1 Ergebnisse
Veröffentlichung Anpassung an den Klimawandel(2013) Schauser, Inke; Vetter, AndreasThe German Adaptation Strategy launched a process to assess theconsequences of climate change and identify key areas of adaptationmeasures. For its effective and efficient implementation it isimportant to set priorities based on generally recognized criteria.This paper proposes a cross-sectoral prioritization concept forasses sing and selecting federal adaptation measures. Based on aliterature review, five key criteria could be distinguished (strategicimportance, urgency, side-effects, no-regret, flexibility), which weresupplemented with criteria to assess the technical and socioeconomic feasibility (economical aspects, acceptance). The multicriteriaapproach enhances transparency and traceability of decisionmaking in the adaptation process. Taking account of climateimpacts (path 1) and prioritizing adaptation measures using themulti-criteria approach (path 2) constitute only a first step.Step 2 integrates the findings of path 1 and 2 to select appropriatemeasures for an Adaptation Action Plan.
Quelle: Anpassung an den Klimawandel: Priorisierung von Maßnahmen innerhalb derDeutschen Anpassungsstrategie/ Andreas Vetter;Inke Schauser