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  • Veröffentlichung
    A pilot study on the feasibility of European harmonized Human Biomonitoring: Strategies towards a common approach, challenges and opportunities
    (2015) Casteleyn, Ludwine; Dumez, Birgit; Becker, Kerstin; Den Hond, Elly; Schoeters, Greet; Castaño, Argelia; Koch, Holger Martin; Angerer, Jürgen; Esteban, Marta; Exley, Karen; Sepai, Ovnair; Bloemen, Louis; Fiddicke, Ulrike; Horvath, Milena; Knudsen, Lisbeth E.; Joas, Anke; Joas, Reinhard; Biot, Pierre; Koppen, C.; Dewolf, M.-C.; Katsonouri, Andromachi; Hadjipanayis, Adamos; Cerna, Milena; Krskova, A.; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Nielsen, Jeanette K.S.; Jensen, J.F.; Rudnai, Peter; Közepesy, S.; Mulcahy, M.F.R.; Mannion, R.; Gutleb, Arno C.; Fischer, M.E.; Ligocka, Danuta; Jakubowski, M.; Reis, M.Fátima; Namorado, S.; Lupsa, Ioana-Rodica; Schwedler, Gerda; Gurzau, Anca Elena
    In 2004theEuropeanCommissionandMemberStatesinitiatedactivitiestowardsaharmonizedap-
    proach forHumanBiomonitoringsurveysthroughoutEurope.Themainobjectivewastosustainen-
    vironmental healthpolicybybuildingacoherentandsustainableframeworkandbyincreasingthe
    comparability ofdataacrosscountries.Apilotstudy totestcommonguidelinesforsettingupsurveys
    a jointstudyprotocolwaselaborated.
    child pairsintheframeofDEMOnstrationofastudytoCoordinateandPerformHumanBiomonitoring
    on aEuropeanScale(DEMOCOPHES). Mercury inhairandurinarycadmiumandcotininewereselected
    as biomarkersofexposurecoveredbysufficient analyticalexperience.PhthalatemetabolitesandBi-
    sphenol Ainurinewereaddedtotakeintoaccountincreasingpublicandpoliticalawarenessfor
    emerging typesofcontaminantsandtotestlessadvancedmarkers/markerscoveredbylessanalytical
    The pilotstudyshowed thatcommonapproachescanbefoundinacontextofconsiderablediffer-
    ences withrespecttoexperienceandexpertize,socio-culturalbackground,economicsituationandna-
    tional priorities.ItalsoevidencedthatcomparableHumanBiomonitoringresultscanbeobtainedinsuch
    context.AEuropeannetworkwasbuilt,exchanging information,expertise andexperiences,andpro-
    viding trainingonallaspectsofasurvey.Akeychallengewas finding therightbalancebetweenarigid
    structure allowingmaximalcomparabilityanda flexibleapproachincreasingfeasibilityandcapacity
    building. NextstepsinEuropeanharmonizationinHumanBiomonitoringsurveysincludetheestab-
    lishment ofajointprocessforprioritizationofsubstancestocoverandbiomarkerstodevelop,linking
    biomonitoring surveyswithhealthexaminationsurveysandwithresearch,andcopingwiththediverse
    implementations ofEUregulationsandinternationalguidelineswithrespecttoethicsandprivacy.
  • Veröffentlichung
    Urinary phthalate concentrations in mothers and their children in Ireland
    (2017) Cullen, Elizabeth; Evans, David; Griffin, Chris; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Schwedler, Gerda
  • Veröffentlichung
    Mothers and children are related, even in exposure to chemicals present in common consumer products
    (2019) Koppen, Gudrun; Govarts, Eva; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Vanermen, Guido; Schwedler, Gerda
    Background Phthalates, bisphenol A (BPA) and triclosan (TCS) are detectable in the vast majority of people. Most humans are continuously exposed to these chemicals due to their presence in food or in everyday consumer products. The measurement of these compounds in family members may help to explore the impact of major lifestyle factors on exposure. Mothers and (young) children are especially interesting to study, as they mostly share considerable parts of daily life together. Materials and methods Phthalate metabolites, bisphenol A (BPA) and triclosan (TCS) were measured in first morning void urine, collected in mother-child pairs (n=129) on the same day. The mothers (27-45y) and their children (6-11y) were recruited in the Brussels agglomeration and rural areas of Belgium in the context of the European COPHES-DEMOCOPHES human biomonitoring project. Face-to-face questionnaires gathered information on major exposure sources and lifestyle factors. Exposure determinants were assessed by multiple linear regression analysis. Results The investigated compounds were detectable in nearly all mothers (92.8-100%) and all children (95.2-100%). The range (P90 vs. P10) of differences in urinary concentrations within each age group was for most compounds around 10-20 fold, and was very high for TCS up to 35 and 350-fold in children and mothers respectively. Some participants exceeded the tolerable daily intake guidelines as far as they were available from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Overall, for BPA, the urinary concentrations were similar among both age groups. Most urinary phthalate metabolites were higher in children compared to the mothers, except for monoethyl phthalate (MEP). TCS levels were generally higher in the mothers. Despite the difference in mothers' and children's urinary concentrations, the creatinine-corrected levels were correlated for all biomarkers (Spearman rank r=0.32 to 0.66, p<0.001). Furthermore, for phthalates, similar home and lifestyle factors were associated with the urinary concentrations in both age groups: home renovation during last two years or redecoration during the last year for di-ethyl phthalate (DEP); PVC in home for di-n-butyl phthalate (DnBP), di-iso-butyl phthalate (DiBP) and butyl benzyl phthalate (BBzP), and personal care products use for DiBP and DnBP. Based on questionnaire information on general food type consumption patterns, the exposure variability could not be explained. However, comparing the phthalate intake from the current study with earlier assessed Belgian food intake calculations for both ages, food in general was estimated to be the major intake source for di-ethyl hexyl phthalate (DEHP), with diminishing importance for BBzP, DiBP and DnBP. Conclusion Our results confirm, that children and their mothers, sharing diets and home environments, also share exposure in common consumer products related chemicals. By collecting morning urine levels on the same day, and using basic questionnaires, suspected exposure routes could be unraveled.
  • Veröffentlichung
    Hexamoll® DINCH and DPHP metabolites in urine of children and adolescents in Germany. Human biomonitoring results of the German Environmental Survey GerES V, 2014-2017
    (2019) Conrad, André; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Rucic, Enrico; Schmied-Tobies, Maria Irene Hilde; Schulz, Christine; Schwedler, Gerda
    The production and use of the plasticisers Hexamoll® DINCH (di-(iso-nonyl)-cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylate) and DPHP (di-(2-propylheptyl) phthalate) have increased after both chemicals were introduced into the market in the early 2000s as substitutes for restricted high molecular weight phthalates. During the population representative German Environmental Survey (GerES) of Children and Adolescents (GerES V, 2014-2017), we collected urine samples and measured the concentrations of DINCH and DPHP metabolites in 2228 and in a subsample of 516 participants, respectively. We detected DINCH and DPHP metabolites in 100% and 62% of the 3-17 years old children and adolescents, respectively. Geometric means of DINCH metabolites were 2.27 myg/L for OH-MINCH, 0.93 myg/L for oxo-MINCH, 1.14 myg/L for cx-MINCH and 3.47 myg/L for DINCH (Sigma of OH-MINCH + cx-MINCH). Geometric means of DPHP metabolites were 0.30 myg/L for OH-MPHP, 0.32 myg/L for oxo-MPHP and 0.64 myg/L for DPHP (Sigma of OH-MPHP + oxo-MPHP). The 3-5 years old children had almost 3-fold higher DINCH biomarkers levels than adolescents (14-17 years). Higher concentrations of DPHP biomarkers among young children only became apparent after creatinine adjustment. Urinary levels of DINCH but not of DPHP biomarkers were associated with the levels of the respective plasticisers in house dust. When compared to HBM health-based guidance values, we observed no exceedance of the HBM-I value of 1 mg/L for DPHP (Sigma of OH-MPHP + oxo-MPHP). However, 0.04% of the children exceeded the health based guidance value HBM-I of 3 mg/L for DINCH (Sigma of OH-MINCH + cx-MINCH). This finding shows that even a less toxic replacement of restricted chemicals can reach exposures in some individuals, at which, according to current knowledge, health impacts cannot be excluded with sufficient certainty. In conclusion, we provide representative data on DINCH and DPHP exposure of children and adolescents in Germany. Further surveillance is warranted to assess the substitution process of plasticisers, and to advise exposure reduction measures, especially for highly exposed children and adolescents. Providing the results to the European HBM Initiative HBM4EU will support risk assessment and risk management not only in Germany but also in Europe. © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier GmbH
  • Veröffentlichung
    Phthalate metabolites in urine of children and adolescents in Germany. Human biomonitoring results of the German Environmental Survey GerES V, 2014-2017
    (2020) Conrad, André; Daniels, Anja; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Lange, Rosa; Rucic, Enrico; Schmied-Tobies, Maria Irene Hilde; Schulz, Christine; Schwedler, Gerda
    During the population representative German Environmental Survey of Children and Adolescents (GerES V, 2014-2017) 2256 first-morning void urine samples from 3 to 17 years old children and adolescents were analysed for 21 metabolites of 11 different phthalates (di-methyl phthalate (DMP), di-ethyl phthalate (DEP), butylbenzyl phthalate (BBzP), di-iso-butyl phthalate (DiBP), di-n-butyl phthalate (DnBP), di-cyclohexyl phthalate (DCHP), di-n-pentyl phthalate (DnPeP), di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), di-iso-nonyl phthalate (DiNP), di-iso-decyl phthalate (DiDP) and di-n-octyl phthalate (DnOP)). Metabolites of DMP, DEP, BBzP, DiBP, DnBP, DEHP, DiNP and DiDP were found in 97-100% of the participants, DCHP and DnPeP in 6%, and DnOP in none of the urine samples. Geometric means (GM) were highest for metabolites of DiBP (MiBP: 26.1 my g/L), DEP (MEP: 25.8 my g/L), DnBP (MnBP: 20.9 my g/L), and DEHP (cx-MEPP: 11.9 my g/L). For all phthalates but DEP, GMs were consistently higher in the 3-5 years old children than in the 14-17 years old adolescents. For DEHP, the age differences were most pronounced. All detectable phthalate biomarker concentrations were positively associated with the levels of the respective phthalate in house dust. In GerES V we found considerably lower phthalate biomarker levels than in the preceding GerES IV (2003-2006). GMs of biomarker levels in GerES V were only 18% (BBzP), 23% (MnBP), 23% (DEHP), 29% (MiBP) and 57% (DiNP) of those measured a decade earlier in GerES IV. However, some children and adolescents still exceeded health-based guidance values in the current GerES V. 0.38% of the participants had levels of DnBP, 0.08% levels of DEHP and 0.007% levels of DiNP which were higher than the respective health-based guidance values. Accordingly, for these persons an impact on health cannot be excluded with sufficient certainty. The ongoing and substantial exposure of vulnerable children and adolescents to many phthalates confirms the need of a continued monitoring of established phthalates, whether regulated or not, as well as of potential substitutes. With this biomonitoring approach we provide a picture of current individual and cumulative exposure developments and body burdens to phthalates, thus providing support for timely and effective chemicals policies and legislation. © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier GmbH.
  • Veröffentlichung
    Metabolites of the substitute plasticiser Di-(2-ethylhexyl) terephthalate (DEHTP) in urine of children and adolescents investigated in the German Environmental Survey GerES V, 2014-2017
    (2020) Conrad, André; Koch, Holger Martin; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Rucic, Enrico; Schmied-Tobies, Maria Irene Hilde; Schwedler, Gerda
    Metabolites of di-(2-ethylhexyl) terephthalate (DEHTP), a substitute for ortho-based phthalate plasticisers like di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), were analysed in 2112 first-morning void urine samples from children and adolescents aged 3-17 years, participating in the population representative German Environmental Survey on Children and Adolescents, GerES V 2014-2017. The major metabolite 5cx-MEPTP was detected in all urine samples with a geometric mean (GM) of 7.39 (my)g/L, with highest levels in the mg/L range. The GM for the other metabolites were 0.55 (my)g/L for 5OH-MEHTP, 0.54 (my)g/L for 5oxo-MEHTP and below the limit of quantification (LOQ) for 2cx-MMHTP. As already observed for other plasticisers and their substitutes, the youngest children (3-5 years) had 2-2.5-fold higher urinary DEHTP metabolite levels compared to 14-17 years old adolescents. High urinary levels of DEHTP metabolites were associated with high DEHTP concentrations in house dust. None of the samples analysed exceeded the toxicologically derived German human biomonitoring guidance value (HBM-I-Value) of 1.8 mg/L for 5cx-MEPTP. Comparison with DEHTP levels reported in other HBM studies worldwide confirmed a widespread exposure of children, adolescents and adults, with considerably higher exposures (2.6-7 fold) reported in the United States. In GerES V, exposure data for 12 different phthalates and the phthalate substitute DINCH were generated as well. Together with the data for DEHTP presented in this manuscript, GerES V allows a current and comprehensive overview on the concurrent exposure of German children and adolescents to common plasticisers. Further evaluation of aggregate exposure characteristics shall support efforts to reduce chemical hazard burden from plasticisers in Germany and beyond. © 2020 The Author(s).
  • Veröffentlichung
    Learning from previous work and finding synergies in the domains of public and environmental health
    (2020) David, Madlen; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Reiber, Lena; Schwedler, Gerda
    Background During the last decade, the European Union initiated several projects in the domains of public and environmental health. Within this framework, BRIDGE Health (Bridging Information and Data Generation for Evidence-based Health policy and Research) and HBM4EU (European human biomonitoring initiative) have been implemented. Whereas, the focus of BRIDGE Health was towards a sustainable and integrated health information system (HIS), the aim of HBM4EU is to improve evidence of the internal exposure of European citizens to environmental chemicals by human biomonitoring (HBM) and the impact of internal exposure on health. As both, environmental and public health determinants are important for health promotion, disease prevention and policy, BRIDGE Health and HBM4EU have overlapping aims and outcomes. In order to improve health information regarding public health and environmental health issues, best use and exchange of respective networks and project results is necessary. Methods Both projects have implemented health information (HI) and HBM tasks in order to provide adequate environmental and public health information of the European population. Synergies of the projects were identified in the working progress and because of overlapping networks and experts a focused analysis of both projects was envisaged. This paper elaborates on the aims and outcomes of both projects and the benefit of merging and channelling research results for the use of better health information and policy making that may be of relevance for any other project in these research fields. Results The need for focused exchanges and collaborations between the projects were identified and benefits of exchanges were highlighted for the specific areas of indicator development, linkage of data repositories and the combination of HBM studies and health examination surveys (HES). Further recommendations for a European wide harmonisation among different tasks in the fields of public health and environmental health are being developed. Conclusions Lessons learned from HBM4EU and BRIDGE Health show that continuous efforts must be undertaken, also by succeeding projects, to guarantee the exchange between public health and environmental health issues. Networks covering both are essential to provide better evidence of knowledge. The experiences from BRIDGE Health and HBM4EU give a valuable input for any future activity in these domains. Avoiding overlaps and streamlining further exchange of public health and environmental health contributes to best use of research results and allows to develop new strategies and tools for improvement of health information and thus enhances people's health and well-being. © The Author(s).