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  • Veröffentlichung
    Integration von Geschlecht in die Forschung zu umweltbezogener Gesundheit. Ergebnisse des interdisziplinären Forschungsnetzwerks Geschlecht - Umwelt - Gesundheit (GeUmGe-NET)
    (2018) Bolte, Gabriele; David, Madlen; Debiak, Malgorzata; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike
    Die umfassende Berücksichtigung von Geschlecht (biologische und soziale Dimensionen) in der Gesundheitsforschung ist essenziell, um Relevanz und Validität der Forschungsergebnisse zu erhöhen. Im Unterschied zu anderen Bereichen der Gesundheitsforschung fehlt bislang eine systematische Aufarbeitung des Forschungsstandes zur Bedeutung von Geschlecht bei umweltbezogener Gesundheit. In dem interdisziplinären Forschungsnetzwerk Geschlecht - Umwelt - Gesundheit (GeUmGe-NET) wurde in ausgewählten Themenfeldern der Forschungsbereiche Umwelttoxikologie, Umweltmedizin, Umweltepidemiologie und Public-Health-Forschung zu Umwelt und Gesundheit der aktuelle Stand zur Integration von Geschlechteraspekten bzw. Genderkonzepten systematisch erhoben. In allen Bereichen wurden Wissenslücken und Forschungsbedarfe identifiziert sowie Potenziale für methodische Weiterentwicklungen durch Nutzung von Genderkonzepten aufgezeigt. Mit dem Forschungsnetzwerk GeUmGe-NET wurde ein Dialog zwischen biomedizinisch bzw. Public-Health-orientierter Gesundheitsforschung und sozialwissenschaftlicher Genderforschung begonnen. Dieser Dialog ist weiterzuführen, insbesondere hinsichtlich der gemeinsamen Erprobung methodischer Innovationen bei Datenerhebung und Datenanalyse. Erkenntnisse aus dieser interdisziplinären Forschung sind relevant für die Praxisfelder umweltbezogener Gesundheitsschutz, Gesundheitsförderung, Umweltgerechtigkeit und umweltbezogene Gesundheitsberichterstattung. © Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2018
  • Veröffentlichung
    Sex and gender approaches in environmental health research: two exemplary case studies of the German environment agency
    (2019) Debiak, Malgorzata; Groth, Katrin; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Sauer, Arn Thorben; Tobollik, Myriam; Wintermeyer, Dirk
    Engaging with the analytical categories of sex and gender in environmental health studies remains challenging in practice but promising with regards to research excellence and scientific benefit. The German Environment Agency reports on two case studies navigating this complex interaction in the fields of health risk assessment of environmental stressors and human biomonitoring studies. It is apparent that the levels of integration of the sex/gender theories and sex/gender data are differently advanced in research. In some areas the collection of sex-disaggregated data has just begun, whereas in others research started engaging with newer gender theories such as embodiment or intersectionality. The practical applications and obstacles in incorporating sex and gender dimensions into environmental health studies are presented and discussed. Quelle:
  • Veröffentlichung
    Integrating sex/gender into environmental health research
    (2021) Bolte, Gabriele; Jacke, Katharina; Groth, Katrin; Debiak, Malgorzata; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike
    There is a growing awareness about the need to comprehensively integrate sex and gender into health research in order to enhance the validity and significance of research results. An in-depth consideration of differential exposures and vulnerability is lacking, especially within environmental risk assessment. Thus, the interdisciplinary team of the collaborative research project INGER (inte-grating gender into environmental health research) aimed to develop a multidimensional sex/gen-der concept as a theoretically grounded starting point for the operationalization of sex and gender in quantitative (environmental) health research. The iterative development process was based on gender theoretical and health science approaches and was inspired by previously published concepts or models of sex-and gender-related dimensions. The INGER sex/gender concept fulfills the four theoretically established prerequisites for comprehensively investigating sex and gender aspects in population health research: multidimensionality, variety, embodiment, and intersectional-ity. The theoretical foundation of INGER's multidimensional sex/gender concept will be laid out, as well as recent sex/gender conceptualization developments in health sciences. In conclusion, by building upon the latest state of research of several disciplines, the conceptual framework will significantly contribute to integrating gender theoretical concepts into (environmental) health research, improving the validity of research and, thus, supporting the promotion of health equity in the long term. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
  • Veröffentlichung
    Lysmeral Exposure in Children and Adolescences Participating in the German Environmental Survey (2012-2015): integrating sex/gender into analysis
    (2022) Fichter, Sophie; Fiedler, Nina; Groth, Katrin; Debiak, Malgorzata; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike
  • Veröffentlichung
    Operationalization of a multidimensional sex/gender concept for quantitative environmental health research and implementation in the KORA study: Results of the collaborative research project INGER
    (2023) Kraus, Ute; Jacke, Katharina; Dandolo, Lisa; Fichter, Sophie; Debiak, Malgorzata; Groth, Katrin; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike
    Background: In environmental health research, sex and gender are not yet adequately considered. There is a need to improve data collection in population-based environmental health studies by comprehensively surveying sex/gender-related aspects according to gender theoretical concepts. Thus, within the joint project INGER we developed a multidimensional sex/gender concept which we aimed to operationalize and to test the operationalization for feasibility. Methods: In an iterative process, we created questionnaire modules which quantitatively captured the requirements of the INGER sex/gender concept. We deployed it in the KORA cohort (Cooperative Health Research in the Region of Augsburg, Germany) in 2019 and evaluated response and missing rates. Results: The individual sex/gender self-concept was surveyed via a two-step approach that asked for sex assigned at birth and the current sex/gender identity. Additionally, we used existing tools to query internalized sex/gender roles and externalized sex/gender expressions. Adapted to the KORA population, we asked for discrimination experiences and care and household activities contributing to explain structural sex/gender relations. Further intersectionality-related social categories (e.g., socio-economic position), lifestyle and psychosocial factors were covered through data available in KORA. We could not identify appropriate tools to assess the true biological sex, sexual orientation and ethnic/cultural identity, which have yet to be developed or improved. The response-rate was 71%, the evaluation of 3,743 questionnaires showed a low missing rate. Prevalence of marginalized groups regarding sex/gender identity and definable by experiences of discrimination was very low. Conclusion: We have shown how the multidimensional INGER sex/gender concept can be operationalized according to an European and North American understanding of sex/gender for use in quantitative research. The questionnaire modules proved feasible in an epidemiologic cohort study. Being a balancing act between theoretical concepts and its quantitative implementation our operationalization paves the way for an adequate consideration of sex/gender in environmental health research. © 2023 Kraus, Jacke, Dandolo, Debiak, Fichter, Groth, Kolossa-Gehring, Hartig, Horstmann, Schneider, Palm and Bolte