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    Sustainable resource use and the projected development of PV
    (2013) Günther, Jens; Lehmann, Harry
    Climate protection, the transformation of the energy system, the sustainable use of natural resources and increasing resource efficiency are main strategic policy fields in the EU and the member countries. Whereas the expansion of PV electricity supply is clearly fostering the first two strategic fields, negative effects on the latter may occur. The expected expansion requires significant amounts of raw materials and other resources. This raises questions on raw material supply, but also hampers the target achievement on resource efficiency and trade-offs to different environmental policies may occur. Whereas the topic of raw material supply is already under intensive investigation, the questions on synergies and trade-offs coming along with the PV expansion are rarely explored. Several research projects on behalf of the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) were analyzing different aspects in the context of environmental feasible expansion of PV in Germany. Based on selected results, we highlighted the interlinkages of PV expansion and resource use, evaluate the possible trade-offs and synergies to sustainable use of natural resources and conclude with implication for environmental policies, resource efficiency and suggestion for a resource efficient expansion of PV.


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    Archetypes of a 100% Renewable Energies Power Supply
    (2014) Lehmann, Harry; Nowakowski, Mark
    On the way to a low carbon or even carbon neutral society there are a number of possible paths depending on political and social priorities. The German Federal Environment Agency has therefore been analyzing several "archetypesŁ of a future RE-based power generation. Three radically different scenarios were developed in order to study the technical and ecological feasibility of Germany switching to an electricity supply based entirely on renewable sources by 2050. Apart from different generation structures, the studies assume different degrees of connection and interchange between regions in Germany as well as between Germany and other countries within a Pan-European network.With the "Regions NetworkŁ scenario it has been shown that a 100% RE-based power generation is technically and ecologically feasible (English short version: Here, all German regions make extensive use of their RE potentials. Energy efficiency compensates for the rise in consumption caused by economic growth, e-mobility, and the use of heat-pumps. The introduction of large-scale electricity storage such as Power-to-Gas and the utilization of demand side management potentials plus a well-developed national electricity transmission grid make substantial contributions to the balancing of load and production. The system dynamics between supply and demand were minutely analyzed over 4 consecutive years.
    In the "Local Energy AutarkyŁ scenario, small-scale decentralized energy systems use locally available RE sources to satisfy their power demand without being connected with each other or outside suppliers, i.e. without electricity imports to Germany.
    The "International Large ScaleŁ scenario addresses the question whether and to which extent a wider network reaching across Germany's borders can be beneficial in terms of the optimal use of REs, the large-scale balancing between fluctuating RE feed-in and load, and using storage potentials.
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    Archetypes of 100 % Renewable Energies Scenarios by 2050
    (2017) Lehmann, Harry; Nowakowski, Mark
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    Towards a resource efficient and greenhouse gas neutral Germany 2050
    (2018) Günther, Jens; Lehmann, Harry; Lorenz, Ullrich; Pfeiffer, David; Purr, Katja
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    Den Weg zu einem treibhausgasneutralen Deutschland ressourcenschonend gestalten
    (2019) Günther, Jens; Lehmann, Harry; Nissler, Diana; Nuss, Philip; Purr, Katja
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    Resource use in a post-fossil green Germany
    (2020) Dittrich, Monika; Schoer, Karl; Günther, Jens; Lehmann, Harry; Nuss, Philip
    Human life requires materials. Currently, the amount of used materials increases with the level of wealth. However, to mitigate climate change, the fossil-based economies have to change towards a post-fossil, circular, sustainable economy. This chapter analyses different strategies to decline resource consumption in the scenarios GreenEe, GreenLate, GreenMe, GreenLife and GreenSupreme. It presents the resulting primary and secondary resource consumption (RMC) and the demand of selected metals during the transformation process and in 2050. The chapter demonstrates that recycling, substitution and increasing efficiency are valuable measures to minimise material consumption. The consequence of the low ambitious level in GreenLate is a low decrease in material and metal consumption and a low degree of circularity of the economy. In contrast, ambitious technological changes as shown in GreenMe and particularly combined with lifestyle changes in GreenSupreme make it possible to achieve a strong decline of primary material demand. The resulting value of 5.7 tons per person (RMC) in GreenSupreme are clearly below the global average of 11.98 tons (in 2015) and in line with material consumption targets as discussed, for example, by Stefan Bringezu. A degree of 30% circularity in the physical economy and more is feasible with existing technologies. Quelle:
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    Pathways to a resource-efficient and greenhouse-gas-neutral Germany
    (2020) Günther, Jens; Nuss, Philip; Lehmann, Harry; Purr, Katja
    Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions continue to rise despite the implementation of climate protection measures. Global materials extraction is accelerating and contributes significantly to GHG-emissions and other environmental pressures. Raw materials such as metals, biomass, and non-metallic minerals are central in meeting the climate targets by 2050. This study investigates possible transformation pathways towards a GHG-neutral and resource-efficient Germany by 2050 using six scenarios. In all scenarios, a transformation towards 100% renewable energy (electricity, fuels, and feedstocks) takes place until 2050. By 2050, GHG-reductions of 95% to 97% is achieved compared to 1990. Raw materials consumption can be reduced by 56% to 70% compared to 2010. However, the demand for a range of metals central to the transformation will also increase. The results show that ambitious efforts and cross-sectoral cooperation at both national and international level are required to mitigate climate change and lower raw materials demands. Quelle:
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    RESCUE the Anthropocene
    (2020) Lehmann, Harry
    Human activities continue to cause a rise in Global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions despite the implementation of various climate protection measures. Currently, an estimated four out of nine planetary boundaries have now been crossed as a result of human activity, which would drive the Earth System into a much less hospitable state. The current tragedy is that improvement or turnaround in the global trends is not in sight. On the contrary, every year it gets more dramatic. Urgent action is needed to ensure that humanity preserves the life-giving functions of our natural environment. An ambitious study was conducted into the Resource-Efficient Pathways towards Greenhouse-Gas Neutrality (RESCUE). In the RESCUE study, a combination of five models was used, together with various sector-specific data, to carry out quantitative assessments of GHG emissions and raw materials requirements in six scenarios between 2010 and 2050. The RESCUE study produced scenarios which are archetypes of sustainable development and can serve as blueprints for the â€ÌGreat Transformationâ€Ì. The GreenSupreme is a scenario that will speed up the global achievement of sustainability goals. Not surprisingly, it would mean zero growth of the gross national product in the industrialised countries in the medium term. Without limiting our lifestyles we will not achieve the goals and global injustices will become increasingly severe. People today have recognised that quick action is necessary. More and more sectors, levels, parts of society, movements, countries, cities are beginning to take a different path. Quelle: