human pharmaceutical active ingredients in environmentally relevant test systems
    (2013) Berkner, Silvia; Thierbach, Claudia
    Human pharmaceutical active ingredients that are orally or parenterally administered may be metabolised in the body and after excretion may be further transformed in the receiving environmental compartments. The optimal outcome from an environmental point of view-complete mineralisation-is rarely observed. Small molecule pharmaceuticals are commonly not readily biodegradable according to Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 301 tests. However, primary transformation is often observed. To gain information on the transformation of active ingredients in the environment, long-term studies like transformation in aquatic water/sediment systems according to OECD guideline 308 are required for the environmental risk assessment for human active pharmaceutical ingredients. Studies received until mid 2010 as part of the dossiers for marketing authorisation applications were evaluated concerning transformation products. The evaluation revealed that in 70 % of the studies, at least one transformation product (TP) is formed above 10 % of the originally applied dose, but in only 26 % of the studies are all TP identified. The evaluation also revealed that some TP of pharmaceutical active ingredients show a considerably longer DT50 compared to the parent compound. An example is the TP (val)sartan acid that is formed from an antihypertensive compound.
  • Vorschaubild
    Fish Protection and Downstream Fish Migration in Dialog - The "Forum Fish Protection and Downstream Fish Migration"
    (2013) Heimerl, Stephan; Naumann, Stephan
    The item of fish protection and downstream fish migration has been the subject discussions about environmental politics, environmental law and professional items for quite some time, and its intensity has increased in recent years. This was the reason to establish the "Forum fish protection and downstream fish migration". The fundamental objective within the period 2012 to 2014 to have an open exchange on the various aspects of the topic and to promote a common, nationwide uniform understanding about the demands and solutions in the current state of knowledge and technology have to be taken into account for fish protection and downstream fish migration and for conservation and establishment of fish populations. In this paper, the current status of this process is described.Quelle:
  • Vorschaubild
    Neue Formen der Bürgerbeteiligung beim Stromnetzausbau
    (2013) Koch, Yvonne; Lütkehus, Insa

    Der Stromnetzausbau wird in den kommenden Jahrzehnten eine der zentralen Herausforderungen der Systemintegration der erneuerbaren Energien sein. Schwankende Einspeiseleistungen von Erneuerbare- Energien-Anlagen und eine neue räumliche Verteilung der Stromerzeugung machen eine umfangreiche Anpassung der Stromnetzinfrastruktur notwendig. Da insbesondere der Bau neuer Trassen häufig mit Widerstand verbunden ist, muss ein gesamtgesellschaftliches Verständnis für den Netzausbau geschaffen und die Akzeptanz vor Ort gestärkt werden. Diese Akzeptanz kann mit einer frühzeitigen Einbindung der Bevölkerung in Planungs- und Genehmigungsverfahren, transparenten und fairen Entscheidungsprozessen sowie einer umweltschonenden Ausgestaltung des Leitungsbaus geschaffen werden. Im Ergebnis kann eine höhere Akzeptanz auch zu einer Beschleunigung des Netzausbaus führen. Eine gute Bürgerbeteiligung ist daher sowohl beim aktuellen Prozess der bundesweiten Netzausbauplanung als auch auf Verteilnetzebene von besonderer Bedeutung. Quelle: UMID : Umwelt und Mensch - Informationsdienst ; Umwelt & Gesundheit, Umweltmedizin, Verbraucherschutz. - (2013), H. 2, S. 93-98

  • Vorschaubild
    Suitable test substances for proof of concept regarding infochemical effects in surface waters
    (2013) Nendza, Monika; Berghahn, Rüdiger; Klaschka, Ursula
    Infochemical effects have been defined as the manipulation of the odour perception of organisms by anthropogenic substances which may result in ecologically relevant behavioural disorder. However, the environmental relevance of infochemical effects has not yet been confirmed by experimental observations. This project aims to test for infochemical effects on chemical communication in water bodies with systematic experimental investigations. The first crucial step is to select suitable test substances. Repellents (PT 19 biocides) and odourants may be assumed to affect the response of aquatic populations and communities. These mostly polar and stable compounds may disturb chemical communication between organisms and may cause organismic effects like drift (downstream dislocation of e.g. crustacean and insect larvae in streams). Repellents enter surface waters mainly indirectly via wastewater discharges from sewage treatment plants or directly by being washed off from the skin and clothes of bathers.

    In this literature study, suitable chemicals were selected for confirmatory assessments of suspected infochemical effects by laboratory tests in a subsequent second part of the project. The use pattern and physico-chemical properties of the substances selected, in combination with their limited biological degradability, indicate potential aquatic relevance with possible chronic impact caused by disturbed communication. After due consideration of advantages and limitations, three PT 19 repellents appear suitable test compounds for proof of concept in the subsequent experimental part of the project:
    DEET (CAS 134-62-3)
    Icaridine (CAS 119515-38-7)
    EBAAP (CAS 52304-36-6)
    Another promising candidate for infochemical effects is isophorone (CAS 78-59-1), a natural attractant and an anthropogenic high production volume solvent.
    Four chemicals were selected with the expectation that they may be suitable test substances for experimental proof of concept of infochemical effects in the subsequent part of the project. The experimental results may then help to answer the question of whether PT 19 biocides and other odourants entering aquatic ecosystems give rise for concern about potential infochemical effects.

  • Vorschaubild
    See it with my eyes: artificial stream research communicated by an artist
    (2013) Rinn, Annette; Berghahn, Rüdiger; Kivelitz, Christoph
    Artist Anne Rinn takes the reader on an excursion to an indoor and outdoor artificial pond and stream mesocosm system. This device was constructed and put into operation in 2001 in order to carry out scientific investigations concerning the aquatic environment, with the main focus on fate and effects of pollutants. Both technical features of the facility and the work and ideas for scientists and technicians were translated by her into an art exhibition which also included a film. This report on the project consists of two different text parts, one by the third author, who is an aquatic toxicologist, and one by the second author, an art historian. Their different backgrounds are reflected in different thinking and styles of expression. The text is rounded off by the photos of the first author, the artist.Quelle: