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Gerade angezeigt 1 - 8 von 8
  • Veröffentlichung
    Die Ernte einfahren
    (2016) Glante, Frank; Makeschin, Franz
  • Veröffentlichung
    Vorsorge im Bodenschutz - quo vadis?
    (2015) Glante, Frank
  • Veröffentlichung
    Auf dem Boden bleiben
    (2018) Glante, Frank; Makeschin, Franz
  • Veröffentlichung
    10 Forderungen für einen zukunftsweisenden und nachhaltigen Bodenschutz
    (2018) Glante, Frank; Hansjürgens, Bernd; Mathews, Jeannette
    Seit 2007 führt die Kommission Bodenschutz beim Umweltbundesamt (KBU) anlässlich des Weltbodentages Veranstaltungen zu aktuellen Themen durch. Besondere Höhepunkte waren zum Beispiel die Veranstaltungen zum Beginn und Abschluss vom Internationalen Jahr des Bodens in 2014/2015 sowie zu den Themen "Ernährung" (2012) oder "Urbanisierung" (2016). Im vergangenen Jahr hat sich die Kommission das Thema "Verantwortung für die Böden" auf die Fahne geschrieben. Die verschiedenen Rechtsträger der Kirche zählen zusammengenommen neben dem Staat zu den größten Eigentümern an landwirtschaftlichem Grundbesitz in Deutschland. Damit ist die Kirche ein bisher wenig beachteter, aber wichtiger Partner beim gemeinsamen Ringen um die gesellschaftliche Wertschätzung der nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft und dem Bodenschutz. Die Aktionen im 500. Jahr der Reformation boten einen passenden Anlass und Rahmen für die KBU, hierzu mit der Kirche in den Dialog zu treten. Vorsorge für unsere Böden - die Tagung eröffnete eine neue Sicht auf unser Verhältnis zum Boden als Grundlage für eine ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Gerechtigkeit und sie zeigte auf, wo gemeinsames Handeln zwingend erforderlich ist. © 2018 Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
  • Veröffentlichung
    The earth print archive
    (2019) Beier, Betty; Wessolek, Gerd; Glante, Frank
  • Veröffentlichung
    Landscapes, their exploration and utilisation
    (2019) Mueller, Lothar; Eulenstein, Frank; Mirschel, Wilfried; Glante, Frank
    A new geological epoch has begun - the Anthropocene. Huge anthropogenic transformations of terrestrial landscapes over the past five decades have forced its declaration. Exploring of interaction of humans with nature in general, and with landscapes in particular, can be characterised properly by the terms "landscape research" and "landscape science". Landscape science has been a traditional scientific discipline of geography. This is the case in Russia, whilst the terms geo-ecology and landscape ecology have become established in the English-speaking scientific community. As landscapes are multifunctional, highly complex systems, landscape research is a platform for disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research. Landscape research in the Anthropocene must aim to combine landscape sustainability with high quality and productivity. This mission is in accord with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and the provisions of the Landscape Convention of the European Council. It includes halting landscape degradation, developing cultural landscapes and maintaining semi-natural landscapes. Clean water and air, fertile and healthy soils for food and other ecosystem services and a green and biodiverse environment are attributes of landscapes for the survival and well-being of humans in coexistence with nature. Landscape research must generate knowledge, innovations and responsible decision rules for achieving these aims. Big data gathering and scenario modelling are important for knowledge generation in a globalised world. International long-term experiments, observatories and monitoring systems will deliver data for comprehensive ecosystem models and decision support systems. Technical innovations must be imbedded in cultural solutions for the evolvement of landscapes. Springer International's new book series "Innovations in Landscape Research" aims to support better understanding, monitoring and managing landscapes. It contains a multitude of approaches and data. Some focus is on technical innovations for agri-environmental monitoring, on land and water management and its implications for landscape sustainability. Authors present novel tools for ecosystem modelling and forecasting of landscape processes, and on creating knowledge, rules and approaches for handling the multifunctionality of landscapes. The coming book series may serve as a knowledge, data and communication basis for informed decisions regarding the development of landscapes. It will enlarge our horizon and field of action by building bridges between scientific communities, scientific disciplines, and researchers and citizens. Quelle:
  • Veröffentlichung
    Soil and biodiversity - demands on politics
    (2020) Glante, Frank; Berger, Michael; Mathews, Jeanette; Sommer, Rolf
    During the conference 'Rediscovering the soil with Alexander von Humboldt. Soil and Biodiversity - Everything is connected with everything' in Berlin on December 5, 2019, a political statement was prepared as a major result of the discussion. Many important German organisations for nature conservation and soil protection (Tab. 1) signed this political statement in the spring of 2020. A translated version of 'Boden und Biodiversität - Forderungen an die Politik' is presented here, as it addresses the German and the EU common agricultural and conservational policy. Source: