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  • Veröffentlichung
    Current levels and trends of selected EU Water Framework Directive priority substances in freshwater fish from the German environmental specimen bank
    (2016) Fliedner, Annette; Lohmann, Nina; Koschorreck, Jan; Rüdel, Heinz; Teubner, Diana; Wellmitz, Jörg
    Under the German environmental specimen bank programme bream (Abramis brama) were sampled in six German rivers and analysed for the priority hazardous substances dicofol, hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD), heptachlor þ heptachlor epoxide (HC þ HCE), polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and -furans and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCDD/Fs þ dl-PCBs), and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS). The aim was to assess compliance with the EU Water Framework Directive environmental quality standards for biota (EQSBiota) for the year 2013, and to analyse temporal trends for those substances that are of special concern. General compliance was observed for dicofol, HBCDD and HCBD whereas PBDEs exceeded the EQSBiota at all sites. For all other substances compliance in 2013 varied between locations. No assessment was possible for HC þ HCE at some sites where the analytical sensitivity was not sufficient to cover the EQSBiota. Trend analysis showed decreasing linear trends for HCB and PFOS at most sampling sites between 1995 and 2014 indicating that the emission reduction measures are effective. Mostly decreasing trends or constant levels were also observed for PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs. In contrast, increasing trends were detected for PBDEs and HBCDD which were especially pronounced at one Saar site located downstream of the industries and conurbation of Saarbrücken and V€olklingen. This finding points to new sources of emissions which should be followed in the coming years. Quelle:
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    Biota monitoring and the Water Framework Directive-can normalization overcome shortcomings in sampling strategies?
    (2016) Fliedner, Anette; Rüdel, Heinz; Teubner, Diana; Buchmeier, Geogia; Koschorreck, Jan; Lowis, Jaqueline; Heiss, Christiane; Wellmitz, Jörg
    We compare the results of different monitoring programs regarding spatial and temporal trends of priority hazardous substances of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). Fish monitoring data for hexachlorobenzene (HCB), mercury (Hg), and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) sampled in German freshwaters between the mid-1990s and 2014 were evaluated according to the recommendations of the 2014 adopted WFD guidance document on biota monitoring, i.e., normalization to 5 % lipid content (HCB) or 26 % dry mass (Hg, PFOS) and adjustment to trophic level (TL) 4. Data of the German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB) (annual pooled samples of bream) were compared to monitoring data of the German federal states (FS), which refer to individual fish of different species. Significant decreasing trends (p < 0.01) were detected for Hg in bream (Abramis brama) sampled by both, the ESB and the FS between 1993 and 2013 but not for FS samples comprising different fish species. Data for HCB and PFOS were more heterogeneous due to a smaller database and gave no consistent results. Obviously, normalization could not compensate differences in sampling strategies. The results suggest that the data treatment procedure proposed in the guidance document has shortcomings and emphasize the importance of highly standardized sampling programs in trend monitoring or whenever results between sites have to be compared. Quelle:
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    Bringing together raptor collections in Europe for contaminant research and monitoring in relation to chemicals regulations
    (2017) Movalli, Paola; Dekker, René; Koschorreck, Jan; Treu, Gabriele
    Raptors are good sentinels of environmental contamination and there is good capability for raptor biomonitoring in Europe. Raptor biomonitoring can benefit from natural history museums (NHMs), environmental specimen banks (ESBs) and other collections (e.g. specialist raptor specimen collections). Europe̷s NHMs, ESBs and other collections hold large numbers of raptor specimens and samples, covering long periods of time. These collections are potentially a valuable resource for contaminant studies over time and space. There are strong needs to monitor contaminants in the environment to support EU and national chemical management. However, data on raptor specimens in NHMs, ESBs and other collections are dispersed, few are digitised, and they are thus not easy to access. Specimen coverage is patchy in terms of species, space and time. Contaminant research with raptors would be facilitated by creating a framework to link relevant collections, digitising all collections, developing a searchable meta-database covering all existing collections, making them more visible and accessible for contaminant research. This would also help identify gaps in coverage and stimulate specimen collection to fill gaps in support of prioritised contaminant monitoring. Collections can further support raptor biomonitoring by making samples available for analysis on request. Quelle:
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    Assessment of seafood contamination under the marine strategy framework directive: contributions of the German environmental specimen bank
    (2018) Fliedner, Annette; Rüdel, Heinz; Knopf, Burkhard; Koschorreck, Jan
    Descriptor 9 (D9) of the European Union Marine Strategy Framework Directive refers to the compliance of contaminant levels in fish and other seafood of a defined marine region or subregion with human health threshold values. This requires georeferenced samples that are often difficult to obtain when relying on commercial fisheries or programs designed for monitoring human exposure. The present study examines whether georeferenced samples of blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) and eelpout (Zoarces viviparus) fillet of the German environmental specimen bank (ESB) can be used in this context. The suitability of the ESB samples, procedures, and analytical methods is evaluated with respect to D9 requirements. Based on ESB data for the D9 relevant contaminants Pb, Cd, Hg, â Ì4 PAHs, PCDD/Fs, dioxin-like (dl)-PCBs, and indicator non-dl-PCBs and the potentially relevant substances TBT, PFOS, PBDE, and HBCDD, the Good Environmental Status for D9 is assessed at the ESB sites in the North and Baltic Seas. The overall evaluation indicates that ESB samples are suitable for D9 assessment with the limitation that only coastal areas of the North and Baltic Seas are covered. Over a period of up to 30 years, concentrations of the D9 relevant contaminants were well below the maximum levels allowed for human consumption. © The Author(s) 2018
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    First evidence of anticoagulant rodenticides in fish and suspended particulate matter: spatial and temporal distribution in German freshwater aquatic systems
    (2018) Kotthoff, Matthias; Friesen, Anton; Rüdel, Heinz; Jürling, Heinrich; Koschorreck, Jan
    Anticoagulant rodenticides (ARs) have been used for decades for rodent control worldwide. Research on the exposure of the environment and accumulation of these active substances in biota has been focused on terrestrial food webs, but few data are available on the impact of ARs on aquatic systems and water organisms. To fill this gap, we analyzed liver samples of bream (Abramis brama) and co-located suspended particulate matter (SPM) from the German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB). An appropriate method was developed for the determination of eight different ARs, including first- and second-generation ARs, in fish liver and SPM. Applying this method to bream liver samples from 17 and 18 sampling locations of the years 2011 and 2015, respectively, five ARs were found at levels above limits of quantifications (LOQs, 0.2 to 2 ÎÌg kg-1). For 2015, brodifacoum was detected in 88% of the samples with a maximum concentration of 12.5 ÎÌg kg-1. Moreover, difenacoum, bromadiolone, difethialone, and flocoumafen were detected in some samples above LOQ. In contrast, no first generation AR was detected in the ESB samples. In SPM, only bromadiolone could be detected in 56% of the samples at levels up to 9.24 ÎÌg kg-1. A temporal trend analysis of bream liver from two sampling locations over a period of up to 23 years revealed a significant trend for brodifacoum at one of the sampling locations. © The Author(s) 2018
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    Spatial distribution and temporal trends of pharmaceuticals sorbed to suspended particulate matter of German rivers
    (2020) Boulard, Lise; Dierkes, Georg; Schlüsener, Michael P.; Koschorreck, Jan
    Although several studies confirmed a wide distribution of pharmaceuticals in rivers and streams, a limited knowledge is available about the partitioning of pharmaceuticals between the water phase and suspended particulate matter (SPM). To close this gap of knowledge, we developed and validated a sensitive and high throughput analytical method for the analysis of 57 pharmaceuticals, 42 metabolites and transformation products (TP) as well as the artificial sweetener acesulfame sorbed to SPM. The method was based on pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) followed by a clean-up via solvent exchange and detection via direct injection-reversed phase LC-MS/MS and freeze-drying-HILIC-MS/MS. Freundlich isotherms were determined for 90 analytes. All showed a linear sorption behavior. Distribution coefficients (Kd) ranged from 0.64 L/kg to 9300 L/kg. For 18 pharmaceuticals, Kd values were found to be above 100 L/kg. SPM of annual composite samples were analyzed to determine the pharmaceutical concentrations between 2005 and 2015 at four sites of the river Rhine: Weil, Iffezheim, Koblenz and Bimmen as well as between 2006 and 2015 at one site of the river Saar, at Rehlingen. In these SPM samples, up to 61 of the 100 analytes were detected with concentrations up to 190 ng/g d.w. (dry weight) for guanylurea, a transformation product of the antidiabetic metformin. For most analytes, increasing concentrations were found along the length of the Rhine and higher concentrations were measured in Rehlingen/Saar. Normalization of the data with the antiepileptic drug carbamazepine as an intrinsic tracer for municipal wastewater indicated possible industrial discharges for four analytes. For most pharmaceuticals, the annual concentrations exhibited a good correlation with the consumption volumes in Germany. © 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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    Retrospective analysis of cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes in archived German fish samples covering a period of two decades
    (2020) Radermacher, Georg; Böhnhardt, Anna; Rüdel, Heinz; Koschorreck, Jan; Wesch, Charlotte
    Cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes (cVMS) are widely applied chemicals used as intermediates in the production of silicon polymers or as ingredients in personal care products. cVMS are under scrutiny due to their environmental properties and their potential for long-range atmospheric transport, persistence and food web magnification. In 2018, the cVMS octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4), decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5) and dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane (D6) were identified as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) under the European REACH regulation. To obtain current data on the presence of cVMS in German waters, the spatial and temporal occurrence of D4, D5 and D6 in fillets of bream from major rivers archived in the German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB) was analyzed with a GC-ICP-MS/MS coupling method. The spatial comparison of 17 sites for the year 2017 revealed that highest cVMS burdens occurred in samples from the Saar river (near to the French/German border). cVMS levels in fish from a lake in northern Germany did not exceed the limits of detection. For selected sites, time series covering the period from 1995 to 2017 were investigated. In most years D5 concentrations in fish were clearly higher than the observed D4 and D6 concentrations. Overall maximum D4 and D5 concentrations (about 320 and 7600 ng gâ Ì1 wet weight, respectively) were found at one Saar site in 2009. In three of five analyzed time series D5 concentrations peaked 2007â€Ì2011. In recent years, cVMS levels in fish decreased at almost all sites. To allow an assessment of the relevance of the detected cVMS fish concentrations these were compared to environmental quality standards (EQS) for D4 and D5 which were recently enacted in the context of the Swedish implementation of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). The D5 EQS in fish was exceeded at four sites in several years in the investigated period and in the Saar even till 2017.
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    Nutzung der Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse des Biotamonitorings der Umweltprobenbank für die Umsetzung des WRRL-Fischmonitorings
    (2019) Fliedner, Annette; Rüdel, Heinz; Koschorreck, Jan
    Die Umweltprobenbank des Bundes (UPB) ist ein wichtiger Grundpfeiler der Umweltbeobachtung in Deutschland und ist bestrebt, die Länderbehörden bei neuen Anforderungen an das Umweltmonitoring zu unterstützen. So wurde eine Reihe von Studien durchgeführt, die für die Umsetzung des Wasserrahmenrichtlinien-Fischmonitorings von Interesse sind. Zum einen wurde die Wirksamkeit einer Datennormalisierung auf 26 % Trockenmasse (TM) oder 5 % Fettgehalt und Trophiestufe 4 (TS 4) erprobt, die im EU WRRL-Leitfaden Nr. 32 vorgeschlagen wird und dazu dienen soll, die Vergleichbarkeit heterogener Monitoringdaten zu erhöhen. Zum anderen wurde die Umrechnung von Schadstoffkonzentrationen im Filet auf Ganzfischkonzentrationen geprüft, um angepasste Risikobewertungen für Wildtiere und die menschliche Gesundheit zu ermöglichen. Darüber hinaus wurden die Einhaltung der Umweltqualitätsnormen (UQN) und die zeitlichen Verläufe der im Rahmen des WRRLFischmonitorings zu erfassenden organischen Stoffe an den 17 UPB-Messstellen (MS) in deutschen Flüssen und Seen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Normalisierung von Quecksilber- und PFOS-Daten auf 26 % TM die Vergleichbarkeit unterschiedlicher Datensätze nicht erhöht. Eine Normalisierung auf 5 % Fett bei lipophilen Stoffen hatte dagegen deutliche Effekte. Eine Standardisierung auf TS 4, die sich auf Standardwerte für die Trophiestufen der Fische stützt und nicht auf tatsächlich gemessenen TS- Werte, führte nicht zu einer erhöhten Vergleichbarkeit zwischen verschiedenen Fischarten. Die UQN von Dicofol, HBCDD und HCB wurden von Brassen aller MS eingehalten, während flächendeckende Überschreitungen für PBDE beobachtet wurden. Die UQN-Einhaltung der übrigen Stoffe war abhängig vom Standort. An den meisten MS hat die Belastung der Fische seit Anfang der 2000er Jahre abgenommen. In: Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft : KW ; Organ der DWA ; Wasser, Boden, Natur - 12 (2019), Heft 6, Seite 336
  • Veröffentlichung
    Chemicals of emerging concern in marine specimens of the German Environmental Specimen Bank
    (2020) Fliedner, Annette; Rüdel, Heinz; Dreyer, Annekatrin; Koschorreck, Jan
    Background Descriptor 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) (Directive 2008/56/EC) addresses the good environmental status with regard to pollution of marine waters by chemical contaminants. Commission decision (EU) 2017/848 lays down the criteria and methodological standards on good environmental status of marine waters. Member States, in regional or subregional cooperation, shall establish lists of relevant contaminants beside those already covered by the Water Framework Directive (WFD). To provide information on emerging contaminants in marine biota, the German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB) has compiled data of blue mussels and eelpouts from coastal sites in the North and Baltic Seas. Substances identified by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) as of emerging concern for the marine environment have been used as a starting point. Results and conclusions The study presents data of 19 emerging flame retardants and degradation products, 40 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and three cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes (cVMS). Among the emerging flame retardants, only Dec 602 was detected in all samples of 2015. Dec 604, Cl10-antiDP, 1,5-DPMA, EH-TBB, PBEB, TBP-AE, BATE, BTBPE and HBBz were constantly <†limit of quantification (LOQ). Time trends were barely detected. Legacy PBDE still dominates in most samples. PFAS concentrations were usually higher in samples from the North Sea sites compared to samples from the Baltic Sea. PFOS dominated in most samples. Increasing trends over time were detected for PFNA, PFDA and PFDoDA at the Baltic Sea site and for PFDA at one North Sea site. Concentrations of the cVMS D4, D5 and D6 were below the detection limit at the ESB sampling sites. Based on the results, it should be considered to include the emerging flame retardants DP and Dec 602 and the long-chain perfluoroalkyl substances PFNA, PFDA, PFUnDA and PFDoDA in a regular monitoring in the North and Baltic Seas. © The Author(s) 2020
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    Trends for plasticizers in German freshwater environments - Evidence for the substitution of DEHP with emerging phthalate and non-phthalate alternatives
    (2020) Koschorreck, Jan; Nagorka, Regine
    Plasticizers are marketed in high volumes and Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) is frequently detected in the environment and human populations. Industry had largely relied on DEHP until regulation started to restrict its marketing in 1999 due to environmental and human health concerns. The aim of this study was to obtain spatial-temporal trends for DEHP and its substitutes in German rivers. We have investigated suspended particulate matter (SPM) samples from the German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB) for the presence of 23 plasticizers, i.e. 17 phthalates and 6 non-phthalates. The samples were collected in the last 10 years at 13 sites in large river basins in Germany such as the Rhine, Elbe and Danube. A decrease in DEHP concentrations was observed at all sampling sites between the mid-2000s and 2017. The maximum concentration for DEHP was determined in 2006 in samples from Rehlingen/Saar (6720 ng/g dry weight (dw)). By 2017, the DEHP concentration in Rehlingen had dropped to 2080 ng/g dw. Currently, Diisononyl phthalate (DINP) is the plasticizer with the highest levels in the SPM samples (maximum value 4150 ng/g dw in Rehlingen/Saar). Our results show that novel plasticizers such as Diisononylcyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylate (DINCH) spread rapidly in surface waters after their market introduction. We have found several plasticizers of emerging concern in the environmental samples, the further use of which is currently under review under the EU chemicals regulation (REACH, registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals). In particular for Di(2-propylheptyl) phthalate (DPHP) a significant increase in concentration was observed at almost all sites between the mid-2000s and 2017, for example in Prossen/Elbe from 24 ng/g dw (2005) to 1380 ng/g dw (2017). © 2020 The Authors.