2 Ergebnisse
Veröffentlichung Statement on advancing the assessment of chemical mixtures and their risks for human health and the environment(2020) Drakvik, Elina; Altenburger, Rolf; Aoki, Yasunobu; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Reiber, LenaThe number of anthropogenic chemicals, manufactured, by-products, metabolites and abiotically formed transformation products, counts to hundreds of thousands, at present. Thus, humans and wildlife are exposed to complex mixtures, never one chemical at a time and rarely with only one dominating effect. Hence there is an urgent need to develop strategies on how exposure to multiple hazardous chemicals and the combination of their effects can be assessed. A workshop, "Advancing the Assessment of Chemical Mixtures and their Risks for Human Health and the Environment" was organized in May 2018 together with Joint Research Center in Ispra, EU-funded research projects and Commission Services and relevant EU agencies. This forum for researchers and policy-makers was created to discuss and identify gaps in risk assessment and governance of chemical mixtures as well as to discuss state of the art science and future research needs. Based on the presentations and discussions at this workshop we want to bring forward the following Key Messages: - We are at a turning point: multiple exposures and their combined effects require better management to protect public health and the environment from hazardous chemical mixtures.
- Regulatory initiatives should be launched to investigate the opportunities for all relevant regulatory frameworks to include prospective mixture risk assessment and consider combined exposures to (real-life) chemical mixtures to humans and wildlife, across sectors.
- Precautionary approaches and intermediate measures (e.g. Mixture Assessment Factor) can already be applied, although, definitive mixture risk assessments cannot be routinely conducted due to significant knowledge and data gaps.
- A European strategy needs to be set, through stakeholder engagement, for the governance of combined exposure to multiple chemicals and mixtures. The strategy would include research aimed at scientific advancement in mechanistic understanding and modelling techniques, as well as research to address regulatory and policy needs. Without such a clear strategy, specific objectives and common priorities, research, and policies to address mixtures will likely remain scattered and insufficient. © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Veröffentlichung Europäische Human-Biomonitoring Initiative erfolgreich abgeschlossen(2022) Apel, Petra; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Lange, Rosa; Pack, Kim Laura; Reiber, Lena; Weise, Philipp2017 wurde die Europäische Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) mit dem Ziel gestartet, die Schadstoffbelastung der EU Bevölkerung systematisch zu erfassen. Die Belastungen der europäischen Bevölkerung mit einer Vielzahl von Umweltschadstoffen wurden erstmals vergleichbar ermittelt, bewertet und bereitgestellt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Belastungen der EU-Bevölkerung mit vielen Schadstoffen, wie etwa bestimmten Weichmachern und per- und polyfluorierten Alkylsubstanzen (PFAS), zu hoch sind, und gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen nicht mit ausreichender Sicherheit ausgeschlossen werden können. Die Erkenntnisse werden an die politischen Entscheidungsträger weitergegeben und sollen bei der Verbesserung der Chemikalien-, Umwelt- und Gesundheitspolitik unterstützen, sodass letztlich gesundheitsrelevante chemische Belastungen minimiert werden. Der folgende Artikel gibt eine Übersicht über die wichtigsten Projektergebnisse. Quelle: UMID : Umwelt und Mensch - Informationsdienst ; Umwelt & Gesundheit, Umweltmedizin, Verbraucherschutz / Boden- und Lufthygiene (Berlin) Institut für Wasser- - (2022), Heft 02, Seite 41