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  • Veröffentlichung
    Halogenated flame retardants in tree samples applied as bioindicators for atmospheric pollution
    (2018) Dreyer, Annekatrin; Neugebauer, Frank; Koschorreck, Jan; Rüdel, Heinz
    Coniferous shoots and deciduous tree leaf samples from 10 sites in Germany were taken in 2015 or 2016 within the German Environmental Specimen Bank sampling program and analysed for 24 polybrominated biphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and 19 additional halogenated flame retardants (HFRs). At one site, additional historic samples dating back till 2003 were also investigated. Samples were Soxhlet-extracted, cleaned-up by a non-destructive multi-step procedure involving gel permeation chromatography, and detected by GC-API-MS/MS as well as GC-MS. Besides PBDEs as classical HFRs, emerging HFRs such as Dechlorane Plus, DPTE, DBDPE, or ATE were region-wide observed demonstrating their widespread occurrence in the atmosphere. Highest concentrations in recent samples were found for DBDPE (<230-2760 pg g-1 dry weight (dw)) followed by DPTE (91-1540 pg g-1 dw), BDE209 (<156-461 pg g-1 dw), and BDE47 (<27-505 pg g-1 dw) or DP (31-122 pg g-1 dw). The overall uniform and widespread distribution as well as similar HFR levels and composition profiles observed in recent conifer shoots and corresponding deciduous tree leaves from the same area indicate a prolonged medium to long-range transport as sources. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that both tree types are generally suitable bioindicators for atmospheric pollution with HFRs, although accumulation may vary depending on HFR properties and accumulation period. The historic samples showed decreasing PBDE levels whereas no clear trend could be observed for other investigated HFRs at this site. © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Veröffentlichung
    Levels, accumulation patterns and retrospective trends of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in terrestrial ecosystems over the last three decades
    (2019) Falk, Sandy; Stahl, Thorsten; Fliedner, Annette; Koschorreck, Jan
    As a result of their ubiquitous presence in the environment perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) have been demonstrated in numerous organisms worldwide, in particular in those of higher trophic levels. The fact that PFAAs have been detected in various human matrices, together with the resultant potential human health risks, knowledge of possible paths of entry and distribution in various ecosystems, is of great importance. In this context pooled samples of terrestrial ecosystems - roe deer liver (n=141), earthworms (n=44) as well as leaves from beech and poplar trees (n=70) - from the year 1989-2015 were obtained from the German Environmental Specimen Bank and examined for the presence of 11 PFAAs for the first time. In addition to determining individual and total PFAA concentrations, temporal trends have been deduced in order to determine the effectiveness of regulatory measures. The highest total mean concentration of PFAAs (sum of the concentrations of the 11 analytes) were 9.9 (Mü)g/kg in the roe deer liver samples, followed by earthworm samples with a mean PFAA concentration of 3.5 (Mü)g/kg and leaves with a mean total concentration of 2.5 (Mü)g/kg. In regard to temporal trends there was a significant reduction of concentrations for perfluorooctane sulfonate, perfluorooctanoic acid, perfluorononanoic acid and perfluorodecanoic acid in roe deer liver from 2003 to 2015, an indication of the effectiveness of regulatory measures. The same is true for the perfluorooctane sulfonate concentrations in earthworms and for perfluorooctanoic acid concentrations in the leaves. In contrast, an increase in perfluorobutanoic acid concentrations was observed from 2003 to 2015 in all three matrices. In summary it must be noted that in spite of the discernible effectiveness of minimization strategies, PFAAs are still detectable in terrestrial matrices and concentrations of other PFAAs as perfluorobutanoic acid appear to be increasing. Quelle: