7 Ergebnisse
Veröffentlichung The role of dietary factors on blood lead concentration in children and adolescents - Results from the nationally representative German Environmental Survey 2014-2017 (GerES V)(2022) Hahn, Domenica; Höra, Christian; Kämpfe, Alexander David; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Schmied-Tobies, Maria Irene Hilde; Vogel, NinaIn industrialized nations, human lead exposure has decreased significantly in recent decades. Nevertheless, due to its toxic effects, this heavy metal remains a public health concern with children and adolescents being particularly at risk. In Europe nowadays, oral intake via food and drinking water is the predominant exposure pathway for lead. The objective of the present study was to investigate the association between dietary factors and blood lead (PbB) level of 3- to 17-year-old children and adolescents living in Germany, using data from the fifth German Environmental Health Survey (GerES V) and the Child and Adolescent Health Survey (KiGGS Wave 2). GerES V and KiGGS Wave 2 are two national population-representative studies conducted between 2014 and 2017, including measurement of lead concentrations in blood from 720 children and adolescents aged 3-17 years (mean age = 10.21, SD age = 4.36). Using multiple linear regression, sociodemographic and environmental characteristics as well as dietary factors could be identified as significant exposure determinants of PbB concentrations. Lead intake via domestic tap water was the strongest predictor of elevated PbB levels with 27.6% (p-value< .001) higher concentrations of highest compared to none lead intake via tap water. Other foods which were found to be relevant to PbB levels were meat, fruit, and fruit juice. While meat or fruit consumption were each associated with about 13% (p-value < .05) lower PbB levels, fruit juice drinking was associated with up to 12.2% (p-value = .04) higher PbB levels. In conclusion, results indicate the importance of dietary habits for lead exposure in children and adolescents. To protect vulnerable groups, it is recommended that future research and lead-reducing measures pay more attention to dietary links. © 2022 The Authors.Veröffentlichung Glyphosate and AMPA in human urine of HBM4EU-aligned studies: Part A children(2022) Buekers, Jurgen; Remy, Sylvie; Bessems, Jos; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Vogel, NinaFew data are available on the exposure of children to glyphosate (Gly) in Europe. Within HBM4EU, new HBM exposure data were collected from aligned studies at five sampling sites distributed over Europe (studies: SLO CRP (SI); ORGANIKO (CY); GerES V-sub (DE); 3XG (BE); ESTEBAN (FR)). Median Gly concentrations in urine were below or around the detection limit (0.1 Ìg/L). The 95th percentiles ranged between 0.18 and 1.03 Ìg Gly/L. The ratio of AMPA (aminomethylphosphonic acid; main metabolite of Gly) to Gly at molar basis was on average 2.2 and the ratio decreased with higher Gly concentrations, suggesting that other sources of AMPA, independent of metabolism of Gly to AMPA in the monitored participants, may concurrently operate. Using reverse dosimetry and HBM exposure data from five European countries (east, west and south Europe) combined with the proposed ADI (acceptable daily intake) of EFSA for Gly of 0.1 mg/kg bw/day (based on histopathological findings in the salivary gland of rats) indicated no human health risks for Gly in the studied populations at the moment. However, the absence of a group ADI for Gly+AMPA and ongoing discussions on e.g., endocrine disrupting effects cast some uncertainty in relation to the current single substance ADI for Gly. The carcinogenic effects of Gly are still debated in the scientific community. These outcomes would influence the risk conclusions presented here. Finally, regression analyses did not find clear associations between urinary exposure biomarkers and analyzed potential exposure determinants. More information from questionnaires targeting exposure-related behavior just before the sampling is needed. © 2022 by the authorsVeröffentlichung PFAS levels and determinants of variability in exposure in European teenagers - Results from the HBM4EU aligned studies (2014-2021)(2022) Richterová, Denisa; Govarts, Eva; Fábelová, L; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Vogel, NinaBackground Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are man-made fluorinated chemicals, widely used in various types of consumer products, resulting in their omnipresence in human populations. The aim of this study was to describe current PFAS levels in European teenagers and to investigate the determinants of serum/plasma concentrations in this specific age group. Methods PFAS concentrations were determined in serum or plasma samples from 1957 teenagers (12-18 years) from 9 European countries as part of the HBM4EU aligned studies (2014-2021). Questionnaire data were post-harmonized by each study and quality checked centrally. Only PFAS with an overall quantification frequency of at least 60% (PFOS, PFOA, PFHxS and PFNA) were included in the analyses. Sociodemographic and lifestyle factors were analysed together with food consumption frequencies to identify determinants of PFAS exposure. The variables study, sex and the highest educational level of household were included as fixed factors in the multivariable linear regression models for all PFAS and each dietary variable was added to the fixed model one by one and for each PFAS separately. Results The European exposure values for PFAS were reported as geometric means with 95% confidence intervals (CI): PFOS [2.13 (mirco)g/L (1.63-2.78)], PFOA ([0.97 (mirco)g/L (0.75-1.26)]), PFNA [0.30 (mirco)g/L (0.19-0.45)] and PFHxS [0.41 (micro)g/L (0.33-0.52)]. The estimated geometric mean exposure levels were significantly higher in the North and West versus the South and East of Europe. Boys had significantly higher concentrations of the four PFAS compared to girls and significantly higher PFASs concentrations were found in teenagers from households with a higher education level. Consumption of seafood and fish at least 2 times per week was significantly associated with 21% (95% CI: 12-31%) increase in PFOS concentrations and 20% (95% CI: 10-31%) increase in PFNA concentrations as compared to less frequent consumption of seafood and fish. The same trend was observed for PFOA and PFHxS but not statistically significant. Consumption of eggs at least 2 times per week was associated with 11% (95% CI: 2-22%) and 14% (95% CI: 2-27%) increase in PFOS and PFNA concentrations, respectively, as compared to less frequent consumption of eggs. Significantly higher PFOS concentrations were observed for participants consuming offal (14% (95% CI: 3-26%)), the same trend was observed for the other PFAS but not statistically significant. Local food consumption at least 2 times per week was associated with 40% (95% CI: 19-64%) increase in PFOS levels as compared to those consuming local food less frequently. Conclusion This work provides information about current levels of PFAS in European teenagers and potential dietary sources of exposure to PFAS in European teenagers. These results can be of use for targeted monitoring of PFAS in food. © 2022 The Authors.Veröffentlichung Cross-sectional associations between exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and body mass index among European teenagers in the HBM4EU aligned studies(2023) Schillemans, Tessa; Iszatt, Nina; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Remy, Sylvie; Vogel, NinaPer- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are widespread pollutants that may impact youth adiposity patterns. We investigated cross-sectional associations between PFAS and body mass index (BMI) in teenagers/adolescents across nine European countries within the Human Biomonitoring for Europe (HBM4EU) initiative. We used data from 1957 teenagers (12-18 yrs) that were part of the HBM4EU aligned studies, consisting of nine HBM studies (NEBII, Norway; Riksmaten Adolescents 2016-17, Sweden; PCB cohort (follow-up), Slovakia; SLO CRP, Slovenia; CROME, Greece; BEA, Spain; ESTEBAN, France; FLEHS IV, Belgium; GerES V-sub, Germany). Twelve PFAS were measured in blood, whilst weight and height were measured by field nurse/physician or self-reported in questionnaires. We assessed associations between PFAS and age- and sex-adjusted BMI z-scores using linear and logistic regression adjusted for potential confounders. Random-effects meta-analysis and mixed effects models were used to pool studies. We assessed mixture effects using molar sums of exposure biomarkers with toxicological/structural similarities and quantile g-computation. In all studies, the highest concentrations of PFAS were PFOS (medians ranging from 1.34 to 2.79 mikro/L). There was a tendency for negative associations with BMI z-scores for all PFAS (except for PFHxS and PFHpS), which was borderline significant for the molar sum of [PFOA and PFNA] and significant for single PFOA [beta-coefficient (95% CI) per interquartile range fold change = -0.06 (-0.17, 0.00) and -0.08 (-0.15, -0.01), respectively]. Mixture assessment indicated similar negative associations of the total mixture of [PFOA, PFNA, PFHxS and PFOS] with BMI z-score, but not all compounds showed associations in the same direction: whilst [PFOA, PFNA and PFOS] were negatively associated, [PFHxS] associated positively with BMI z-score. Our results indicated a tendency for associations of relatively low PFAS concentrations with lower BMI in European teenagers. More prospective research is needed to investigate this potential relationship and its implications for health later in life. © 2022 The AuthorsVeröffentlichung Human urinary arsenic species, associated exposure determinants and potential health risks assessed in the HBM4EU Aligned Studies(2023) Buekers, Jurgen; Baken, Kirsten; Govarts, Eva; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Vogel, NinaThe European Joint Programme HBM4EU coordinated and advanced human biomonitoring (HBM) in Europe in order to provide science-based evidence for chemical policy development and improve chemical management. Arsenic (As) was selected as a priority substance under the HBM4EU initiative for which open, policy relevant questions like the status of exposure had to be answered. Internal exposure to inorganic arsenic (iAs), measured as Toxic Relevant Arsenic (TRA) (the sum of As(III), As(V), MMA, DMA) in urine samples of teenagers differed among the sampling sites (BEA (Spain) > Riksmaten adolescents (Sweden), ESTEBAN (France) > FLEHS IV (Belgium), SLO CRP (Slovenia)) with geometric means between 3.84 and 8.47 mikrog/L. The ratio TRA to TRA + arsenobetaine or the ratio TRA to total arsenic varied between 0.22 and 0.49. Main exposure determinants for TRA were the consumption of rice and seafood. When all studies were combined, Pearson correlation analysis showed significant associations between all considered As species. Higher concentrations of DMA, quantitatively a major constituent of TRA, were found with increasing arsenobetaine concentrations, a marker for organic As intake, e.g. through seafood, indicating that other sources of DMA than metabolism of inorganic As exist, e.g. direct intake of DMA or via the intake of arsenosugars or -lipids. Given the lower toxicity of DMA(V) versus iAs, estimating the amount of DMA not originating from iAs, or normalizing TRA for arsenobetaine intake could be useful for estimating iAs exposure and risk. Comparing urinary TRA concentrations with formerly derived biomonitoring equivalent (BE) for non-carcinogenic effects (6.4 mikrog/L) clearly shows that all 95th percentile exposure values in the different studies exceeded this BE. This together with the fact that cancer risk may not be excluded even at lower iAs levels, suggests a possible health concern for the general population of Europe. © 2023 The AuthorsVeröffentlichung Current exposure to phthalates and DINCH in European children and adolescents - results from the HBM4EU Aligned Studies 2014 to 2021(2023) Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Lange, Rosa; Gerofke, Antje; Murawski, Aline; Schmidt, Phillipp; Vogel, NinaPhthalates are mainly used as plasticizers for polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Exposure to several phthalates is associated with different adverse effects most prominently on the development of reproductive functions. The HBM4EU Aligned Studies (2014-2021) have investigated current European exposure to ten phthalates (DEP, BBzP, DiBP, DnBP, DCHP, DnPeP, DEHP, DiNP, DiDP, DnOP) and the substitute DINCH to answer the open policy relevant questions which were defined by HBM4EU partner countries and EU institutions as the starting point of the programme. The exposure dataset includes ~5,600 children (6-11 years) and adolescents (12-18 years) from up to 12 countries per age group and covering the North, East, South and West European regions. Study data from participating studies were harmonised with respect to sample size and selection of participants, selection of biomarkers, and quality and comparability of analytical results to provide a comparable perspective of European exposure. Phthalate and DINCH exposure were deduced from urinary excretions of metabolites, where concentrations were expressed as their key descriptor geometric mean (GM) and 95th percentile (P95). This study aims at reporting current exposure levels and differences in these between European studies and regions, as well as comparisons to human biomonitoring guidance values (HBM-GVs). GMs for children were highest for total-DEHP metabolites (33.6 mikrog/L), MiBP (26.6 mikrog/L), and MEP (24.4 mikrog/L) and lowest for total-DiDP metabolites (1.91 mikrog/L) and total-DINCH metabolites (3.57 mikrog/L). In adolescents highest GMs were found for MEP (43.3 mikrog/L), total-DEHP metabolites (28.8 mikrog/L), and MiBP (25.6 mikrog/L) and lowest for total-DiDP metabolites (= 2.02 mikrog/L) and total-DINCH metabolites (2.51 mikrog/L). In addition, GMs and P95 stratified by European region, sex, household education level, and degree of urbanization are presented. Differences in average biomarker concentrations between sampling sites (data collections) ranged from factor 2 to 9. Compared to the European average, children in the sampling sites OCC (Denmark), InAirQ (Hungary), and SPECIMEn (The Netherlands) had the lowest concentrations across all metabolites and ESTEBAN (France), NAC II (Italy), and CROME (Greece) the highest. For adolescents, comparably higher metabolite concentrations were found in NEB II (Norway), PCB cohort (Slovakia), and ESTEBAN (France), and lower concentrations in POLAES (Poland), FLEHS IV (Belgium), and GerES V-sub (Germany). Multivariate analyses (Survey Generalized Linear Models) indicate compound-specific differences in average metabolite concentrations between the four European regions. Comparison of individual levels with HBM-GVs revealed highest rates of exceedances for DnBP and DiBP, with up to 3 and 5%, respectively, in children and adolescents. No exceedances were observed for DEP and DINCH. With our results we provide current, detailed, and comparable data on exposure to phthalates in children and - for the first time - in adolescents, and - for the first time - on DINCH in children and adolescents of all four regions of Europe which are particularly suited to inform exposure and risk assessment and answer open policy relevant questions. © 2023 The Authors.Veröffentlichung Exposure to phthalates in European children, adolescents and adults since 2005: a harmonized approach based on existing HBM data in the HBM4EU Initiative(2023) Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Lange, Rosa; Murawski, Aline; Rüther, Maria; Gerofke, Antje; Schmidt, Phillipp; Springer, Andrea; Vogel, Nina; Weber, TillPhthalates are mainly used as plasticizers and are associated inter alia with adverse effects on reproductive functions. While more and more national programs in Europe have started monitoring internal exposure to phthalates and its substitute 1,2-Cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid (DINCH), the comparability of results from such existing human biomonitoring (HBM) studies across Europe is challenging. They differ widely in time periods, study samples, degree of geographical coverage, design, analytical methodology, biomarker selection, and analytical quality assurance level. The HBM4EU initiative has gathered existing HBM data of 29 studies from participating countries, covering all European regions and Israel. The data were prepared and aggregated by a harmonized procedure with the aim to describe - as comparably as possible - the EU-wide general population's internal exposure to phthalates from the years 2005 to 2019. Most data were available from Northern (up to 6 studies and up to 13 time points), Western (11; 19), and Eastern Europe (9; 12), e.g., allowing for the investigation of time patterns. While the bandwidth of exposure was generally similar, we still observed regional differences for Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBzP), Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), Di-isononyl phthalate (DiNP), and Di-isobutyl phthalate (DiBP) with pronounced decreases over time in Northern and Western Europe, and to a lesser degree in Eastern Europe. Differences between age groups were visible for Di-n-butyl phthalate (DnBP), where children (3 to 5-year olds and 6 to 11-year olds) had lower urinary concentrations than adolescents (12 to 19-year-olds), who in turn had lower urinary concentrations than adults (20 to 39-year-olds). This study is a step towards making internal exposures to phthalates comparable across countries, although standardized data were not available, targeting European data sets harmonized with respect to data formatting and calculation of aggregated data (such as developed within HBM4EU), and highlights further suggestions for improved harmonization in future studies. © 2023 by the authors