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    Learning from previous work and finding synergies in the domains of public and environmental health
    (2020) David, Madlen; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Reiber, Lena; Schwedler, Gerda
    Background During the last decade, the European Union initiated several projects in the domains of public and environmental health. Within this framework, BRIDGE Health (Bridging Information and Data Generation for Evidence-based Health policy and Research) and HBM4EU (European human biomonitoring initiative) have been implemented. Whereas, the focus of BRIDGE Health was towards a sustainable and integrated health information system (HIS), the aim of HBM4EU is to improve evidence of the internal exposure of European citizens to environmental chemicals by human biomonitoring (HBM) and the impact of internal exposure on health. As both, environmental and public health determinants are important for health promotion, disease prevention and policy, BRIDGE Health and HBM4EU have overlapping aims and outcomes. In order to improve health information regarding public health and environmental health issues, best use and exchange of respective networks and project results is necessary. Methods Both projects have implemented health information (HI) and HBM tasks in order to provide adequate environmental and public health information of the European population. Synergies of the projects were identified in the working progress and because of overlapping networks and experts a focused analysis of both projects was envisaged. This paper elaborates on the aims and outcomes of both projects and the benefit of merging and channelling research results for the use of better health information and policy making that may be of relevance for any other project in these research fields. Results The need for focused exchanges and collaborations between the projects were identified and benefits of exchanges were highlighted for the specific areas of indicator development, linkage of data repositories and the combination of HBM studies and health examination surveys (HES). Further recommendations for a European wide harmonisation among different tasks in the fields of public health and environmental health are being developed. Conclusions Lessons learned from HBM4EU and BRIDGE Health show that continuous efforts must be undertaken, also by succeeding projects, to guarantee the exchange between public health and environmental health issues. Networks covering both are essential to provide better evidence of knowledge. The experiences from BRIDGE Health and HBM4EU give a valuable input for any future activity in these domains. Avoiding overlaps and streamlining further exchange of public health and environmental health contributes to best use of research results and allows to develop new strategies and tools for improvement of health information and thus enhances people's health and well-being. © The Author(s).
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    Chemical prioritisation strategy in the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) - Development and results
    (2021) Ougier, Eva; David, Madlen; Ganzleben, Catherine; Lecoq, Pierre; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Lange, Rosa
    The European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU1) has established a European Union-wide human biomonitoring (HBM) programme to generate knowledge on human internal exposure to chemical pollutants and their potential health impacts in Europe, in order to support policy makers' efforts to ensure chemical safety and improve health in Europe. A prioritisation strategy was necessary to determine and meet the most important needs of both policy makers and risk assessors, as well as common national needs of participating countries and a broad range of stakeholders. This strategy consisted of three mains steps: 1) mapping of knowledge gaps identified by policy makers, 2) prioritisation of substances using a scoring system, and 3) generation of a list of priority substances reflective of the scoring, as well as of public policy priorities and available resources. For the first step, relevant ministries and agencies at EU and national levels, as well as members of the Stakeholder Forum each nominated up to 5 substances/substance groups of concern for policy-makers. These nominations were collated into a preliminary list of 48 substances/substance groups, which was subsequently shortened to a list of 23 after considering the total number of nominations each substance/substance group received and the nature of the nominating entities. For the second step, a panel of 11 experts in epidemiology, toxicology, exposure sciences, and occupational and environmental health scored each of the substances/substance groups using prioritisation criteria including hazardous properties, exposure characteristics, and societal concern. The scores were used to rank the 23 substances/substance groups. In addition, substances were categorised according to the level of current knowledge about their hazards, extent of human exposure (through the availability of HBM data), regulatory status and availability of analytical methods for biomarker measurement. Finally, in addition to the ranking and categorisation of the substances, the resources available for the project and the alignment with the policy priorities at European level were considered to produce a final priority list of 9 substances/substance groups for research activities and surveys within the framework of the HBM4EU project. Quelle: © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier GmbH
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    The European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU): Human biomonitoring guidance values (HBM-GVs) for the aprotic solvents N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) and N-ethyl-2-pyrrolidone (NEP)
    (2021) Apel, Petra; Gerofke, Antje; David, Madlen; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Lange, Rosa
    Toxicologically and/or epidemiologically derived guidance values referring to the internal exposure of humans are a prerequisite for an easy to use health-based interpretation of human biomonitoring (HBM) results. The European Joint Programme HBM4EU derives such values, named human biomonitoring guidance values (HBM-GVs), for priority substances which could be of regulatory relevance for policy makers and have been identified by experts of the participating countries, ministries, agencies and stakeholders at EU and national level. NMP and NEP are such substances for which unresolved policy relevant issues should be clarified by targeted research. Since widespread exposure of the general population in Germany to NMP and NEP was shown for the age groups 3-17 years and 20-29 years, further investigations on exposure to NMP and NEP in other European countries are warranted. The HBM-GVs derived for both solvents focus on developmental toxicity as decisive endpoint. They amount for the sum of the two specific urinary NMP metabolites 5-HNMP and 2-HMSI and likewise of the two specific urinary NEP metabolites 5-HNEP and 2-HESI to 10 mg/L for children and 15 mg/L for adolescents/adults. The values were determined following a consultation process on the value proposals within HBM4EU. A health-based risk assessment was performed using the newly derived HBM-GVGenPop and exposure data from two recent studies from Germany. The risk assessment revealed that even when considering the combined exposure to both substances by applying the Hazard Index approach, the measured concentrations are below the HBM-GVGenPop in all cases investigated (i.e., children, adolescents and young adults). © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier GmbH.
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    From science to policy: how European HBM indicators help to answer policy questions related to phthalates and DINCH exposure
    (2022) Gerofke, Antje; David, Madlen; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike; Schmidt, Phillipp; Vogel, Nina
    Within the European Human Biomonitoring (HBM) Initiative HBM4EU we derived HBM indicators that were designed to help answering key policy questions and support chemical policies. The result indicators convey information on chemicals exposure of different age groups, sexes, geographical regions and time points by comparing median exposure values. If differences are observed for one group or the other, policy measures or risk management options can be implemented. Impact indicators support health risk assessment by comparing exposure values with health-based guidance values, such as human biomonitoring guidance values (HBM-GVs). In general, the indicators should be designed to translate complex scientific information into short and clear messages and make it accessible to policy makers but also to a broader audience such as stakeholders (e.g. NGO's), other scientists and the general public. Based on harmonized data from the HBM4EU Aligned Studies (2014-2021), the usefulness of our indicators was demonstrated for the age group children (6-11 years), using two case examples: one phthalate (Diisobutyl phthalate: DiBP) and one non-phthalate substitute (Di-isononyl cyclohexane-1,2- dicarboxylate: DINCH). For the comparison of age groups, these were compared to data for teenagers (12-18 years), and time periods were compared using data from the DEMOCOPHES project (2011-2012). Our result indicators proved to be suitable for demonstrating the effectiveness of policy measures for DiBP and the need of continuous monitoring for DINCH. They showed similar exposure for boys and girls, indicating that there is no need for gender focused interventions and/or no indication of sex-specific exposure patterns. They created a basis for a targeted approach by highlighting relevant geographical differences in internal exposure. An adequate data basis is essential for revealing differences for all indicators. This was particularly evident in our studies on the indicators on age differences. The impact indicator revealed that health risks based on exposure to DiBP cannot be excluded. This is an indication or flag for risk managers and policy makers that exposure to DiBP still is a relevant health issue. HBM indicators derived within HBM4EU are a valuable and important complement to existing indicator lists in the context of environment and health. Their applicability, current shortcomings and solution strategies are outlined. © 2022 The Authors
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    HBM4EU feasibility studies: Lessons learned in combining health and human biomonitoring studies
    (2023) Elonheimo, Hanna; David, Madlen; Uusitalo, Karoliina; Moore, Sonja; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike
    Background: The European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) is a joint program evaluating humans-exposure to several environmental substances and their potential health effects. One of the main objectives ofHBM4EU is to make use of human biomonitoring (HBM) to assess human exposure to chemicals in Europe tobetter understand the associated health impacts and to improve chemical risk assessment. In parallel to HBMstudies, health examination surveys (HESs), nutrition/dietary surveys, and disease specific health surveys areconducted in many European countries. In HESs, information collected by questionnaire(s) is supplemented withphysical examinations and analysis of clinical and biological biomarkers in biological samples. HBM and healthexamination survey (HES) use similar data collection methods and infrastructures hence the feasibility ofcombining these two is explored in this paper. Methods: Within HBM4EU, three feasibility studies (in Finland, Germany, and UK/England) were conducted toevaluate opportunities and obstacles of combining HBM and health studies. In this paper we report lessonslearned from these feasibility studies. Results: The Finnish feasibility study called KouBio-KUOPIO study was a new initiative without links to existingstudies. The German feasibility study added a HBM module to the first follow-up examination of the LIFE-Adult-Study, a population-based cohort study. The UK feasibility integrates a sustainable HBM module into the HealthSurvey for England (HSfE), an annual health examination survey. Benefits of combining HBM and HESs includethe use of shared infrastructures. Furthermore, participants can receive additional health information from HES,and participation rates tend to be higher due to the potential to obtain personal health information. Preparatoryphases including obtaining ethical approval can be time-consuming and complicated. Recruitment of participantsand low participation rates are common concerns in survey research and therefore designing user-friendly. 2022 The Authors
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    HBM4EU results support the Chemicals' Strategy for Sustainability and the Zero-Pollution Action Plan
    (2023) Vicente, Joana Lobo; David, Madlen; Ganzleben, Catherine; Gasol, Roser; Gerofke, Antje; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike
    One of the major goals of the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) was to bridge the gap between science and policy by consulting both policy makers and national scientists and generating evidence of the actual exposure of residents to chemicals and whether that exposure would be suggest a potential health risk. Residents' perspectives on chemical exposure and risk were also investigated. HBM4EU's research was designed to answer specific short-term and long-term policy questions at national and European levels, and for its results to directly support regulatory action on chemicals. A strategy was established to prioritise chemicals for analysis in human matrices, with a total of 18 substances/substance groups chosen to be investigated throughout the five-and a -half-year project. HBM4EU produced new evidence of human exposure levels, developed reference values for exposure, investigated determinants of exposure and derived health-based guidance values for those substances. In addition, HBM4EU promoted the use of human biomonitoring data in chemical risk assessment and developed innovative tools and methods linking chemicals to possible health impacts, such as effect biomarkers. Furthermore, HBM4EU advanced understand of effects from combined exposures and methods to identify emerging chemicals. With the aim of supporting policy implementation, science-to-policy workshops were organised, providing opportunities for joint reflection and dialogue on research results. I, and indicators were developed to assess temporal and spatial patterns in the exposure of European population. A sustainable human biomonitoring monitoring framework, producing comparable quality assured data would allow: the evaluation of time trends; the exploration of spatial trends: the evaluation of the influence of socio-economic conditions on chemical exposure. Therefore, such a framework should be included in the European Chemicals' Strategy for Sustainability and the data would support the Zero Pollution Action Plan. © 2023 The Authors