2 Ergebnisse
Veröffentlichung Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the German environment - Levels and patterns in different matrices(2020) Kotthoff, Matthias; Biegel-Engler, Annegret; Fliedner, Annette; Rüdel, Heinz; Koschorreck, JanPer- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the environment mostly originate from emissions of previously unregulated PFAS. However, there are also many documented incidents of accidental releases. To track such releases, it is essential to distinguish between typical background contamination and legally relevant incidents. This requires a comprehensive overview of all PFAS present in the environment, which is currently only possible to a limited extent due to the large variety of individual compounds. In the present study, a multimethod for capturing 41 PFAS including perfluoroalkyl acid (PFAA) precursors is introduced. The applicability of the method was tested on terrestrial, freshwater and marine samples from the German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB), thereby providing a rough overview of PFAS contamination in German environment. Special focus was put on soil samples from ESB sites across Germany in comparison to soil samples from a polluted site in south-west Germany. The method was successfully applied to environmental samples. In total, 31 PFAS were detected, among them PFAA precursors and fluorinated ethers. Substance patterns differed between sites and matrices. In ESB soil samples from 2014 (n = 11), the sum of all captured PFAS ranged between 0.75 and 19.5 (my)g kg-1 dry weight (dw), while concentrations between 416 (my)g kg-1 and 3530 (my)g kg-1 were detected in samples from the incident site (n = 10). In other matrices, total PFAS concentrations were magnitudes lower. Highest concentrations were observed for PFOS in bream livers from the Saale (226 (my)g kg-1). Given the heterogeneous patterns, it will require further broadly-based monitoring data to allow for a solid estimation of relevant background levels. The data provided here may support the differentiation between background levels and hotspot contaminations. ©2020 The AuthorsVeröffentlichung Exploring unknown per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the German environment - The total oxidizable precursor assay as helpful tool in research and regulation(2021) Göckener, Bernd; Fettig, Ina; Fliedner, Annette; Rüdel, Heinz; Koschorreck, JanLimnetic, marine and soil samples of the German environmental specimen bank (ESB) were analyzed for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) using target analysis and a modified total oxidizable precursor (TOP) assay (direct TOP assay (dTOP)) that works without prior extraction. Target analysis determined (Sigma)PFAS concentrations in bream livers of 8.7-282 (my)g kg-1 wet weight (ww) in 2019, with highest contaminations in the Rhine and lower Elbe. In bream fillet, concentrations were lower (<0.5-10.6 (my)g kg-1 (Sigma)PFAS). Contamination of suspended particulate matter (SPM) was highest in the upper Elbe downstream the Czech border (5.5 (my)g kg-1 dry weight (dw) in 2018). Herring gull eggs from the North and Baltic Seas showed (Sigma)PFAS levels around 53.0-69.6 (my)g kg-1 ww in 2019. In soil, concentrations ranged between <0.5 and 4.6 (my)g kg-1 dw with highest levels in the Dueben Heath near Leipzig and the low mountain range Solling. PFOS dominated in most samples. Of the targeted precursors, only FOSA, EtFOSAA, MeFOSAA, 6:2-FtS and 6:2 diPAP were found. Replacement chemicals (ADONA, HFPO-DA, F-53B) were not detected. The dTOP assay revealed that considerable amounts of precursors were present at most riverine sampling sites. Particularly high precursor concentrations were observed in samples from the Upper Elbe at the Czech border and the Upper and Middle Rhine. In herring gull eggs and most soil samples, though, concentrations of precursors were low. Time trend analysis showed decreasing trends for most detected PFAS since 2005. In SPM, however, C4-C6 perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids seem to increase indicating growing use of precursors based on shorter fluorinated chains. The results demonstrate that target analysis detects only a minor fraction of the PFAS burdens in environmental samples. The dTOP assay can support risk assessment and chemical monitoring with more comprehensive exposure data of the actual contamination. © 2021 The Author(s).