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  • Veröffentlichung
    Human biomonitoring initiative (HBM4EU): Human biomonitoring guidance values (HBM-GVs) derived for cadmium and its compounds
    (2021) Lamkarkach, Farida; Apel, Petra; Ougier, Eva; Garnier, Robert; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Lange, Rosa
    Aims The methodology agreed within the framework of the HBM4EU project is used in this work to derive HBM-GVs for the general population (HBM-GVGenPop) and for workers (HBM-GVWorker) exposed to cadmium (Cd) and its compounds. Methods For Cd, a significant number of epidemiological studies with doseââą Ìresponse relationships are available, in particular for kidney effects. These effects are described in terms of a relation between urinary Cd (U-Cd) or blood Cd (B-Cd) levels and low molecular weight proteinuria (LMWP) markers like beta-2-microglobulin (Î22M) and retinol-binding protein (RBP). In order to derive HBM-GVs for the general population and workers, an assessment of data from evaluations conducted by national or international organisations was undertaken. In this work, it appeared relevant to select renal effects as the critical effect for the both groups, however, differences between general population (including sensitive people) and workers (considered as an homogenous population of adults who should not be exposed to Cd if they suffer from renal diseases) required the selection of different key studies (i.e. conducted in general population for HBM-GVGenPop and at workplace for HBM-GVWorker). Results and conclusions For U-Cd, a HBM-GVGenPop of 1 (my)g/g creatinine (creat) is recommended for adults older than 50 years, based on a robust meta-analysis performed by EFSA (EFSA, 2009a). To take into account the accumulation of Cd in the human body throughout life, threshold or 'alert' values according to age were estimated for U-Cd. At workplace, a HBM-GVWorker of 2 (my)g/g creat is derived from the study of Chaumont et al., (2011) for U-Cd, and in addition to this recommendation a HBM-GVworker for B-Cd of 5 Ìg/L is also proposed. The HBM-GVWorker for U-Cd is similar to the biological limit value (BLV) set by the new amendment of the European Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive in June 2019 (2 (my)g/g creat for U-Cd). © 2021 The Authors
  • Veröffentlichung
    Time Patterns in Internal Human Exposure Data to Bisphenols, Phthalates, DINCH, Organophosphate Flame Retardants, Cadmium and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons in Europe
    (2023) Martin, Laura Rodriguez; Gilles, Liese; Helte, Emilie; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Lange, Rosa; Pack, Kim Laura; Schmidt, Phillipp; Vogel, Nina; Weber, Till
    Human biomonitoring (HBM) data in Europe are often fragmented and collected in different EU countries and sampling periods. Exposure levels for children and adult women in Europe were evaluated over time. For the period 2000-2010, literature and aggregated data were collected in a harmonized way across studies. Between 2011-2012, biobanked samples from the DEMOCOPHES project were used. For 2014-2021, HBM data were generated within the HBM4EU Aligned Studies. Time patterns on internal exposure were evaluated visually and statistically using the 50th and 90th percentiles (P50/P90) for phthalates/DINCH and organophosphorus flame retardants (OPFRs) in children (5-12 years), and cadmium, bisphenols and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in women (24-52 years). Restricted phthalate metabolites show decreasing patterns for children. Phthalate substitute, DINCH, shows a non-significant increasing pattern. For OPFRs, no trends were statistically significant. For women, BPA shows a clear decreasing pattern, while substitutes BPF and BPS show an increasing pattern coinciding with the BPA restrictions introduced. No clear patterns are observed for PAHs or cadmium. Although the causal relations were not studied as such, exposure levels to chemicals restricted at EU level visually decreased, while the levels for some of their substitutes increased. The results support policy efficacy monitoring and the policy-supportive role played by HBM. © 2023 by the authors