5 Ergebnisse
Veröffentlichung Land-use planning at airports in Germany(2014) Myck, Thomas; Thierbach, Roman; Weinandy, RenéIn 2001 the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) initiated the Balanced Approach to Aircraft Noise Management. It consists of four essential elements to reduce aircraft noise. One is land-use planning and management. In Germany, this already starts with planning of an airport in order to find a suitable site. This planning process deals with aircraft operational aspects as well as economical and environmental ones. After the airport has been built, noise protection areas are to be established according to the German Act for Protection against Aircraft Noise. The noise protection area is subdivided into two daytime and one nighttime protection zone. The act oblige the airport operator to pay for constructional soundproofing measures in existing residential buildings located in daytime protection zone 1 and in the nighttime protection zone. Moreover, expenses for installation of ventilation systems in rooms predominantly used for sleeping are to be reimbursed by the airport operator for buildings in the nighttime protection zone. Furthermore, several local regulations which comprise building restrictions in the vicinity of the airport exists which primary have the aim to prevent or reduce noise conflicts. The land-use planning at German airports will be described and evaluated.Quelle: http://www.acoustics.asn.auVeröffentlichung Determination and assessment of noise from wind turbines in Germany(2016) Bauerdorff, Andrea; Myck, ThomasIn 2014, 28.2 % of the total electrical energy has been generated from renewable energy sources within the European Union. In this context, wind turbines are of great importance. Especially in Germany, the number of these installations has continuously increased in the last years. Therefore, it is particularly important to have clear legal regulations for noise protection by wind turbines. Wind turbines with a height of more than 50 m are subject to licensing pursuant to the German Federal Immission Control Act. Assessment of noise immissions from wind turbines is carried out according to a General Administrative Provision to the Federal Immission Control Act, which is called ̮Technical Instructions on Noise Abatement - TA NoiseŁ. It describes the methods for the determination and the assessment of noise caused by industrial or commercial installations, including wind turbines. These regulations will be explained in detail. Moreover, the low-frequency noise immissions of wind turbines will be discussed and evaluated. Quelle: PROCEEDINGS of the 22nd International Congress on AcousticsVeröffentlichung Aircraft noise protection strategy in Germany(2016) Myck, Thomas; Thierbach, Roman; Weinandy, ReneVeröffentlichung Transposition of CNOSSOS-EU into german law(2019) Myck, Thomas; Weinandy, RenéVeröffentlichung Infraschall von Windenergieanlagen(2021) Myck, Thomas; Wothge, JördisWindenergieanlagen sind für eine nachhaltige Energieversorgung wichtig. Bei der Errichtung und dem Betrieb dieser Anlagen stehen die gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen von Infraschall häufig im Fokus öffentlicher Diskussionen. Geräuschmessungen und Lärmwirkungsstudien zeigen, dass die Infraschallpegel von Windenergieanlagen unterhalb der menschlichen Wahrnehmungsschwelle liegen. Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Forschung gibt es keine Evidenz dafür, dass durch Infraschall von Windenergieanlagen gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen verursacht werden. Allerdings liegen bisher nur die Ergebnisse von Querschnittsstudien und experimentellen Untersuchungen vor. Es sollten daher epidemiologische Langzeitstudien in der Umgebung von Windenergieanlagen durchgeführt werden, um mögliche bislang nicht bekannte Langzeiteffekte zu identifizieren. Das Umweltbundeamt (UBA) beabsichtigt, im Jahr 2021 ein vorbereitendes Forschungsvorhaben für eine solche Untersuchung zu vergeben. UMID : Umwelt und Mensch - Informationsdienst ; Umwelt & Gesundheit, Umweltmedizin, Verbraucherschutz / Boden- und Lufthygiene (Berlin) Institut für Wasser- - (2021), Heft 1, Seite 95