2 Ergebnisse
Veröffentlichung 5-Point programme for sustainable plant protection(2018) Egerer, Sina Elisabeth; Frische, Tobias; Matezki, Steffen; Pickl, Christina; Wogram, JörnThis position paper intends to stimulate a profound rethinking of contemporary agricultural practice. We criticise the current intensity of chemical plant protection in Germany as ecologically unsustainable and thus threatening the achievement of key targets of environmental protection and nature conservation policies. In the first part of the paper, we provide background information on the use of plant protection products (PPP) in German agriculture, the role of agricultural policy, European pesticide legislation, the principles of and framework for environmental risk assessment and risk management of PPP, as well as environmental effects of PPP. The second part is presented against the backdrop of the European "Sustainable Use Directive" (2009/128/EC). This directive requires that "Member States shall adopt National Action Plans to set up their quantitative objectives, targets, measures, and timetables to reduce risks and impacts of pesticide use on human health and the environment and to encourage the development and introduction of integrated pest management and of alternative approaches or techniques to reduce dependency on the use of pesticides." Reflecting on the corresponding debate in Germany, we suggest the following five key principles for a sustainable use of PPP and provide recommendations for their implementation: (1) minimising use; (2) identifying, quantifying, and communicating risks; (3) optimising risk management; (4) compensating for unavoidable effects; (5) internalising external costs. © 2018, The Author(s).Veröffentlichung Scientific guidance on soil phototransformation products in groundwater - consideration, parameterisation and simulation in the exposure assessment of plant protection products(2022) Schneider, Franziska; Janzen, Wolfgang; Jentzsch, Franziska; Egsmose, Mark; Pickl, Christina; Fait, Gabriella; Priegnitz, JanThis Guidance Document gives recommendations how to consider transformation products from soilphotolysis (â€Ìphototransformation productsâ€Ì) when modelling the predicted environmental concentrationsin groundwater. It describes possible parameterisations of the photolytic pathway (i.e. the photolytic half-life and the corresponding reference irradiation) in a tiered approach using the FOCUS-PELMO model.Following the recommendations of the EFSA guidance (2014), separate half-lives can be derived for thesurface processes (kfast) and the biodegradation in the soil matrix (kslow) fromfield dissipation studies byusing biphasic models. Fromfield dissipation studies evaluated with biphasic kinetics, the kfastvalue canbe considered representative for the photolytic degradation on soil surface for non-volatile substances.This value should be determined after a time-step normalisation according to irradiance data for thelocation and period of thefield trial, to a reference irradiance of 100 W mâ Ì2. In case irradiance values arenot available in the study, these values can be derived from databases such as AGRI4CAST or NASA,freely available in the Internet. Quelle: Artikel